Goddard: Eighth GradeCommon Core State Standards (CCSS) Mathematics

Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Domain: Geometry / Code: 8.G.1
Cluster: Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
Standard: Verify experimentally the properties of rotations, reflections, and translations:
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ☒
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Properties – a character or attribute that something has

  • Rotation - the act of rotating; turning around as on an axis

  • Reflections – an image or shape as it would be seen in a mirror

  • Translations – moving a shape without rotating or flipping

Be Able to Do (Verbs) / Level I / Level II / Level III / Level IV / Level V
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the cognitive demand level (Bloom’s/SEC) with verbs in context by placing a checkmark in the appropriate square: / Knowledge/ Remembering
Memorize facts, definitions, & formulas / Comprehension/ Understanding
Perform Procedures / Application
Demonstrate understanding of math / Analysis
Conjecture, Generalize, Prove / Synthesis/Evaluate/ Create; Solve non-routine problems; make connections
  • Verify – to prove the truth of by presentation of evidence
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This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
  • Students use compasses, protractors, and rulers to explore figures created from translations, reflections, and rotations

Essential Questions:
  • Can I use a compass, protractor, and/or a ruler to explore figures created form translations, reflections, and rotations

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed / Check Level of Rigor/Cognitive Demand
(Depth of Knowledge
1. / Vocabulary: line, line segments, coordinate plane, angles, parallel lines / I ☒ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
2. / Identify: rotation, reflection, translation / I ☒ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
Assessments: (What will be acceptable evidence the student has achieved the desired results?) / Instructional Resources/Tools:
Textbook, workbook
Compass, Protractor, Ruler, Technology
Assessment Item Type: Selected Response☒Extended Constructed Response☒Technology Enhanced☒
Performance Task☒ Oral Response☒ Eligible as summative item☒
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Using a ruler or a protractor show that these figures are congruent.

Example 2: Use a ruler or protractor to show that these figures are congruent.

Example 3: Use a ruler or protractor to show that these figures are congruent.

Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Domain: Geometry / Code: 8.G.1a
Cluster: Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
Standard: Lines are taken to lines, and line segments to line segments of the same length.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ☒
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Lines - straight, extends in both directions without end

  • Line segment – part of a line connecting two points

  • Length – line from end to end

Be Able to Do (Verbs) / Level I / Level II / Level III / Level IV / Level V
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the cognitive demand level (Bloom’s/SEC) with verbs in context by placing a checkmark in the appropriate square: / Knowledge/ Remembering
Memorize facts, definitions, & formulas / Comprehension/ Understanding
Perform Procedures / Application
Demonstrate understanding of math / Analysis
Conjecture, Generalize, Prove / Synthesis/Evaluate/ Create; Solve non-routine problems; make connections
  • Are Taken – comparing two corresponding lines
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This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
  • The student can verify that after figure has been translated corresponding lines remain the same

Essential Questions:
  • Can you verify that after figure has been translated corresponding lines remain the same.

  • Can you identify corresponding sides?

  • Can you identify corresponding angles?

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed / Check Level of Rigor/Cognitive Demand
(Depth of Knowledge
1. / Vocabulary: line, line segment / I ☒ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
Assessments: (What will be acceptable evidence the student has achieved the desired results?) / Instructional Resources/Tools:
Textbook, workbook
Compass, Protractor, Ruler, Technology
Assessment Item Type: Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐
Performance Task☐ Oral Response☐ Eligible as summative item☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Using the model below, show that corresponding sides are congruent.

Example 2: Using the model below, show that corresponding sides are congruent.

Example 3: Using the model below, show that corresponding sides are congruent.

Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Domain: Geometry / Code: 8.G.1b
Cluster: Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
Standard: Angles are taken to angles of the same measure.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ☒
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Angles – the amount of turn between two straight lines

  • Measure – to find a number that shows the size or amount of something such as meter or kilogram

Be Able to Do (Verbs) / Level I / Level II / Level III / Level IV / Level V
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the cognitive demand level (Bloom’s/SEC) with verbs in context by placing a checkmark in the appropriate square: / Knowledge/ Remembering
Memorize facts, definitions, & formulas / Comprehension/ Understanding
Perform Procedures / Application
Demonstrate understanding of math / Analysis
Conjecture, Generalize, Prove / Synthesis/Evaluate/ Create; Solve non-routine problems; make connections
  • Are taken - comparing angles to angles
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This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
  • The student can verify that after a figure has been reflected corresponding angles have the same measure

