FMA I.A.58 “Pucara” - 1969

History: Named after a form of South American stone hill fortress, the Pucara's origins can be traced back to the mid-1960's when Argentina's Fabrica Militar de Aviones ( Military Aircraft Factory ) was requested to develop a new combat aircraft capable of performing COIN, CAS and reconnaissance missions. The first flight of the prototype AX-2 Delfin, powered by a pair of Garrett TPE331-U-303 turbo props, took place on 20 August 1969. Subsequent prototypes were re-engined with French Turbom Eca Astazou XVIG turboprops.

The Pucara was designed to operate from roughfield and unprepared sites with the minimum of ground support - a point it proved to good effect during the Falklands War of 1982. Operations are possible by night, but not in adverse weather conditions, and weapons aiming is achieved visually by the pilot making full use of the excellent forward visibility over the Pucara's downward sloping nose.The production standard IA 58A first flew on 8 November 1974, with deliveries to the Argentinian Air Force commencing just over a year later.Improvements led to the IA 58B model, the main upgrades being improved avionics and the addition of two 30mm cannon in place of the 20mm weapons.

However, overall production figures have been modest at best, with exports to Uruguay, Sri Lanka and Colombia accounting for less than 20 aircraft in total

Function: Attack

Fuel Type:AVGAS Fuel Cap.: 763 Fuel Cons.:448 (112 pr hour)


Veh. Wt.:empty:4037kg max: 6800kg



Runway Min:take-off: 800m/landing: 1100m paved

Powerplant:2 x turbo-prop Turb. “Asazou XVIG” , 760kW

Length: 14,3m Height:5,4m Wingspan:14,5m

Speed: max:550kph cruise:500kph stall:160kph Tr.Mov:2000 Comb.Mov:55



2 x Hispano HS804 20mm cannon (2x270 rnds)

4 x FN Browning 7,62mm cannon (900 rnds)

1500kg of free fall bombs,napalm tanks,70 mm rockets,cannon pods, two auxiliary fuel tanks


Weapon Data: