Conservation Commission Minutes December 14, 2015
December 14, 2015
Buckley Room
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Mike Noonan, Jim Tormey, Cliff Jacob, Russ Forsythe, Jerry Kelliher
Absent: Kathy Creighton, Joe Feeney
Request for Partial Certificate of Compliance, SE84-485, 899 & 907 Washington Street, Abington Investments LLC. Jerry excused himself from this hearing. Motion to open made by Russ, seconded by Cliff, unanimous. John Cotter and Russ Wheatley attended for applicant. The lot has been subdivided and a Form A was done. NOI was only on #899. #907 is the existing house.
Motion to issue partial certificate of compliance on 84-485 made by Cliff, seconded by Jim, unanimous. Mike asked for a copy of the Form A for the file.
Request to amend Order of Conditions for #84-486, Precast Specialties, 999 Adams Street. Motion to open made by Jim, seconded by Russ, unanimous. John Cotter explained they are looking to do work out back as shown on the plans, a 24' x 64' concrete slab for sand and aggregate. They will re-grade and flatten the area. This is to stockpile materials within the 100' buffer zone. There will be no additional impervious area other than the concrete pad. There will be no additional runoff. The grade will flow in the same direction, but 3' higher. It will be pitched towards the tracks and wetlands as it does now.
Motion to approve the amended Order of Conditions for #84-486 made by Jerry, seconded by Russ, unanimous.
Request for Determination, Boston Gas Co.dba National Grid, to extend gas service from existing main on Adams Street at Galway Road to the two buildings associated with Precast Specialties, 999 Adams Street. Motion to open made by Russ, seconded by Cliff, unanimous. Amanda Crouch-Smith of Tighe & Bond gave presentation. The gas line extension will be from existing line going from Weymouth into Abington, 700 linear feet. Has two service lines. Is considered to be minor activity. Work will be conducted in the roadway. Will be coming off stub. Asphalt damage will be minimal. They will be doing 150 linear feet per day. Board didn't have a problem with this.
Motion for negative determination made by Cliff, seconded by Jim, unanimous. Hearing was closed.
Request for Certificate of Compliance, SE84-316, 283 Rockland Street, Katie Stephenson, S. David White, P.C. Hearing opened. Raymond Peterson, 147 Belmont Street, Whitman, just sold the house. He had filed with the Commission in 2002, but hadn't requested the certificate of compliance upon completion. It is a small deck within fenced-in area. Mike had gone out and taken pictures of it.
Motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance made by Jim, seconded by Jerry, unanimous.
Minutes - October 26, 2015 - motion to approve made by Russ, seconded by Jim, 4 ayes, 1 abstention (Cliff).
Building Permits - Jerry reviewed the list.
Mike - Park & Rec wants to come before the board informally to discuss Griffin's Dairy and the possibility of amending the order of conditions.
Mike - Hal Norton had contacted him re taking down three trees in front of his house at 226 Wyman Road. They are at least 95' from the stream. The board had no objections.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. made by Jerry, seconded by Russ, unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Hurst