Syllabus for Human Anatomy and Physiology

G.J. Schmid

Pelican Rapids High School


Text: Hole’s Human Anatomy &Physiology, 8th edition; Sheir, Butler & Lewis

Lab Manual: Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology, 8th edition; Sheir, Butler & Lewis

Week 1

Chapter 1: location of body cavities, function of organ systems, relative body positions, body sections, body regions, prefixes and suffixes at beginning of chapter, definition of Anatomy, Physiology, homeostasis.

Test and outcome sheet I give to students has been included

Week 2-4

Chapter 2 & 3: prefix and suffix of ch 2 & 3, Cells, cell membranes, organelles, cell nucleus, transport and diffusion, mitosis, review of chemisty.

Test, lab & worksheet on check cell (#4)and lab and worksheet on mitosis(#6) are included

Week 5-6

Chapter 4 Metabolism: prefixes and suffixes, anabolic and catabolic reactions of proteins, carbohydrate, and fats, substrate enzyme complex, rate limiting enzyme, ATP-ADP cycle, Arobic and Anarobic respiration, DNA replication, complimentary base pairing, Transcription, translation.

Test and worksheets included

Week 7-9

Chapter 5 Tissue: General characteristics and function of epithelial tissue, connective, muscle and nervous tissue, word parts at beginning of chaper.

Test, worksheets and outcomes students receive included.

Labs on epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous included. (Labs 7, 8, & 9)

Week 10-11

Chapter 6 Integumentary System: Pages 113-123, Lab # 10, Test

Week 12-16

Chapter 7 Skeletal System: Pages 126-166, Lab #11,12,14,15,16, &17, Tests

Outcome sheet for students completed

Week 17-22

Chapter 8 Muscular System: Pages 170-204, Lab # 18 through 22, Tests

We also dissect the musculature of a fetal Pig in this unit

Weeks 23-25

I now do a digestive unit that I use the fetal pig in so I do it at this time for storage of the specimen reasons. This is not apart of UMC first semester so I will not go into details.

Weeks 26-28

Chapter 9 Nervous System: Pages 205-250, Lab # 23, 25, 26, 27(dissection of sheep brain) Test

Weeks 29-30

Chapter 10 Somatic and Special Senses: Pages 251-278, Parts of lab 28 and 29 including dissection of an eye, Test

Week 31-32

Chapter 11 Endocrine System: Pages 279-304, lab #31, Test

Week 33-34

Chapter 12 Cardiovascular System.

This schedule is flexible and subject to change.