Granada Training Center
9860 Harvey Rd.
Galt, CA
Your “judges” for this event will be Debbie Voelker & Sandra Rohrer.
Workshop starts: 11:00 am. Please do not arrive before 10:30 am.
Fees: Obedience: $12 1st run/$10 additional run
No refunds after close of entries unless event is cancelled.*
Pre-entry only – Entries close Wednesday Feb. 26th,2014, or when limit is reached.
Please Note: Run order will be: first to check in, first to run.
Classes: Obedience – Utility, Open & Novice
SHADE is limited and you are welcome to bring your own. There is a small barn next to the training yard, which will be open .. you can set up crates or ex-pens in the barn as it is shady and cooler in there ..(it does have a dirt floor, so you may want to bring a mat or tarp). Bring your own chairs, ex-pens, and crates - whatever you need.The drive-through gate next to the garage will be open to the back area where the training yard is- just drive on back there to park. There will be no food available at this workshop. Fast food & other restaurants are about 1 ½ miles away.
*CANCELLATIONS: - If severe weather conditions or something unexpected shouldwarrant cancellation of any workshop, notice will be sent out as soon as possible, & entries will be refunded.
Directions:.... (coming from north or south of Galt onHwy 99) take the Central Galtexit off Hwy 99, and follow the “A” St. signs .. Stay on A St. which will become Harvey Rd. after you pass the elementary school. The next cross street will be Sargent Rd.- my house is about the 5th one past Sargent Rd, and is on the left. Address is 9860 Harvey Rd. My red van should be in the drive. House is brick w/blue trim- white fence and circular drive.
OR, if you're coming from I-5 north or southof Galt, take the Twin Cities Rd/Walnut Grove exit. Go east toward Galt. Take a right on Christensen Rd (about 8 miles from I-5). Then take a left on Harvey Rd (3rd stop sign). My house will be about 1/2 mile on the right. Address is 9860 Harvey Rd.
***** A few rules: Please keep all dogs on leash, in crates or ex-pens when not working in the ring.There will be a potty area for dogswith scoop & bucket available. Please pick up after your dogs. Please keep barking under control - I do have neighbors, and want to be able to continue offering these workshops!
Debbie Voelker
Granada Training Center
ph. 209-745-6645 or cell (morning of workshop only) 916-207-7034.
*** If you would like to be removed from the mailing list at any time, just let me know!
If you have friends you think might be interested, please tell them about the workshop!
Please note: My training area & equipment (NOW INCLUDING AGILITY EQUIPMENT!) are available for hourly use rental by private appointment. Ring posts/tape, jumps, rally signs/holders & agility equipment. For information, please contact me!
Watch my webpage for future events!
Granada Workshop – March 1st, 2014
Please complete form & mail (with check payable to Debbie Voelker) to:
Debbie Voelker, 9860 Harvey Rd., Galt, CA 95632.
Please use one form for each dog.