Math 1260 Modern Business Math I Section 01 Spring 2007

Instructor: Ms. Rose Kneen Office: UH 4080 G Office phone: (419)530-4561

E-mail: Class time: TR 8-9:15 AM Place: RH 1546

Office hours: Tue: 10-12 in the Carlson Library tutoring center (5th floor) and Thur: 9:30-10:30 in my office, also by appointment (If there is no school, then there are no office hours that day.)

Text: Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications, a special edition published for the University of

Toledo, by Lial, Greenwell, and Ritchey; Addison Wesley and Pearson Custom Publishing, 2005

Prerequisite: ACT score higher than 20, or college algebra placement test score higher than 12, or elementary

algebra placement test score higher than 18, or a pass grade in MATH 0980.

Calculator: For some tests, quizzes, and assignments you will need the use of a calculator (some tests and

quizzes may be non-calculator). I recommend that you use a graphing calculator for this class (the TI-82

and the TI-83 are good choices). You may be able to get by using a scientific calculator that has exponents and radicals. You may not use a TI-89 or a TI-92. Also, cell phone calculators are not allowed for tests or quizzes. Please do not store information in your calculators- if there is a problem, I have a right to check your calculator during a test or a quiz. If you have any questions about your calculator, please see me. If you need help learning how to use your calculator, there are plenty of resources available on the web.

Web resources: I will place information on the course webpage located on from time

to time. You can access the page by going to the academics tab and clicking on my courses.

Homework: You will be assigned homework problems daily and you are expected to complete them.

Homework questions will be taken in class or during office hours.

Attendance: You are expected to attend all class meetings and the final exam. Attendance will be taken daily.

Absences for quizzes and tests can only be excused if covered by the University’s missed class policy.

The policy specifically mentions absences from class may be excused for personal emergencies, religious observances, participation in certain UT sponsored activities, and government required activities. For more information, see the university of Toledo webpage

( Arrangements for

make up quizzes and tests will only be made if you inform me of the absence without delay by phone or

email and present a documented excuse.

More about attendance: Missed classes will have no weight in the computation of final course grades. Extra

credit will be assigned based on attendance as indicated below. Class attendance will be taken every day

via a sign in sheet. It is the students’ responsibility to sign in each class period the student is present.

Student attendance will be established solely by the sign in sheet (on test and quiz days, attendance will

noted by your completed test). If you miss 0-1 days you will receive 2% added to your final grade, if

you miss 2-3 days you will receive 1% added to your grade, and if you miss more than 3 days then no

percentage will be added to your grade.

Children: The university has a policy that no children are allowed in the class for any reason! If you have a

child and want to come to class, please make arrangements for the care of your child.

Classroom Conduct: Cell phones and other electronic devices that make noise should be turned off

during class. No food is allowed in class. You should try to keep disruptions to a minimum (come

to class ON TIME and DO NOT LEAVE EARLY). The reason for this is to provide a good

learning environment.

Quizzes: There will be 11 quizzes throughout the semester. Your best 10 scores will count towards your grade

(so the lowest score will be dropped). Approximate quiz dates are listed on the calendar. You will be

notified of any changes to quiz dates in class. Some of the quizzes may be collected homework (this

would be announced in class). The quizzes will count for 10 points each for a total of 100 points. You

must be present for the entire class when a quiz is scheduled, in order to receive full credit. There may

also be pop quizzes (which would be extra credit).

Tests: There will be 2 tests. I will give the class an overview on what to study prior to the test. Approximate

dates are on the calendar, any changes will be announced in class. Each test will be worth 100 points

and will take the entire class period.

Final exam: Tue May 1 from 8-10 AM. The final will cover all material from this semester. The final exam

is worth 200 points.

Grading: The point scale for this class is: 450-500 A, 400-449 B, 350-399 C, 300-349 D, 0-299 F. I will put

grade approximations on each test. Plus and minus grades will be assigned as necessary (usually within

2 percent of the grade above/below) (there is no grade of A+). There will be no curves.

Effort: This is a 3 credit hour course, you should expect to spend at least 6 hours a week outside of class doing

the homework and studying for this course. If you miss class you may need to add 2 or 3 hours of

studying for each missed class.

Resources: There are resources available for students who need extra help outside of my office hours. For this

course the most reliable source of tutorial help can be found at the Mathematics Learning and Resource

Center located on the 5th floor of the Carlson Library.

Note 1: The last day to withdraw for class is Fri March 23. Note: only you can withdraw from a course (by

the student webpage).

Note 2: Learning mathematics is not just about coming up with the right answer; it is also about the thinking

process behind the answer. I believe in grading the whole problem and not just the answer. This means

that for problems on tests, quizzes, and assignments (with the exception of multiple choice and fill in the

blank) that I grade, you will not receive full credit for any problem in which you do not include all of the

work that I believe is necessary. This also means that you will receive partial credit (with the above


Tentative Calendar (Dates are subject to changes)


1 Jan 9: R.1, R.2 Jan 11: R.3, R.6

2 Jan 16: R.6, R.7, Quiz 1 Jan 18: R.4, R.5

**Last day to ADD/DROP: Mon Jan 22**

3 Jan 23: R.5, 1.1, 1.2 Jan 25: 1.2, 1.3, Quiz 2

4 Jan 30: 1.3, 2.1 Feb 1: 2.1, 2.2, Quiz 3

5 Feb 6: 2.3, 3.1 Feb 8: 3.1, 3.2, Quiz 4

6 Feb 13: 3.2, 3.3 Feb 15: 3.3, 3.4, Quiz 5

7 Feb 20: 3.4, 3.5 Feb 22: 3.5, 3.6, Quiz 6

8 Feb 27: 3.6, Review Mar 1: Test 1

**Spring Break: Mar 5-9**

9 Mar 13: 4.1, 4.2 Mar 15: 4.2, 4.3, Quiz 7

10 Mar 20: 4.3, 4.4 Mar 22: 4.4, Quiz 8

**Last day to Withdraw: Fri Mar 23**

11 Mar 27: 5.1 Mar 29: 5.1, 5,2, Quiz 9

12 Apr 3: 5.2, 5.3 Apr 5: 5.3, Quiz 10

13 Apr 10: 5.4 Apr 12: 5.4, Quiz 11

14 Apr 17: 5.5 Apr 19: Test 2

15 Apr 24: 5.5 Apr 26: Review

**Final: Tue May 1 from 8-10 AM**