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Ref: UTI-P001 v5

Free Publication(s) Order Form

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Membership no. (if any): *CCPDC / HKIUS

I would like to request and order for the following item(s):

Publication(s)** Please refer to P.2 for the code of disciplines / Qty per
set / Required
1. Particular Specifications fordisciplines A-E / (5in1)
2. Method Statements fordisciplines A-E / (5in1)
3. Work Procedures fordisciplines A-E / (5in1)
4. Guidelines fordisciplines A-M (except PM, only 1 set can be offered
to each corporation) / (12in1)
5. Pamphlets fordisciplines A-M (except PM) / (12in1)
6. Forms for disciplines A-E / (5in1)
7. CD for item 1 to 6 listed above / 1 no.
8. Conference Paper Proceeding for “The International Conference on
Utility Management and Safety”
- *1st ICUMAS 2009 / 2nd ICUMAS 2011 (please delete as appropriated)
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Company Name: ______

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For priced items, HKIUS member will enjoy a discount of 30%off excluding postal fee.

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