Policy Manual / 900 ENVIRONMENT
908 Emergency Management & Evacuation / Council Meeting:
February 2004
Information: 0260761566 / DEECD Schools Reference Guide: 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 6.14 & 6.15 / Revised: Dec 2013
Manager: Principal / Related Policies: 901 & 902 / Issue No: 1.3



  • The effective management of emergency incidents is critical to the safety and well-being of students, staff and school visitors, as well as essential in minimising damage to school property.


  • To provide a safe environment for all, irrespective of a variety of emergencies which may occur.


  • The school is required to maintain a current emergency management plan which clearly describes how the school will respond during an emergency to ensure ongoing safety of staff, students and visitors.
  • The emergency management plan will be consistent with advice provided by the Department of Education, Employment and Early Childhood Development’s ‘Managing School Emergencies’ publication available at:
  • Safety of staff, students and visitors will always be the prime focus of the emergency management plan.
  • Counselling and trauma management should be provided.
  • The Emergency Management Plan should be regularly tested and updated as needed.
  • All emergency or criminal activity in which the safety or well-being of staff or students is at risk, or where there is a threat to property, must be reported immediately to the Department’s 24 hour Emergency Management Branch on ph: 039 589 6266
  • Incidents which occur during school hours, during camps, excursions or outdoor adventure activities, which occur during travel to or from school, involve the media, or issues for potential negligence or legal liability must also be reported to the DEECD’s Emergency Management Branch


1.The emergency management plan will be developed and maintained in consultation with local emergency services, through reference to the Health & Safety Committee and through reference to all staff.

2.Staff will be allocated emergency management responsibilities in accord with their teaching experience and role at the college – as represented in the accompanying list of ‘Emergency Management and Evacuation Process’ list.

3.Emergency evacuation procedures, exits and assembly points should be listed prominently in all rooms.

4.Counselling and trauma management will be provided via the school’s Student Wellbeing Leader, staff from the UMHCS & professional counselling through the Hume Region, where needed.

5.One pre-announced and one unannounced emergency evacuation drill will be organised each year.

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Emergency Management and Evacuation Process

People listed below have special duties related to an Emergency Evacuation. Any teachers with spare periods should report promptly & directly to the Assistant Principal at the emergency evacuation area for assignment to classes, special duties etc.

Junior Campus

Overall Supervisor: Principal – Tony Valente (0427678522)

Office Coordination – Gail Spink

Class Rolls & Staff List – Gail Spink // Matt Barlee

First Aid – Gail Spink // Jan Paton

Visitor Management (NW corner of Donaldson St Intersection) Matt Barlee

Senior Campus

Overall Supervisor: Principal – Tony Valente (04276786522)

Office Coordination – Janette Rixon // Lou Curven

Class Rolls & Staff List – Sarah Klippel // Chrissie McKimmie

First Aid – Chrissie McKimmie// Sue Scott

Visitor Management (main vehicle entry) –Ron Pynappels // Janette Rixon

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Emergency Evacuation: Teacher Role

If you are teaching a class at the time of an emergency your prime responsibility is to your students:

  1. When the Emergency Evacuation siren sounds ensure that students know they must remain together as a group with you and proceed to the front of the school via the direction arrows shown on the evacuation maps on each classroom wall. Students must NOT go via other buildings, toilets, lockers etc.
  2. Lock classrooms and shut windows on your way out of the room to prevent students returning there and ensure you bring your own class attendance record for the session – ensure no students are left behind in minilabs or back rooms before you do this.
  3. Accompany your group to the assembly area; assemble students in year level order (Year 5 closest to Towong Road and Year 12 furthest from Towong Road).
  4. Report to the Assistant Principal at the emergency assembly area who will have a copy of the class rolls, student absence reports, staff absence report and visitor log.
  5. Form Teachers to collect the class rolls, mark the rolls and report any discrepancies to the Assistant Principal asap.
  6. Supervise students at the emergency assembly area until advised that they may be dismissed (ie. after the Assistant Principal / Principal has indicated this is OK – this may in turn be after authorization from Police).


