Call for Abstracts

Nursing's Role in Transforming Health Care

4th Annual Conference

October 25-26, 2018

Baymont Inn and Suites, Mandan, ND

Abstract submissions are due no later than midnight on April 30, 2018.

The North Dakota Center for Nursing is pleased to announce our call for abstracts for our conference. This conference is part of our ongoing vision to unify the voice of nursing excellence in the state. This conference will provide the opportunity to discover and network with nurses and others involved in transforming health care in North Dakota. We would especially like to connect those that are in academic institutions with those that are in practice and welcome all undergraduate and graduate students. This conference will be an excellent learning experience for nurses at all levels of practice in all settings.

At this year’s conference we will have a special emphasis on North Dakota produced projects- so you will see a greater opportunity for more breakout sessions and posters. All accepted abstracts will be featured on the ND Center for Nursing website.

Conference Objectives:

1. Review the status of health and wellness factors in the Midwest region.

2. Illustrate examples of transformative initiatives and emerging roles in Leadership, Research and Practice.

3. Discover the power of evidence to change practice and improve health and health care quality.

4. Explore quality improvement, evidence-based practice and nursing research within organizations and communities to improve quality of life.

5. Network and develop partnerships across all disciplines and settings to improve population health.

Submission of abstracts for Oral or Poster Presentations

  • All nurses are encouraged to submit abstracts and to attend conference.
  • Undergraduate and graduate student submissions are especially encouraged.
  • Any individual may submit more than one abstract. However, space and time constraints may limit each author/organization to one selected presentation.
  • Avoid reference to authors, institution names, locations or funding sources in the abstract as they will be blind reviewed. The ND Center for Nursing will not edit abstracts for typing, spelling or grammatical errors. The abstract should not exceed 300 words and should include the following sections with the bold-face headings included in the abstract. (Bolded headings will not be included in the word count):
  • Title of Study or Project
  • Background/Context/Purpose (Importance, Significance, Problem/Question)
  • Methods/Techniques (How did you carry out the study or project? What research technique will be described in your presentation?)
  • Results (Concisely describe findings of project)
  • Conclusion/Clinical Implications- Summarize important findings and describe next steps for research, education and/or practice. Include potential to add to new knowledge or to solve clinical practice or quality improvement problems. If presenting a research technique include possible uses in future studies.
  • All abstracts will be peer-reviewed and scored. Some exemplary abstracts may be chosen to present to all conference attendees during a plenary session. The criteria below may be used to score abstract submissions with a total possible score of 25:

5=Exceptional, 4=Excellent, 3=Good, 2=Fair, 1=Not acceptable

  • Criterion 1: The background, context and purpose of the project is clearly described.
  • Criterion 2: The methods/techniques are clearly described and are appropriate for the project.
  • Criterion 3: The results are concisely described and appropriate for the project.
  • Criterion 4: The conclusions and clinical implications are discussed and are based on the results of the project.
  • Criterion 5: Overall Merit: Overall quality as compared to submitted abstracts in the same category.
  • Authors whose abstracts are accepted for presentation or for posters must register for the conference. Presenters will be responsible for all of their expenses, including conference registration, travel and lodging.
  • The ND Center for Nursing will notify all submitters of whether they have been chosen to present by May 15, 2018. Authors will be asked to confirm their participation and will provide additional information for contact hour approval.
  • All communication will be sent to the first author/organizer. A valid email address is required for all submissions.
  • Only complete submissions will be considered. A complete submission includes completion of the required form including the submission of the abstract.
  • Abstract submissions are due no later than midnight on April 30, 2018.
  • Poster presenters are expected to set up posters prior to the conference start time of 10:00 AM on October 25, 2018. Posters will be available during breaks and poster presenters will provide a brief (1-2 minute) overview of their poster before lunch. Poster dimensions and other requirements will be distributed to those selected to present. All posters will need to be taken downfollowing the conference by 8:30 PM.
  • Oral presenters are expected to use PowerPoint and to provide an electronic copy of their PowerPoint slides prior to the conference. A computer, projector and a microphone will be provided. Oral presentations will be approximately 20 minutes long.
  • Submit abstracts online by clicking here: Draft Abstract Online Form

Questions can be directed to r 701-639-6548