GEM Mentor Program NFP
Thank you for your interest inbecoming a part of GEM Mentor Program NFP. As a GEM, you will be participating in a reputable and growing nonprofit organization. GEM staff and volunteers are here to empower young girls through mentor-ship in such a way that they may one day impact the lives of other young girls within their local and global communities.
OUR MISSION…….is to effect change in young girls by renewing their minds and restoring values. To increase their sense ofself-worth, byteaching them the importance of positive self -image, respect for themselves showing them what it looks like to be a successful young woman in today’s world through educational workshops and seminars!
GEM Mentor Program is committed to making a difference in the lives of young girls and giving back to the community.
Please print in black ink or type all information.
♦All girls applying must be between the ages of 8-19 years of age. Please note that it is the policy of GEM Mentor Program NFPnot to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or disability in its programs.
Name ______Birth Date ____/_____/______
Address ______City ______Zip ______
Phone (______)______Alternate or Cell Phone (______)______
E-Mail Address: ______
Emergency Contact Name ______Relationship ______
Emergency Phone (______)______Alt. Emerg. Phone (______)______
Name of School Currently Attending:______
Current Grade Level: ______
8th grade Graduate? □YES □NO
High School Graduate? □YES □NO
If yes, please indicate the High school/College/University will be attending: ______
GEM Mentor Program NFP
GEM levels:
□Young girlsages 8-10 yrs.’
Emerald GEM… is designed for girls between ages 8 to 10. During this time in a young girl's life, girls are unsure of themselves, just starting to notice things that they don't like about themselves. They are very inquisitive of the world around them. Due to their impressionability, girls this age need intense guidance. GEM mentoring program provides this guidance through workshops, events, seminars, training's and sports activities designed for their age, there will be camps, workshops and training courses on self-worth, self-identity, career development, healthy living, personal branding and maintaining healthy relationships - learning how tolovethemselves 1st.
□ Young girls ages 11-13 yrs.’
Diamond GEM…is designed for girls between ages 11 to 13. While during these tender pre-teen and early teen years of growth and development, girls are still trying to figure out who they are, they have become interested in boys, their bodies begin transitioning intoyoung womanhood while at the same time they are met with issues that they feel their parents just don’t understand. At this age girls are highly susceptible to peer pressure and it is important that they have proper guidance and sound counseling. GEM mentoring program provides this guidance throughworkshops,events, seminars,training's, and sports activities designed for their age, there will be camps, workshops and training courses on self-worth, self-identity,career development, personal branding, healthy livingand maintaining healthy relationships - learning how tolovethemselves 1st.
□Teen girls ages 14-16 yrs.’
Pearl GEM… is designed for teenage girls between ages 14-16. These crucial teenage years, girls have misconceptions about who they are, they are starting to date, and they receive more freedom as well as responsibility. They are met with a number of negative body image and messaging in today's media and even more intense peer pressure. GEM mentoring program supports girls by providing this guidance through workshops, events, seminars, training's, and sports activities designed for their age, there will be camps, workshops and training courses on self-worth, self- identity, career development, healthy living, personal branding, and maintaining healthy relationships - learning how tolovethemselves 1st! Pearl GEM will be challenged and one of their main focus will be on their personal brand and leading by example by helping Emerald, and Diamond GEM girls become shining GEM within their local and global communities.
□Teen girls ages 17-19 yrs.’
Ruby GEM… isdesigned for girls between ages 17-19. In these late teen, early adult years,girls are not only trying to figure out who they are, but they have the added pressure of deciding what to do with their lives;what they want to be in life. They are starting to have more serious relationships, these girls receive more independence andmay be given lot of responsibility from their parents. GEM mentoring program supports young ladies during this time by providing this guidance through workshops, events, seminars, training's, and sports activities designed for their age, there will be camps, workshops and training courses on self-worth, self-identity, career development, healthy living, personal branding, and maintaining healthy relationships - learning tolovethemselves 1st! These young ladies will be taking the proper steps today toward achieving their goals of tomorrow. This is accomplished through a fundamental workbook to help young ladies of this age learn their brand and how important it is to protect their brand. They will also create an action plan on how they can achieve their educational and personal goals.
Please indicate the level of GEM in which you are applying:
□Emerald GEM 8-10 Yrs.’
□ Diamond GEM 11-13 Yrs.’
□ Pearl GEM 14-16 Yrs.’
□Ruby GEM 17-19 Yrs.’
Sign: ______Date ______
(If under the age of 18) Parent Signature ______Relationship ______
GEMmembers are required to submit anannual application fee of $29.95.
♦if submitting this application online, please click on the “Donate” tab at
and make a payment.
♦If submitting by mail, please include a check or money order payable to GEM Mentor Program NFP, in the amount of $29.95
Send all application fees to:
P.O. Box 951, Baytown TX 77522