  • If you do NOT have a class you should make your way to the emergency evacuation area and offer assistance to classroom teachers escorting students to the emergency evacuation area and once at the emergency evacuation area you are to undertake your Form Teacher responsibilities (see above) or provide assistance where directed.
  • All members of staff also have to be accounted for at the assembly area. The only staff who will not be expected to evacuate may be Office Staff needed to fulfill functions therein. Once at the assembly area and after assembling your group and marking the class roll, report to the Assistant Principal in charge asap to ensure that he / she has marked off your name as present.
  • The Assistant Principal, with the help of Year Level Leaders, will collect the reports from Form Teachers and check these against the school’s rolls. Once each group has been accounted for the Assistant Principal will report the status to the Principal.
  • If needed the Assistant Principal in charge of the emergency will authorise a special search for any missing students – staff and students must not leave the assembly area unless instructed to do so.
  • During any emergency evacuation visitors to the College must not be permitted to enter buildings etc. – they must also be referred to the emergency evacuation area where they can be accounted for (they may also choose not to enter the College grounds).

Intruders: Protocols to Use

The following process should be used for the reporting & management of intruders who create issues for us:

  • Intruders should be courteously but firmly asked to leave the premises – if they cooperate & there are no further issues the matter should be recorded and details passed on to Assistant Principals.
  • Students associating with intruders should be identified and follow up action taken by the school.
  • If there are further issues or the person(s) refuse to leave the support of another teacher / AP should immediately be sought.
  • In the event of any assault / threats towards students, property or self ‘000’ should immediately be contacted.
  • If needed students should NOT be allowed to leave classes / kept in classrooms after a suitable message via the college’s PA systems / adult runner taking a message throughout the college – we have a duty of care to protect students from any risks that may be associated with visits by unauthorized people.
  • Both teachers present at any incident should provide a detailed statement to an Assistant Principal / Principal. This will enable the Principal to draw up a ‘Trespass Notice’ or to issue a verbal ‘Trespass Warning’ (staff witness needed).
  • The ‘Trespass Notice’ will then be provided to the Police who have undertaken to serve it in person on the offender(s).

Please note that for the Police to pursue charges of trespass against intruders, statements from teachers witnessing the act are essential and their appearance in court may be necessary. It is important therefore that such reports are factual; recording time, date, place, our students names, descriptions & names of intruders, actual comments made or actions performed, etc.

Prior Planning of Camps & Excursions?:

Before an activity can be approved and listed on the ‘Upcoming Events’ list the following steps have to be followed:

1.Determine the educational basis for the activity – what is its purpose?

2.Consider alternative activities, possible venues and alternative transport arrangements

3.Consult the school’s planning calendar and the printout of ‘Upcoming Activities’ on Staffroom noticeboards

4.See Janette Rixonto develop an approved budget for the activity (if a cost is involved) – take this budget to Sarah Klippel.

5.See Sarah Klippel to organise dates & times & to develop an approved School Consent Form – for overnight activities and those involving adventure activities School Council approval is required (plan ahead and allow at least one School Council meeting – approx 6 weeks), for overseas or expensive activities a much longer planning time is essential.

6.We normally require at least one week’s notice in advance for all normal activities – to enable us to list it on bulletins, for the Office to organise receipt of payments and consent forms, for Janette Rixon to organise teacher replacements etc.

7.Normally approval is not given for activities that affect other classes where notification is less than one week – a change of dates may be proposed and in any case organisers of such activities are required to collect consent forms themselves.

Excursions – Student Permission

There are two aspects to the Excursion Process:

1.Getting school approval to conduct the excursion – the planning process including consent forms and negotiation with the responsible Assistant Principal.

2.Recording the names of students involved in the excursion.

Please note that listing students to be involved does NOT constitute school approval for the activity.

Students Out of Class

Staff retain a‘duty of care’ towards students even if they are permitted to leave the classroom and are out of sight. Staff should NOT allow students out of class for any reason other than an emergency and must always ensure there is adequate supervision. Any student permitted to leave class should always carry written permission to do so from the class teacher – normally this should be an entry in the student’s College Diary.

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