7. 18Identify the Phoenicians as the leaders in dominating maritime trade in the Mediterranean from c.1000-300 BC/BCE. Describe how the Phoenician writing system was the first alphabet (with 22 symbols for consonants) / Teacher:
Questions/Main Ideas: / Notes
Who were the Phoenicians? / 1100 B.C.-800 B.C.
What are the major achievements of the Phoenicians? / Masters of _sea _trading_ (wealth gathered from trading _luxeries_ of the ancient world)
-controlled all ancient sea trading _routes______in the _Mediterranean_
_Mariners_/ Maritime / People that navigate_ the sea, also known as _merchants_, usually for _trading_purposes
Location(s) / Capital: _TYRE_: (present day _Lebanon_)
/ -_founded_colonies (ports) all over the Mediterranean (most fewer than 1000 _inhabitants_)
-For trading purposes (_safe _harbors_)
-They did not have an _army_ to fight_ (wanted_peace) and had the goods everyone wanted
-started economics: supply and demand,
Carthage_: (North AFrica. Present day _Tunisia_) _Population grew and became a center of_trade_ and _wealth_: _COmpeted_with the _Romans_ for control of the Mediterranean/ Sicily
-Site of _Punic_ Wars with Romans and eventually its _collapse_ caused destruction of Phoenician trading _empire_.
Ports all along the Mediterranean
Ports were not _unified_making their history and people difficult to trace. (An Enigma)
/ -Snails / Mollusks_ along their shores produced _purple_ dye that was highly valued among _royalty/ wealthy_
Purple became symbolic and a trend throughout the ancient world.
/ Their shores contained _Silica/ Quartz element (also highly valued by the wealthy in its early forms of _glass making )
/ _Cedar_ Forests: _lumber_ traded throughout Mesopotamia where there was very little wood to be used for construction
Overtime, depleted Lebanese forests and caused climate change
The _alphabet_: Phonics=_Phoenicians_ (coined by Greeks)
Achievements / (22 consonants_ to symbolize _sounds_ that humans can easily produce) these consist of ______and ______.
_Letters/ Symbols_=_sounds_
Summary: Complete the Summary below using the notes above
The Phoenicians were seafaring people that dominated the Mediterranean for ….
Using the statistics below try to draw a Phoenician Boat
· 20 Men ( including captain)
· Bow (front) symbolic horses head
· Stern (back) fish tail or spiral
· Eyes on the front of the hull (also symbolic)
· Extra rounded hulls
· 4x as long as wide
· 65-100 feet long
· Rectangular sail on a cedar mast
· Keel to prevent capsizing.
· Rudder for steering
Cargo: purple cloth/sails, glass, statues, tin, gold, cedar, pottery etc etc.