Bracklesham Youth Football Academy
Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 18th September 2014
In attendance: Sarah Morley(SM), Steve Warner (SW), James Clarke (JC) Mark Wrein (MR), Daryl Luff (DL), Sharon Briggs (SB), James Jillians (JJ), Gary Neal (GN), Trevor Ashley (TA), Mrs Ashley (MA!)
Item 1) Minutes of last meeting
The minutes were unanimously accepted.
Item 2) Fixtures
The U10’s have played their (away) first game. JC very pleased with their performance. First home games for U10’s and U8’s will be on Sunday 21st Sept. U10’s have several more fixtures but as yet the U8’s have nothing till 12th October.
Item 3) Kit/Sponsors.
Still waiting on the next batch of training kits, dispatch promised by 30th Oct. Match tops have arrived. Sponsors for both kits still being sought but previous sponsors have been approached and may well contribute again this season.
Item 4) Training sessions.
The players who are in the teams for Sunday matches will be offered a mid week session. Stuart (ex Bracklesham FC) has offered use of portable floodlights. SW to collect.
Item 5) AGM
AGM to be held on Thursday 23rd October. SW to contact Sue Moon to organise hire of Bracklesham Barn Committee room.
Item 6) Responsibilities
Coaches are responsible for contacting opposition managers to arrange KO times, and referees, for home games, and to notify (preferably by text and email) parents of players who are selected. KO times, venue and referee must all be posted on league website (FA FULLTIME) by the Tuesday before the game. Coaches will also be responsible for texting through match results/reports on the day of the game.
SW to take over secretarial duties. Any contact with the league should go through the secretary. SM and SB to remain as Chair/Vice Chair
SW to write newsletter.
Item 7) New Coaches
Volunteers to help with coaching are always welcome. GN and TA and possibly SW keen to take coaching course. SW to look into possible funding via Active Sussex.
Item 8) AOB
SW gave a summary of the League meeting that he attended on Thursday 11th Sept.
Main points as follows:
a)Make sure we get all the relevant details onto FA Fulltime. See item (6)
b)Be very careful how we use Facebook. The league welfare officer requests a link to their FB page. Make sure no one posts inappropriate comments. Use text and email to communicate with parents.
c)When using league referee make sure payment is made before the game. When scoring referee performance maximum is 100 but website will only accept 99. Any referee score below 60% must be accompanied by written statement.
d) When sending in player registrations include SAE and put applications in alphabetical order.
SB asked for it to be made clear to parents (in next newsletter) that BYFC, unlike most clubs, do not charge a registration fee. The committee agreed to continue this policy of only charging £2 in subs for training and matches.
Meeting closed