Essential Questions:
  • Can I verify that corresponding angles have the same measure

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed / Check Level of Rigor/Cognitive Demand
(Depth of Knowledge
1. / Vocabulary: angles, corresponding angles, reflection, lines / I ☒ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
2. / Measure angles / I ☐ II ☐ III ☒ IV ☐ V ☐
3. / I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
Assessments: (What will be acceptable evidence the student has achieved the desired results?) / Instructional Resources/Tools:
Textbook, workbook
Compass, Protractor, Ruler, Technology
Assessment Item Type: Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐
Performance Task☐ Oral Response☐ Eligible as summative item☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Using the model below, show that corresponding angles are congruent.

Example 2: Using the model below, show that corresponding angles are congruent.

Example 3: Using the model below, show that corresponding angles are congruent.

Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Domain: Geometry / Code: 8.G.1c
Cluster: Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
Standard: Parallel lines are taken to parallel lines.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☐Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ☒
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Parallel lines – two lines on a plane that never meet ; always the same distance apart

Be Able to Do (Verbs) / Level I / Level II / Level III / Level IV / Level V
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the cognitive demand level (Bloom’s/SEC) with verbs in context by placing a checkmark in the appropriate square: / Knowledge/ Remembering
Memorize facts, definitions, & formulas / Comprehension/ Understanding
Perform Procedures / Application
Demonstrate understanding of math / Analysis
Conjecture, Generalize, Prove / Synthesis/Evaluate/ Create; Solve non-routine problems; make connections
  • Are taken – comparing parallel lines to parallel lines
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This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
  • The student can verify that after a figure has been rotated corresponding parallel lines remain parallel

Essential Questions:
  • Can I verify that corresponding parallel lines remain parallel

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed / Check Level of Rigor/Cognitive Demand
(Depth of Knowledge
1. / Vocabulary: parallel, rotation, angles, lines / I ☒ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
Assessments: (What will be acceptable evidence the student has achieved the desired results?) / Instructional Resources/Tools:
Textbook, workbook
Compass, Protractor, Ruler, Technology
Assessment Item Type: Selected Response☐Extended Constructed Response☐Technology Enhanced☐
Performance Task☐ Oral Response☐ Eligible as summative item☐
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Given that AB is parallel to CD, show that A’B’ is parallel to C’D’.

Example 2:

Example 3:
Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Domain: Geometry / Code: 8.G.2
Cluster: Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
Standard: Understand that a two-dimensional figure is congruent to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, and translations; given two congruent figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the congruence between them.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☒Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ☒
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Two-dimensional – a shape that only has two dimensions such as length and height and no thickness

  • Congruent – the same shape and size

  • Rotation - the act of rotating; turning around as on an axis

  • Reflections – an image or shape as it would be seen in a mirror

  • Translations – moving a shape without rotating or flipping
  • Sequence – the order of symbols and objects

Be Able to Do (Verbs) / Level I / Level II / Level III / Level IV / Level V
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the cognitive demand level (Bloom’s/SEC) with verbs in context by placing a checkmark in the appropriate square: / Knowledge/ Remembering
Memorize facts, definitions, & formulas / Comprehension/ Understanding
Perform Procedures / Application
Demonstrate understanding of math / Analysis
Conjecture, Generalize, Prove / Synthesis/Evaluate/ Create; Solve non-routine problems; make connections
  • Understand
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  • Describe
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This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
  • The student will be introduced to congruency; students examine two figures to determine congruency; students recognize the symbols of congruency

Essential Questions:
  • Can I explain how transformations can be used to prove that two figures are congruent

  • Can I perform a series of transformations to prove or disprove figures are congruent

