Notes on how to use the plotter/printer in room A1-55
The plotter is for the students use as follows:
- Go to Yodo(用度)in Keiri-ka (A1-04: 経理). This is located just in front of the printer room. Ask for the form which you will use to record the work done. (Figure 1)
- Supervisor’s approval. Go to your supervisor’s office to discuss about the type of paper, number of copies and payment method you will use. You should get supervisor’s seal.
- Check whether there is enough paper available for your poster. There are three types of paper: regular, thick and photography type1.
- Check the size of you posters. There are two sizes: A0 and B0. A0 is about 95 cm width and B0 is about 110 cm width. (Figure 2)
- Set the paper. This step must be gently done. Being standing just in front of the plotter, you will find a lever on your right hand side. Move the lever upwards before setting the paper. Dismount the horizontal bar, detach the left lid and insert the paper tube (the paper must roll down from top). Lids must be inserted in the paper tube preventing it from sliding. Set the left lid back and mount the bar back in the plotter. (Figure 3)
- Lower the lever and be sure the paper is properly in place. Set the plotter ON.
- Format file. The computer downstairs is rather old without specialized software, therefore, PDF file is recommended.
- Before sending to print, check that the proper size had been selected.
- After successfully printing your poster, you are to dismount again the paper tube and place it to the original position.
- Report the work done. Fill the form out according to what you just printed and submit it to mentioned in 1 above. The cost of your work will be charged as decided in the form.
Additional notes:
1. Photography type paper is much nicer than the rest. Images look shinny and without any wrinkles. The only problem is when there is much light, images are difficult to be seen from certain angles.
2. Usually, there some additional cartridges in case any inks run low.
3. If you should find people working on their posters, you are to write down your name on the whiteboard just right above the computer for your turn.
4. Although there are some adhesive tape and cutters down there, it is good for you to take your own tools.
Figure 1. Form (in office No.104)
Figure 2. Paper size: A0 and B0
Figure 3. Setting the paper
Figure 4. Additional cartridges