Michiana Village Council

Date: August 10, 2012

CALL TO ORDER - 2:00p.m.

ROLL CALL: President Beverly Bruesch, President Pro-Tem Timothy Iverson, Council Members;Linda Stein,Phil Bonello and Hillary Herbst.Anne Heywood/Clerk, Jan Lausch-Zilke /Treasurer, Police Chief Lyn Papke and Superintendant, Rick Reitz

Absent: N/A

Motion by Tim Iverson to approve meeting minutes from July 13, 2012, second by Linda Stein; motion passed unanimously.

ADDITIONS/DELETIONS – Building Fee Update and Fence Ordinance from May 12,2011 final reading.



  1. Building Inspector Report – Amonthly inspection reportwas provided showing the progress of 6 permits that had been issued; 3 have been completed, 2 were new homes and the latest permit is a pool and fence going in on Michiana Drive.
  1. Treasurer’s Report - Jan Lausch-Zilke provided a treasurer report and mentioned the Auditors would be here sometime in October. Jan also provided a report showing the Village financial situation from June 2009 through June 2012. She was very proud of the Village’s future considering where the Village was a couple of years ago.
  1. Tree Inspector Report- Kris Wulff. Wulff not present
  1. Fire Chief Report–Chief James Imes read the report for Michiana Shores Volunteer Fire Department. (report provided).
  1. Finance Committee Report - Rich Shepherd not present.
  1. Water Authority Commission Report- Carol Shepherd talked about three homeowners who tampered with turning on or off their waterfrom the Village main line. This act is against Homeland Security. There is a Village Ordinance regarding this issue anda $200 fine. Rick will direct a letter to these homeowners with a copy of the ordinance attached.
  1. Police Commission Report- George Hermelink not present.
  1. Police Report - Chief Lyn Papke reported the Officers to date have written 30 citations and 22 warnings. A resident asked if citation would be written for items tied to the stairs at the beach stops. Chief Papke said no citation have written but homeowners have until October 15, to remove all items from the stops. After that the street department will dispose of them.
  1. Public Works/Water Authority Report by Superintendant Rick Reitz reported that July water usage was at its highest. Rick mentioned a few projects in the works; Cleaning up brush in the Village, replacing the window in the police office;replacing stop signsin the Village doing them in three phases, putting afencing in at Stop 41 waiting for holes to be dug. Stop 43 washout from the heavy rains, waiting for response from DEQ on what we could do. Reported that the street paving will start the week of August 20. Beverly Bruesch asked Rick since the water meter project is complete andit takes less than 3 hours to read meters every quarter do we still need 3 men? Council asked Rick to monitor the DPW employees and report back at the next meeting.
  1. Clerk Report by Anne Heywood - Approval of Check Register for $60,823.35 Motion by Tim Iverson for approval as submitted, Linda Stein second. Motion passed.

Old Business:

1. Nuisance Ordinance–Tim Iverson reported that this topic has been on the agenda for the past three meetings and feels that the Village Ordinances cover everything on the proposed ordinance that Dan Coffey presented. Council decided to drop the option of a new nuisance ordinance and use what the Village already has in place.

2.Public meeting Notice to Create an Office Manager–2nd reading of Ordinance 2012-01 (Village Manager) by title only, Beverly Bruesch made a motion to approve the second reading of ordinance 2012-01 second by Tim Iverson. Motion passed. Third reading will be at the September meeting.

3. Pokagon Land Grant Update – Tim Iverson wrote a grant for $33,000 to Pokagon Fundfor the purchase of property next to the VillagePark. The Pokagon’s have accepted our grant. Tim said Sara Bell the Village Attorney was getting together the appropriate paperwork which needed to be done by the end of August.

4. Proposed Fence Ordinance–Tim Iverson explained that this ordinance neverhad a third reading. Janverified the date of previous readings in the meeting minutes. Beverly read by title only the third reading. Tim Iverson made a motion to approve the fence ordinance,Phil Bonello seconded the motion.

Harris Ritoff asked the council whatinitiatedall the parking issues; no tires on the roadway, parking with the flow of traffic, and parking in front of homes. Council explained that these are the laws and the police are doing their jobs.

Steve Dorf gave some of his concerns regarding contractors speeding in the early morning on Seminole and Ponchartrain. Garbage being left by renters overflowing on the ground, dogs on the beach with no leashes. He asked if the police could look into some of these issues.


1. Police Garage Door - Rick received 2 bids, Tim Iverson made a motion to go with Kelly’s Garage Door at the cost of $2,590 and not to exceed this quote, Phil Bonello seconded the motion. Motion passes.

2. Contractor Registration – Council thought at this point the Village was not interested.

3. Building Permit Issue - Homeowner Bryan Dunigan at 3745 Lake Shore Drive and builder Gray Carlson were present, they explained that the homeowner needed a letter from the Village stating that the elevator they put in was not encroaching on the Village right-a-way. The DEQ gave a permit for the project but just needed a letter with the Villages approval. Beverly Bruesch said she would draft a letter for the homeowner.

4. Up-coming Zoning Board Meeting – Beverly Bruesch just wanted to remind the council of the meeting and to make sure everybody had their packets.

5. Discussion of Replacement of Village Attorney - Tim Iverson wanted to go on record regarding issues he was having with Sara Bell, Village Attorney. He felt she was not notifying responses in a timely matter. Tim thought Sara should be notified of her slow response time,and if it continues, maybe we should consider a replacement for Sara.

Public Comments; Dan Coffey talked briefly about all the rocks on the beach. He thought maybe the Pokagon Fund could do a study about having the rocks removed. The council was not interested at this time and told Mr. Coffey he was welcomed to do this study on his own.

Beverly mentioned that she still has not heard back from the State regarding an update on the building permit issues. Dan Coffey said he would look into it.

Resident Harris Rittoff wanted to applaud the council for correcting some of the issues in the Village.

Next council meeting to be held on Friday, September 14, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.(EST).

Meeting adjourned at 3:35p.m. (EST.)

Anne Heywood

Village of Michiana Clerk