The impact of plastic exercises in developing the explosive capacity of the muscles of the two legs and the performance of some grabbing from the top of the chest in free wrestling among young

Lect.Dr. Hussain Manati Saget. Iraq. University of Karbala. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

Assistant .Lect .Aqeel Abdul Jabbar Abdul Rasool. Iraq. University of Babylon. College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences



Explosive ability is one of the most important physical abilities in the game of wrestling, and the main factor in it. The wrestlers need when applying Grabbing, especially those that need maximum strength in the shortest time (such as shooting (snatch), whether on the chest or behind the back or side. The development of this element is a necessary requirement, especially if it is specific exercises such as ballistic exercises because they are important in the removal of boredom in the wrestler as well as the thrill of them in the performance of skills because it is identified as distancing anxiety about the player because of the absence of injury such exercises that are used with the colleague. So the researchers studies these exercises and their effects on developing on the explosive capacity among wrestlers . The research objective was to prepare plastic exercises for the muscles of the legs of the young wrestlers (ages 18-19) belonging to the club of sports fans, and to identify the effect of plastic exercises in the development of the explosive ability of the two legs and performance Some of the grabbing from the top chest in free wrestling among young category (18-19) years belonging to the club of sports fans . The sample of the study included the fans of Al-Jamhur sports club at the age of (18-19) year , weight (55) kg and the number of wrestlers are (16). The researcher used the experimental approach for its suitability for the nature of the study.,The sample was divided into two groups, one of which was control group and the other is experimental. After a series of research procedures, the researcher reached the most important conclusion is that it is possible to rely on ballistic exercises, as effective methods in the development (explosive capacity of legs), free wrestling among wrestlers category (18-19) years.

Keywords: plastic exercises, explosive power, free wrestling