Minutes of Annual General Meeting of IOMFGBC
Friday 13thJanuary 2017 at
Archibald Knox Meeting Room, Onchan at 6.30pm
Present: E Maddocks, W. Kewley, C. McGreal, P. Smith, K.Slack, H. Campbell, M. Atkinson, M. Reed, B. Reed, M. McGreal, A. Watterson, P. Watterson, P. Makin.
Apologies :B. McGreal, M. G. McGreal, D. Moncaster, M.Legg, M. Pearson, M. Moyer, P. Addy.
The Annual General Meeting was opened byClub President E. Maddocks at 6:30pm.
1)The minutes of previous A.G.M. were distributed to those present and approved as true copy with no matters arising.
2)Presidents Report – Retiring President Eric Maddocks gave a report of the 2016 season to the members, with special mention concerning the leagues fixtures and that some changes to the format may be needed but Committee would like input from members on their preferences e.g. a separate Ladies league , handicap system for the singles league. He mentioned how well the Saturday competitions were attended and that our friendly match against the Jamaican Reggae Rollers was enjoyed by all involved. The suggestion had been made of having a two bowl pairs competition and as we enter our 40th year he would consider donating a trophy for this competition. Eric also thanked Win for organizing and Clive and Michael for acting as drivers on the successful bowling trip to Scotland in June and congratulated Marcia and Phil for getting to the quarter finals of the competition we entered there. Congratulations were also extended to Clive for doing well in the Champion of Champions and mentioned how good social evening the presentation dinner had been. Finally he thanked the Committee for their help and support during his 3 year Presidency of the club.
3)Secretary’s Report – Club Secretary Win Kewley gave a report of the last year ‘s events at IOMFGBC , mentioning the improved awareness of the club , locally , nationally and internationally . The Onchan Fayre once again was successful in contributing towards club funds and Win thanked Marilyn Legg and other members who contributed to its success. The “Come and try” sessions had increased in 2016 and were enjoyed by all and members were thanked for helping at these. Win re-inforced Eric’s points made concerning the Reggie Rollers visit and the Scotland trip and informed members plans are underway for another trip potentially to the Scottish borders this year. On an international basis Win congratulated the team who attended the Dutch Open in Netherlands reaching their highest league table position yet in this event, she also congratulated Clive McGreal who just missed out on a play off position in the Champion of Champions in Australia and the ladies team which were the first to represent the island in the World Championships in New Zealand. Win also informed members that Mark McGreal will represent the club and the island at the forthcoming World Cup in March in Australia while 10 members will be travelling in March to a 4 nations test match in Cyprus which is the first time Isle of Man have been invited. Other internationals this year are the 3 nation test match in Guernsey and the European Bowling Championship in September.
4)Treasurers Report – Club Treasurer Clive McGreal provided members with a copy of the clubs financial report . He proposed we retain membership fees at current level, both this and financial report were proposed accepted by M.Reed and seconded by P.Makin.
5)Election of Committee – As per protocol the Committee stood down.
- President – Phil Smith was proposed as President by P. Watterson, seconded by P. Makin – unanimously approved by all present, Phil accepted the nomination and chairing of meeting.
- Secretary – Win Kewley was again proposed as Secretary by P. Watterson and seconded by B. Reed unanimously approved by all present.Win accepted the nomination.
- Treasurer – Clive McGreal was again proposed as Treasurer by E. Maddocks seconded by M.Reed unanimously approved by all present . Clive accepted nomination.
- Other Committee Members – P. Makin and K. Slack were proposed to be returned as Committee members by A. Watterson and seconded by M. Reed. Pam and Karen unanimously approved by all present, and both accepted the nomination. This left 1 vacant Committee place. Mark McGreal was proposed by B. Reed and seconded by M. Reed. Hamish Campbell was proposed by K.Slack and seconded by A. Watterson there being no other nominations for committee a vote was taken and Mark McGreal was voted onto committee and accepted the nomination.
- M. Atkinson proposed that the past President should serve on the Committee for one year, this is not currently in Constitution but can be carried forward for consideration at next AGM. It is however possible to co-opt the past President if needed for advice.
6)Motions of Amendment to Constitution – There was only 1 motion for amendment a proposed name change for club from Isle of Man Flat Green Bowling Club to Lawn Bowls Isle of Man.Amendment was proposed by W.Kewley and rationale for this explained to members .There followed a discussion in which it was also proposed that a clause should be added to the amendment that in respect of the Lawn Bowls Isle of Man Association that any future lawn bowls clubs established on the island would be affiliated within the Association. C.McGreal informed members the Club would need to adopt rules to cover affiliated clubs and add these to the constitution. A vote was then taken on name change and it was therefore unanimously agreed to approve the change of name to Lawn Bowls Isle of Man and to carry forward to 2017 AGM proposal for addition of affiliated clubs. Club President P. Smith then sought members opinion on possible change of logo and design of Club shirts. M. McGreal showed members some design examples. It was agreed in view of upcoming international competitions to look at this further over next few weeks when more information is available re costings etc.
7)Items for Discussion – Several members had forwarded items for discussion:
- Concerning format of Saturday round robins it was agreed to look at various options put forward.
- Local increase in publicity re bowls club W. Kewley will take this forward with Commissioners.
- Plans for redevelopment around bowling green C. McGreal will gain further information re this and possible meeting with Commissioners.
- Issue of keys to public toilets in park especially during evening league matches was discussed . W. Kewleywill contact Commissioners.
- Ruling on time frame for playing league matches discussed, and to be added to minutes of next Committee meeting.
There being no other business the meeting was closed at 8:00pm.