Town of Rib Mountain Park Commission

Tuesday, April 7, 2008

George Snyder called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll was taken. Members present included Shelley Hertz, Duane Zeichert, Lette Becker and Bill Miller. Jamie Schaefer and Jay Witteman, representatives of Wausau Youth baseball, were also present.

Approval of minutes from the last meeting:

The Commission reviewed minutes from the March 11th meeting. Duane moved to approve the March 11th minutes. Bill seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Wausau Youth Baseball

Jamie Schaefer from Wausau Youth Baseball informed the committee about the July 19th Little League State Tournament to be held at Doepke Park. Six teams will compete at the tournament. The Shelter is already reserved for the weekend. Jamie asked for consideration for a special rate for the weekend. The committee will discuss at the next meeting. There were some concerns about the number of parking spots needed. Jamie will ask Scott about the possibilities of parking in the skating rink area.

The Wausau Youth Baseball Association has decided to name one of the fields for Chuck Kickbush. A sign will be put on the fencing around one of the fields. Jamie asked for a welcome letter from the Town of Rib Mountain to the teams competing. He also asked about the possibility of fireworks. George will put it on the agenda for the next meeting.

Spring Program Earth Day

Lette reported that everything was going well and that we needed to get some tables and chairs from the Town Hall for the event. Discussion on prizes for kids for the bird contest followed. The bird contest was revised to make it easier for kids to do.

Playground installation report:

George reported on the timeline for the installation of the playground equipment. May 15th is when the company will come to install the equipment. Scott will work with the company to get the site ready. Countrywide fencing will be installing a 4’ high fence around the playground after it is installed. A tree in memory of Chuck Kickbush will be planted in May near the playground.

Summer Program:

Duane presented a copy of the summer program schedule. He recommended that the fees for the program remain the same.

Wall of Honor:

The Wall of Honor information was given to Wausau Awards and Engraving. Tom Passow will follow up and get the current names updated. He will make arrangements to get into the building. Shelley will follow up with him to make sure it is done before the baseball tournament.

Fund raising Committee report-George:

No report

Budget 2008

No report


A motion for adjournment was made by Shelley and seconded by Lette.All approved. Next meeting date will be on Tuesday May 13th at 7:00 pm.

Minutes submitted by Shelley Hertz