Catalog Policy and Documentation Committee Minutes: 2 August 2007

Present: Steven Arakawa (chair), Eva Bolkovac, Rowena Griem, Tachtorn (Wheat) Meier (recording), Christine Pesch, Penny Welbourne

Absent: Ellen Cordes, Michael Scott, Keiko Suzuki

The Committee continued its review of the following documents related to the new CONSER Standard record: CONSER Standard Copy Cataloging Checklist; Cheat Sheet for Catalogers; CONSER Standard: What’s New; the CONSER training documentation; and the CONSER Standard PowerPoint presentation.

I. Cheat Sheet for Catalogers

550 [Issuing body note) – 550 note exception will be edited to remove an exception that would not apply to YUL workflow and might be misleading.

II. CONSER Standard: What’s New

008 [“Cataloging source”]-- Yale is not a CONSER member, so any original cataloging should contain code “d”.

300 [‘Physical description”] – YUL requires this field for tangible resources only. As far as remote resources are concerned, Steven suggested creating separate documentation for applying CONSER Standards to remote resources.

321 [“Former frequency”] – the CONSER Standard is “not required,” but YUL standard is to require for new cataloging. Generally CONSER Standards limit the use of the 321 fields to no more than three times, using “Frequency varies” if there are four or more frequency changes. Steven asked what Committee members thought should be the YUL approach—should YUL also limit the use of the 321 to no more than three frequency changes, or just record as many frequency changes as occur? Penny suggested that recording as many as occurred would be useful for future clarifying and maintaining Predictive Patterns.

506/590 – Eva suggested that if this document was intended to be used for cataloging serials in all formats, then 506 and 590 fields should be added for every e-serial record that is a subscription e-journal (in other words, that we license/pay for). Eva will send an email to Committee members providing additional information. <These notes apply to restrictions on access to those outside the Yale community and are actually outside the scope for the CONSER Standard new cataloging checklist; however, they will be added to the What’s New & Copy Cataloging checklists for the present until such time as a general checklist for cataloging e-serials is compiled and issued.—SRA

730/740 [“Linking fields”] – Steven verified that there are differences between a language edition and a translation edition. For “language editions,” pair fields 730 and 775 (with $i) and for ”translation editions,” pair fields 730 and 765.

[4XX]/8XX [“Series statement/title”] – Penny suggested that in the documentation, 4XX and 8XX should refer to specific fields in order to reduce potential confusion.

III. CONSER for copy cataloging

042 [“Authentication code”] -- When updating CONSER records that contain a field 042 with the authentication code “msc”, that field should be deleted.

310/321 [“Frequency”] – Committee members discussed whether YUL should use the AACR2 standard abbreviations when they apply, or spell out terms. Since CONSER no longer requires the use of abbreviations, the YUL documentation will indicate “Optional”. Rowena also suggested that all of the examples provided show both the abbreviated as well as the unabbreviated form to show that there is a choice. Copy catalogers are expected to accept whatever form appears.

IV. CONSER Standards Training Slides

Slide 52 [“Description based on …”; “title from …”] – Since CONSER standards no longer require the use of abbreviations, Wheat suggested that in slide 52 (“500—Description based on first issue; title from t.p.”), the slide should be clarified by adding “Or: ‘… title from title page” to indicate that the spelled out form is also acceptable. Steven agreed to that suggestion.

Slide 56 [closing the record when the serial dies] – Steven clarified that for slide 56 the CONSER policy is that when closing a serial title on CONSER record that followed the old standard, the cataloger can follow the old standard for 362 0 (but in that case the 260 must be updated to close the date range as well), or leave the 362 0 as is and add additional fields that follow the new CONSER standard, in which case the 260 open date is left as is. The dates in 008 still need to be closed whichever option is applied. Eva asked that catalogers be reminded that the 008 date range is for the coverage rather than the publication dates.

V. General remarks

Eva asked if all the Cataloging Assistants in Catalog Management should come to the CONSER Standard training, since they all deal with serials at some point in time. Both Steven and Eva did not think this was necessary.

The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for 16 August 2007.

Respectfully submitted,

Tachtorn Meier

31 July 2007