Course Alpha/Number: / SAM 111 / Semester / Year: / Summer 2010Section: / 2 & 4 / Course Days / MON-FRI
Course Title: / Introduction to Samoan / Course Time: / 8.00-9.20 & 12.30-1.50PM
Instructor: / Tamari Mulitalo-Cheung / Department: / SAMOAN STUDIES INSTITUTE
Office Hours & Location: / 11-12pm Lower campus, SSI building / Classroom: / R.8 & R.9
Email Address: / / Contact Phone: / 699-9155 EXT372, 258-7974
Required Textbook: / 1). Le Tagaloa, Aiono F.2005. La ta Gagana. Lamepa Press, Apia 2). Aiavao, Afemata Tunumafono Apelu Aiavao (1987). Maunu mai Loimata o Apaula. Institute of Pacific Studies and the Wesern Samoa Extension Centre of the University of the South Pacific and the National University of Samoa. Apia.
(specify Author, ISBN, Publisher, and Edition)
Additional Supplement: / 1. Feleti, Evile F. (2009). Strengths & Weaknesses of Samoan Grammar. Plan B Paper/Thesis for the
Master’s degree in Education: Review of Literature Chapter. University of Hawai’i at Manoa.
2. Fiamalua, S. Mataio. (2007). Kalama o le Gagana Samoa. Fa’atautaiga a Manusina & Fa’asoa
Fa’alea’oa’oga. Fale’ula o Fatua’iupu Conference July 7-12 (2007). Island Business Center Nu’uuli, American Samoa.
3. Mayer, Lasei J. (1976). Kalama o le Gagana Sāmoa. University of Hawai’i Press.
4. Mulitalo-Cheung, T. 2008. O le Lumana’i o lau Gagana Samoa. Folasaga mo le fono a le Measina, NUS, Apia.
5. Salesa, D. 2004. Mauaina o o tatou tuaa. Learning Media Ltd. Wellington, NZ.
6. Henry F. 1980. O se Tala’aga o Samoa. Faaliliuina e Moega T. Tuitele. Department of Education. American Samoa.
7. Feleti, E. 2009. Galuega vasega SAM 111.Worksheets.
8. <>
I. Course Description (Paragraph Description from Catalog): / This is an introductory course in
Samoan writing and speaking, grammar and usage of contemporary and commonly used respectful Samoan phrases. Students enrolled are recommended to write and speak fluent Samoan.
II. Course Rationale (Brief statement on how students may use this course, i.e. transfer, degree
requirements, elective, pre-requisite…): / Sam 111 may be used as the one Samoan language
course (Cluster II), to meet the minimum Samoa Pacific Studies requirements.
III. Learning Objectives: (Identify the “content” or “subject-matter” objectives students will) learn from this course):
1. Understand the history of the Samoan spoken and written language. (Dept. LO 1, Institutional SLO Communication SkillsI.1.1, I.1.2,I.1.3,I.1.4, SLO I.2.1)
2. Understand the morphology of Samoan words. (Dept. LO 1, SLO Communication Skills I.11, I.1.2, I.3.1)
3. Understand the orthography, lexicon, phonology and syntax of Samoan language. (Dept. LO 1, Institutional SLO Communication Skills I.11, I.1.2, I.3.1)
4. Understand the 21st century alphabet of the Samoan language (Dept. LO 1, Institutional SLO Communicational Skills I.11, I.1.2, I.3.1)
5. Identify components of a sentence (Dept. LO 1, Institutional SLO Communication Skills I.11, I.1.2, I.2.1, I.3.1)
6. Identify different parts of speech (9) (Dept. LO 1, Institutional SLO Communication Skills I.11, I.1.2, I.2.1, I.3.1)
7. Demonstrate competency in individual speech or dialoguing using contemporary and respectful language (Dept. LO 1, 5, Institutional SLO Communication Skills)
IV. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): Identify learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, attitudes) students will develop at the end of the course beyond the content or subject matter. (see degree
and certificate SLO’s) :
I.1.1 Speak and write clearly to a variety of audiences (Course LO 7)
I.1.2 Use oral and written skills to organize, deliver and evaluate (Course LO 1- 7)
I.2.1 Comprehend, interpret and evaluate information from the textbook, lecture notes,
class discussions and other mediums of information (Course LO 1-7)
I.3.1 Follow instructions, procedures and guidelines effectively (Course LO 2, 3, 6)
Job Skills
a. Demonstrate important work qualities (promptness, dependability, initiative,
etc.) (Course LO 7)
Life Skills
III.2.1Recognize and respect the perspective of others (Course LO 7)
V. Course Requirements: Learning activities/assignments required for the course.
Individual Assignment: Fa’asinomaga Presentation (5%)
Course SLO I.1.1, Job Skills Adaptive a., III.2.1
Recitation of Samoan Alphabet Chart (individually) (5%)
Course SLO I.1.1, I.2.1, I.3.1
Quiz Syllable, spelling and dictation 10%
Course SLO I.2.1, I.3.1
Free Writing (blogging online) 5%
Course SLO I.1.2, I.2.1, I.3.1, Job Skills Adaptive a.
