Level 2 BTEC Diploma in BusinessUnit 1: Business Purposes

Unit 1 Business Purposes (5 Credits)

Assessment Sheet


Assessment Criteria / Achieved
Pass 1 / Identify the purpose of four different business organisations
Pass 2 / Describe the different types of business ownership, linking this to the size and scale of four different organisations
Pass 3 / Explain how businesses are classified using local and national examples
Pass 4 / Outline the role of government in creating the business climate
Pass 5 / Explain the characteristics of the local business environment
Merit 1 / Contrast the ownership and purposes of two different business organisations
Merit 2 / Compare areas of growth or decline in the primary, secondary and tertiary classifications of business activities
Distinction 1 / Evaluate how a business organisation has responded to changes in the business environment
P1 / M1 / D1 / Points per credit (x10 credits)
P3 / M2 / Pass / Merit / Distinction
P5 / Level 2 / 5 / 6 / 7
(Level 3) / 7 / 8 / 9

Final Grade Conversion Table:

Pass / Merit / Distinction / Distinction*
L2 Certificate
(1 GCSE) / 75-84 / 85-94 / 95-99 / 100+
L2 Extended Certificate
(2 GCSEs) / 150-169 / 170-189 / 190-199 / 200+
L2 Diploma
(4 GCSEs) / 300-339 / 340-379 / 380-399 / 400+

Overall Grade:Pass /Merit/Distinction

Deadline 22 October 2010

In submitting your work for assessment, you are confirming that the work is your own. On completion of this unit, this document must be signed as a declaration that the work submitted is your own:

Assessor Signature: …………………Date: ………… Student Signature: ……………………………Date: …………


This unit introduces you to the different classifications of businesses in the UK. You work as a small business advisor in the local area. You need to prepare a report which can be given to future clients explaining business ownership in the UK. It will also need to include research into localbusinesses and business trends.

Task 1

a)Using examples of local business organisations, create a presentation which describes four different types of business organisations in terms of purpose, ownership, size and scale. Include any four of the following:

  • Sole trader
  • Partnership
  • Private limited company
  • Public limited company
  • Charity
  • Franchise

Your work should include details of the range of products/services the business organisation offers, where the business is located, its approximate size and the size of the market.

This task provides evidence for P1and P2

b)Choose TWO local business organisations. Compare:

  • the ownership of the two organisations
  • the purpose of the two organisations

Note: a comparison means that you must say what is the same and what is different about the two organisations.

This task provides evidence for M1

Deadline: 10th September 2010


Task 2

a) Using examples, write a report to explain the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary industries. The examples should be:

  • Local examples of each type of industry
  • National examples of each type of Industry

Your report must explain the purpose, structure and scope of each business and its activities.

This task provide evidence for P3

b)Explain the trend in the primary sector in the UK and locally. Which primary industries are on the decline and why? What are the trends in the other primary sector industries? Compare the local trend to the national trend.

Explain the trend in the secondary sector in the UK and locally. Which secondary industries have declined and which have grown? Explain the reasons why there have been changes. Compare the local trend to the national trend.

Explain the trend in the tertiary sector in the UK and nationally. Which tertiary industries are growing and why? Compare the local trend to the national trend.

This task provides evidence for M2

c)Write a report to explain how one business organisation has responded to changes in the business environment. Evaluate how successfully the business has responded to these changes. The reasons behind the changes must also be explained.

This task provides evidence for D1

Deadline: 1st October 2010


Task 3

Create a leaflet to demonstrate the role of government in creating the business climate. Your booklet should include

  • The aims of taxation and how taxation can affect businesses. You may also include how the government may use tax as an incentive for different types of local and national businesses.
  • The impact of inflation and measures the government may take to control this. You may also include the impact of this upon local and national businesses.
  • The aims of regional development agencies and how they have been used in your local area
  • The affects of the European Union upon business and how EU grants have impacted upon a local business

This task provides evidence for P4

Deadline: 15th October 2010


Task 4

Write a newspaper article explaining how and why employment in different industrial sectors has changed locally. Explain how businesses have developed in response to the changes in employment patterns. Include details of how government may have influenced these changes.

This task provides evidence for P5

22nd October 2010

Assessment and Feedback Record


Interim Deadline 1:Task 1 & 21st October 2010

Interim Deadline 2:Task 315th October 2010

Final Deadline:All tasks22nd October 2010

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