Week Beginning: Monday 5th September
Owls Timetable
Term 1 2011
/ 8.30 – 9.00 / 9.00 -10.00 / Service and breaktime / 10.40 – 11.00 / 11.00 -12.00 / Lunchtime / 1.00 – 2.00 / 2.00 – 3.00 / 3 – 3.15 /Monday / Pupil names in spaces.
Selection of picture books on tables.
Sit in table rows. / Register and Name Games.
Circle time, getting to know you – swap places with anyone who...?
Look around the classroom and return to carpet to show and tell.
Discuss morning routine and Welcome Area.
Model and do – good lining up for service. / WCOP
Introduce display and discuss – add the 4 headings. / Discuss being safe in the classroom and come up with class risk assessment.
Use post it notes to collate ideas.
Pupils write names on bookmark-sized strips of card for self portrait display. Decorate with crayon. / Story.
Pupils create self portrait images on A3 paper for “We are Owl Class” display. Cut out and mount.
Class teacher – label all jumpers whilst children work.
Extra Service at 2.50pm
End of day routine explained, modelled and practised.
Tuesday / Selection of picture books on tables. / Numeracy
Mental starter recognising numbers as numerals and words. Use class number line. Activity – model how to write one digit in each square. Pupils copy and continue. How far can you go? Teacher assess – are there any reversed digits or numerals? / WCOP
Game - Connectives fruit salad. Add the words to the display. / Class agreement, rewards and sanctions etc. Put up display outlining the agreement. Send letter to parents about rules.
Storytelling – teacher to tell the story of “Charlie and the Chocolate” (Pie Corbett).. Repeat with the children including actions. / RWI
Speed sounds – assess pupil ability to recognise sounds at speed.
Introduce reading rewards tree and explain how it works. Children make their Owl Peg to use on the display. / Topic
Owls – use safe internet search engine on IWB for images of owls. Share owl facts and model how to write them. Pupils to complete a fact file about owls by writing one fact and drawing a picture.
Class Teacher take pupil photographs whilst children work. / Story
Wednesday / Selection of picture books on tables. / Numeracy
Mental Oral counting with Djembe drum.
Teach the “Farmer Pete” song for number bonds. Repeat practically by choosing 10 pupils to be the sheep. Using 10 cubes, learners work in pairs to recreate the song. / Talk through Fire Drill and practise. / Literacy
Repeat and rehearse Pie story. Sentence level work deconstructing a well known sentence and modelling how to write it. Pupils write similar sentences independently (close procedure, missing words etc.) Class teacher to “Hold a sentence” with target group. / PE
Discuss PE kit – what should we bring and on which days? Play spacial awareness games in hall or outdoors. / Outdoor Maths Area / Story
Thursday / Selection of picture books on tables. / Numeracy
Mental Oral Counting with Djembe drum.
Revise “Farmer Pete” song. Learners produce written outcome on sheet showing number sentence. / Talk through Lock Down and practise. / Literacy
Build on previous learning to remember and write the story. Use a story map to help learners recall the main events and key phrases. Write for best writing display. / Repeat RWI speed sounds.
Carousel of activities to include pupil reading, finishing topic work, drawing table, writing table, construction, art activity. Pupils reading books to be sent home.
Introduce “Tidy Up” music. / Story
Friday / Selection of picture books on tables. / Numeracy
Mental oral counting on and back using counting stick. Can the children count in twos?
Class Pictogram – discuss eye colour. Each pupils draws and colours in an eye. Create whole class pictogram for display. / WCOP
Use a quality picture book and read, drawing out powerful words to add to the WCOP display. / RWI
Reading and get writing session – slowly reminding learners of conventions such as quality partner work. Use Get Writing books. / (Session left blank – to be used as required.) / Golden Time / Story