Group Activity: Debate 5%
Course SLO I.1.1, I.1.2, 1.2.1, I.3.1, Job Skills Adaptive a., III.2.1
Content & Structure Worksheet (Review for midterm)
Course SLO I.1.2, I.2.1, I.3.1
VSOLTR worksheet (Review for midterm)
Course SLO I.1.2, I.2.1, I.3.1
Group Activity: Story in Song Literature Circle & Role Playing 10% Group Presentation
Course SLO I.1.1, I.1.2, I.2.1, I.3.1, Job Skills Adaptive a. III.2.1
Peer Review & Final Paragraph, Essay 10%
Course SLO I.1.1, I.2.1, I.3.1
Midterm -20%
Final Presentation/Special Project/Service Learning 20%
Course SLO I.1.1, I.2.1, I.3.1
Participation: overall using Participation Rubric = 5%
Attendance: convert attendance days to 5%
VI. Methods of Instruction: Paragraph description on how the course will be taught, indicating, lecture, lecture/lab, group discussions or other primary forms of instruction; frequency activities;
• Lectures – These are to explain and clarify course content in especially concepts, ideas, and theories pertaining to the course – Power point presentation are utilized.
• Group assignments – sharing, discussing, analyzing and answering assessments given during class
• Take home assignments – usually to follow up on a class discussion or a particular component of the content. Also to encourage text readings
• Video viewing – provides a different perspective
• Research assignments, essay writing – developing research skills on finding sources, comprehending, processing and presenting information
VII. Grading:
1. Will use Letter Grade. All the points you received from all assessments, which are the required assignments and unscheduled extra credits are added and converted to percent.
2. Explain the weighting of course components:
a. Component 1 (Faasinomaga (5%)
b. Component 2 (Recitation of Samoan Alphabet Chart (individually) (5%)
c. Component 3 (Quiz Syllable, spelling and dictation 10%)
d. Component 4 (Free Writing -blogging online) 5%)
e. Component 5 (Group Activity: Debate 5%)
f. Component 6 (Midterm -20%)
g. Component 7 (Group Presentation -10%)
h. Component 8 (Peer Review & Final Paragraph, Essay 10%)
i. Component 9 (Final Presentation/Special Project/Service Learning 20%)
j. Component 10 (Participation: overall using Participation Rubric = 5%)
k. Component 11 (Attendance: convert attendance days to 5%)
Letter Grade
A+ 97% A 95% A-90%
B+ 87% B 85% B- 80%
C+ 79% C 75 % C-70 %
D+ 67% D 65% D- 60%
F = Below 59%
VIII. Last day to completely withdraw from the course. See “2006-2008 ASCC AcademicCalendar” in the catalog. / June 14-15 Late Admissions & Late Registration
“ “ Add and Drop Period
June 16-18 Drop only period
June 21-25 ASTEP 1ST Session -Withdrawl period to receive “W/F” or W/NP”
June 21-July 9 – Withdrawl period to receive a “W”
July 2 – ASTEP 1st Session ends
July 5 –HOLIDAY Independence Day
July 23 -Instructions End
August 2 – 2010 Summer Grades Due
IX. Attendance Policy: See Catalog “Academic Policies & Procedures” section
Attendance & Late Assignment Policy:
It is expected of you to attend all the scheduled class sessions. You are allowed a maximum of six excused absences. It is your responsibility to inform the instructor if you are not going to attend the class. The roll check will be taken during the class. In the case of the instructor being absent, you will be informed by the Office of the Dean of Instructional Affairs. A sign up sheet will be given as well. Excessive unexcused absences will result in you getting a failing grade for the course. All students are to adhere to the Attendance Policy of the American Samoa Community College (ASCC) stated in page 34 of the Catalog.
