Supplementary Table 1: Circulating cytokine levels.

Values are expressed as medians. Values in parenthesis represent the interquartile range. p values are 8:00 vs 14:00 in the two groups combined. Group differences did not reach statistical significance. † represents a difference between fasting and postprandial values where p<0.05

Supplementary Table 2: LPS stimulated cytokine secretion in monocytes and mDCs at fasting and postprandial state.

Fasting 8:00 / Postprandial 14:00
Controls / T1D / Controls / T1D
mDC / TNF-α (% responding) / 14.2 / 26.9 / 17.6 / 27
mDC / IL-1β (% responding) / 49 / 58* / 55 / 60
mDC / IL-6 (% responding) / 10.8 / 20.3* / 16.4 / 24.1
Monocytes / TNF-α (% responding) / 72 / 64 / 75 / 64
Monocytes / IL-1β (% responding) / 85 / 85 / 86 / 85
Monocytes / IL-6 (% responding) / 66 / 65 / 54 / 66

Values represent medians *represents a difference between T1D and control values where p<0.05.

Supplementary Table 3: Antibody List

Antigen / Clone / Conjugate / Manufacturer
IL-1b / AS10 / FITC / BD Biosciences
IgG1 / X40 / FITC / BD Biosciences
NFkB Rat / K10-895.12.50 / A488 / BD Biosciences
IgG2b / MOPC-173 / A488 / BD Biosciences
IL-6 / MQ2-13A5 / PE / BD Biosciences
TNF-a / MAb11 / PE / BD Biosciences
CD11c / S-HCL-3 / PE / BD Biosciences
IgG1 Rat / R3-34 / PE / BD Biosciences
IgG1 Mouse / X40 / PE / BD Biosciences
CD14* / TüK4 / Pe-Cy5.5 / Invitrogen
CD19 / SJ25-C1 / Pe-Cy5.5 / Invitrogen
CD1c / AD5-8E7 / APC / Miltenyi Biotech

All antibodies were mouse anti-human unless otherwise specified *The fluorescence intensity of the conjugate was keptwithin an acceptable range by adding purified antibody of the same clone as a ‘cold competitor’ at a ratio of 2:1(purified to conjugated) prior to use.

Supplementary Fig. 1: Cell and cytokine gating strategy

Monocytes (A) and mDCs (B) were identified by surface marker staining. Within the identified monocyte and mDC populations, cytokine positivity gates were placed at the edge of the primary population in the unstimulated sample. Cells crossing the threshold were considered to be cytokine positive.