The University of Wolverhampton Students’ Union

Union Council


Meeting held Wednesday 11thMarch2015,3pm, MA Building (MA112),City Campus

  1. Attendance & Apologies

Anita Ballard / Science & Engineering UG Science Faculty Rep / Present
Gemma Carroll / Welfare VP / Present
Hannah Cooper / Academic VP / Present
Charlotte Dutson / Education, Health & Wellbeing Education Faculty Rep / Present
Sukhbir Garcha / Social Science Law UG Faculty Rep / Present
Liene Huna / Social Science Business UG Faculty Rep / Present
Thulasi Kamalakannan / Science & Engineering Engineering Faculty Rep / Present
Dillen Majithia / Telford Campus Officer / Present
Laxman Majithia / Faculty of Science & Engineering Technology Rep / Present
Thushanth Mathiyaparanam / Postgraduate Officer / Present
Chimene Obunwo / Science & Engineering Technology PGFaculty Rep / Present
Deinsam Ogan / Science & Engineering PHD Rep / Present
Adam Riglar / Performing Arts Faculty Rep / Present
Theresa Summerfield / Education, Health & Wellbeing City Faculty Rep / Present
Takeo Gilbert Tamfu / International Students Officer / Present
Mary Thomas / Faculty of Arts Rep / Present
Yashiru Abobakar / BME Rep / Apologies
Elina Almanova / Social Sciences Postgraduate Rep / Apologies
Louise Goodyear / Education, Health & Wellbeing Burton Faculty Rep / Apologies
Zoe Harrison / President/Chair’s Aide / Apologies
Aimee Kaur / Chair of Union Council / Apologies
Rob Kirk / Non Portfolio Rep / Apologies
Nikolas Latham / Walsall Campus Officer / Apologies
Abigail Naylor / Social Sciences Social Science Faculty Rep / Apologies
Ala Sairani / Volunteering Engagement Officer / Apologies
Beverley Smith / Mature/Part-Time/Student Parents Officer / Apologies
Kulmiye Tifow / Student Experience VP / Apologies
Sally Whitlock / Social Science Leisure UG Faculty Rep / Apologies
Stephen Fellows / Humanities Faculty Rep / Absent
Adam Khan / Environmental Officer / Absent
Ben Lewis / City Campus Officer / Absent
Tanya Louden / LGBT+ Rep / Absent
Sufia Rahim / Non Portfolio Rep / Absent
Matthew Smith / Disabilities Rep / Absent
Ian Stone / Arts PHD Rep / Absent
Dave Anson / Student Engagement Manager / In Attendance
Martyn Curzey / Faculty Support Assistant / In Attendance
Sophie Fenner / Student Engagement Assistant / In Attendance
Ann Gough / CEO / In Attendance
Delores Williams / Company Secretary / In Attendance
  1. Investing in 2020

The VC attended the Union Council meeting to consult with members and gain feedback around the areas that the University should consider as part of the ‘Investing in 2020’ project.

Union Council ‘Investing in 2020’Feedback

  • Bursaries and scholarships
  • Whiteboard walls (to encourage interactive lecture classes)
  • Mirror Students’ Union services provided at City and Walsall on Telford (i.e. social activity
  • Introduce community partnerships and showcase heritage of the University
  • Provide more support for Postgraduate students entering in to employment
  • Service provision for students using the Walsall Performance Hub after hours (catering provision)
  • Increase industrial experience for Postgraduate students
  • Free Education
  • Links with local companies for PhD students
  • Increase talk time and provide more support in laboratories
  • Improve rooming resources in MC Building basement
  • Improve staffing support out of hours (make more flexible)
  • Improve access to software resources out of hours
  • Improve accommodation maintenance ‘Fix it Service’ support timescales
  • Rebuild Gorway to the standard of the student village (Walsall)
  • Increase Students’ Union social space at Walsall
  • Improveintersite bus linkage Wolverhampton, Walsall & Telford
  • Better signage for Walsall Campus
  • Improve services on Walsall & Telford Campus (Supermarket on Campus)
  • Improve books and resources in Learning Centres
  • Increase digital technology
  • Improve Walsall signage
  • Improvements to MK Building to make it more creative
  1. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting held on Wednesday 4th February 2015 was approved by the majority as a true and accurate record.

  1. Matters arising

Accommodation Survey

GC (Welfare VP) updated that the accommodation survey was now complete and would be circulated to Union Council members.


Exam Timetable Issues

TK(Science & Engineering Engineering Faculty Rep) raised exam timetabling issues in the Faculty of Engineering.

Action: TK (Science & Engineering Engineering Faculty Rep) to discuss with ZH (President) outside of the meeting.

Independent Studies

MT (Faculty of Arts Rep) raised the issue that independent study provisions were not available and that there was currently no technician support.

Action: MT (Faculty of Arts Rep to discuss with HC (Academic VP) outside of the meeting.

5. Executive Officer Reports

Written reports previously circulated to Union Council received from ZH (President), GC (Welfare VP)and HC (Academic VP) were approved by the majority of Union Council members.

Noted: DA (Student Engagement Manager) announced that since a change of room location, the meeting was now not quorate and that due to time constraints the meeting would re convene at another time, to be rearranged.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 4.30pm.

Date of next meeting Wednesday 1st April 2015, MA Building, (MA112),City Campus at 2pm.