23. TENTATIVE TOPICAL COURSE OUTLINE (3 weeks regular session = 1 summer week)
Course Syllabus
Introduce Special /Performance/Project/Service Learning
History of the Samoan spoken & written language
The formation of the Plural of Verbs
Pratt 1862
Course SL Obj. # 1, 3, 4 / ACTIVITIES
Go over Course Syllabus
Lecture on Fa’asinomaga & History of Samoan spoken and written language
Individual Assignment:
Fa’asinomaga Presentations
Spelling Test
Discuss assessment rubric for Samoan Alphabet Recitation
Week 2 / Samoan Alphabet
Fiamalua 2007
Syllables and Accent
Kneubuhl & Moega 1980
Course SL Obj. # 1, 3, 4 / Lecture on Samoan Alphabet/Syllables and Accent
Reciting Samoan Alphabet (Repetition Activity)
Spelling Test
Discuss writing assignments: Free Writing & Dictation
Week 3 / Samoan Syllables: “KV”
Kneubuhl & Moega 1980
Fiamalua 2007
Setting up of Samoan Syllables: Nucleus, Onset, & Coda
O’Grady 2005
Introduction to Samoan Morphology
Kneubuhl & Moega 1980
Feleti 2009
Introduction to Academic Debate
Course SL Obj. #2, 3, 7 / Lecture on Samoan Syllabic Features/Samoan Morphology
Discuss Academic Debate
Reciting Samoan Alphabet (Repetition Activity)
Syllable Worksheet
Spelling Test
Free Writing
Prepare for 1st Debate
Discuss assessment rubric for Reading Comprehension Activity
Week 4 / Samoan Morphology: The analysis of word structure
Kneubuhl & Moega 1980
Feleti 2009
Short Stories
Course SL Obj. #2, 3 / Lecture on analysis of word structure
Spelling Test
Pleasure Reading
Group Activity: Speed Writing
Group Activity: Literature Circle (Reading Comprehension)
Week 5 / Strength & Weaknesses of Samoan Grammar
Feleti 2009
Short Stories
Course SL Obj. #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 / Morpheme Worksheet
Group Activity: Speed Writing
Debate Rubric introduced. Groups allocated
Week 6 / Samoan Sentence: Content & Structure Words
Kneubuhl & Moega 1980
Fiamalua 2007
Short Stories
VSOLTR sentence pattern
Mayer 1976
Fiamalua 2007
The Sentence: Word Order
Kneubuhl & Moega 1980
Course SL Obj. #2, 3, 5 / Lecture on Samoan sentence pattern
Content & Structure Worksheet
VSOLT worksheet
Group Activity: Literature Circle (Reading Comprehension)
Group work/ research on Debate –Library/Internet resources/Talanoa Method
Week 7 / Group Debates
Course SL Obj. #7 / Group Debates
Peer assessed using Debate rubric
Week 8 / Samoan Writing Workshop
Fiamalua 2007
Short Stories
Course SL Obj. #2, 3, 5, 6 / Discuss assessment rubric for Listening
Free Writing Exercises
Group Activity: Role Playing Activity
Begin Special Performance/Project/ or Service Learning
Week 9 / Samoan Parts of Speech
Kneubuhl & Moega 1980
Short Stories
Course SL Obj. #3, 5, 6 / Lecture on Parts of Speech
Group Activity: Sentence Completion
Role Playing Activity
Pyramid Poems
Special Performance/Project/ or Service Learning in PROGRESS
Week 10 / Samoan Paragraph
Short Stories
Course SL Obj. #2, 3, 5, 6 / Lecture on Samoan Paragraph
Select topic and write paragraph
Group Activity: Story in Song
Special Performance/Project/ or Service Learning in PROGRESS
Week 11 / Introduction to different Essay Genres
Samoan Adjectival Pronouns
Pratt (1862)
Essay Writing Workshop & Introduction of Ne’i Solo le Falute and Fatu Sau ‘Ula publication for selected work.
Course SL Obj. #2, 3, 5, 6 / Lecture on Essay Writing
Select topic for Final Essay
Discuss assessment rubric for final essay/peer review
Debate: oral and written text (debate and written speech rubrics)
Free Writing
Dictation –
Special Performance/Project/ or Service Learning in PROGRESS
Week 12 / Mamanu o ‘Upu/Word Patterns
Short Stories
Course SL Obj. #2, 3 / Lecture on Mamanu o ‘Upu/Word Patterns
Group Activity: Literature Circle (Reading Comprehension)
Free Writing –reading from class work
Lecture on Peer Review
Individual Assignment: Peer Review using Essay Rubric
Special Performance/Project/ or Service Learning in PROGRESS
Week 13 / O le Gagana Samoa/The Samoan Language
Simanu 2002
Course SL Obj. #1, 7 / Submit Final Essay 1st Draft
Group Activity: Word Association
Special Performance/Project/ or Service Learning in PROGRESS
Week 14 / Peer Review using Essay Rubric, Impromptu Speech rubric
Course SL Obj. # 4, 5, 6, 7 / Impromptu Speech Activity
Submit Final Essay 2nd Draft
Special Performance/Project/ or Service Learning in PROGRESS
Week 15 / Rehearsal and Review of final presentation/projects/publication / Group discussion on final essays and continue peer review
Submit Final Draft
Special Performance/Project/ or Service Learning in PROGRESS
Week 16 / Final presentation / Final Presentation
In the Fall Semester, the Final Presentation maybe the best Presentation from the class for showcase on SAMOAN DAY