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed / Check Level of Rigor/Cognitive Demand
(Depth of Knowledge
1. / Vocabulary: sequence, two-dimensional, congruent, transformations / I ☒ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
Assessments: (What will be acceptable evidence the student has achieved the desired results?) / Instructional Resources/Tools:
Textbook, workbook
Three-dimensional models, geometry software
Assessment Item Type: Selected Response☒Extended Constructed Response☒Technology Enhanced☒
Performance Task☒ Oral Response☐ Eligible as summative item☒
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Graph each transformation of triangle ABC.
1. translation 4 units down
2. reflection across the y-axis
3. rotation of 180 about the origin
4. Show that triangle ABC is congruent to each of the other triangles.
Example 2:
Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Domain: Geometry / Code: 8.G.3
Cluster: Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
Standard: Describe the effect of dilations, translations, rotations, and reflections on two-dimensional figures using coordinates.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☒Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ☒
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Dilations – to resize something

  • Translations – moving a shape without rotating or flipping
  • Rotation - the act of rotating; turning around as on an axis

  • Reflections – an image or shape as it would be seen in a mirror

  • Two-dimensional – a shape that only has two dimensions such as length and height and no thickness

  • coordinates – a set of values that show an exact position

Be Able to Do (Verbs) / Level I / Level II / Level III / Level IV / Level V
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the cognitive demand level (Bloom’s/SEC) with verbs in context by placing a checkmark in the appropriate square: / Knowledge/ Remembering
Memorize facts, definitions, & formulas / Comprehension/ Understanding
Perform Procedures / Application
Demonstrate understanding of math / Analysis
Conjecture, Generalize, Prove / Synthesis/Evaluate/ Create; Solve non-routine problems; make connections
  • Describe
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This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
  • Students identify resulting coordinates from dilations, translations, reflections, and rotations recognizing the relationships between the coordinates and the transformations

Essential Questions:
  • Can I describe the changes occurring to the X and Y Coordinates of a figure after a translation, reflection, rotation or dilation?

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed / Check Level of Rigor/Cognitive Demand
(Depth of Knowledge
1. / Vocabulary: transformations, two-dimensional figures / I ☒ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
2. / Prime / I ☒ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
3. / Coordinate Plane: ordered pairs / I ☐ II ☒ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
I ☐ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
Assessments: (What will be acceptable evidence the student has achieved the desired results?) / Instructional Resources/Tools:
Textbook, workbook
Three-dimensional models, geometry software
Assessment Item Type: Selected Response☒Extended Constructed Response☒Technology Enhanced☒
Performance Task☒ Oral Response☐ Eligible as summative item☒
Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:
Example 1: Draw the image of a triangle with the vertices (-1, 2), (3,3), and (1, -3) after a translation 2 units up and 2 units to the right.
Example 2: Give the coordinates of each point after a reflection across the given axis. (1,4); x-axis
Example 3: Dilate the figure by the given scale factor with the origin as the center of dilation. What are the vertices of the image?
scale factor of 2

Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Domain: Geometry / Code: 8.G.4
Cluster: Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
Standard: Understand that a two-dimensional figure is similar to another if the second can be obtained from the first by a sequence of rotations, reflections, translations, and dilations; given two similar two-dimensional figures, describe a sequence that exhibits the similarity between them.
Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ☒Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ☒
Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking ☐
Know (nouns) Definition
List the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context.
  • Similar –figures not necessarily the same size but the same shape

  • Two-dimensional – a shape that only has two dimensions such as length and height and no thickness

  • Sequence – the order of symbols and objects

  • Translations – moving a shape without rotating or flipping

  • Rotation - the act of rotating; turning around as on an axis
  • Reflections – an image or shape as it would be seen in a mirror

Be Able to Do (Verbs) / Level I / Level II / Level III / Level IV / Level V
List the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the cognitive demand level (Bloom’s/SEC) with verbs in context by placing a checkmark in the appropriate square: / Knowledge/ Remembering
Memorize facts, definitions, & formulas / Comprehension/ Understanding
Perform Procedures / Application
Demonstrate understanding of math / Analysis
Conjecture, Generalize, Prove / Synthesis/Evaluate/ Create; Solve non-routine problems; make connections
  • Understand -
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  • Describe
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This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)
  • The student will understand that similar figures have congruent angles and sides that are proportional

Essential Questions:
  • Do I know that similar figures have congruent angles and sides that are proportional

What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.
Learning Sequence / Prior skill(s) needed / Check Level of Rigor/Cognitive Demand
(Depth of Knowledge
1. / Vocabulary: transformations, similar / I ☒ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
2. / Geometric figures / I ☒ II ☐ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐
3. / Proportions / I ☐ II ☒ III ☐ IV ☐ V ☐