2017 PRE Talent Show

The time has come to prepare for this year’s spring talent show! The date for this year’s all-school talent show is Thursday, May 18 at 9:00am. Auditions/classroom performances will happen during regular music class time the week of May 8th.

The following is a list of talent show acts that your student may choose from. Anything not on this list must be approved by the music teacher prior to auditions.

~ Singing, choreographed dancing to music, and/or playing an instrument of any


~ A short play/skit including acting, comedy, magic or puppets. Please bring a

script with you for the teacher at the time of the audition.

~ Gymnastics, taekwondo, or karate when set as a routine to music (no weapons!)

Each student who would like to perform has two opportunities to do so:

~ Choice 1: Perform a “just for fun” act for their class during music time. These

performances are less formal. Students use the stage and microphone in

music class to perform for their peers. For these performances, the teacher

can help by providing props, music, etc if needed. No permission slip is

needed for a “just for fun” performance.

~Choice 2: Use the classroom performance as an audition for the all-school talent

show. Students perform for their classmates and the teacher fills out the

rubric on the opposite side of this sheet. The top acts will be chosen to

perform again in front of the entire student body. These performances

should be more polished and formal. Students are expected to

provide their own props, musical accompaniments and other supplies. The

teacher will provide speakers, a piano and mats (if needed). Additionally,

the sheet on the back of this paper MUST be filled out and returned at

the time of the audition.

A few additional reminders:

~ All performances must be approx. 2 minutes long or less.

~ All lyrics to music used must be appropriate for school. There may not be any

suggestive or inappropriate lyrics. If you are unsure about a song, please

have it checked BEFORE the audition day.

~If your child is going to sing with an accompaniment, please make every attempt

to find a karaoke track. You can purchase a karaoke track from itunes or

many other sources.

~ Students trying out for the all-school show will not have access to any

youtube videos during the auditions or the performance. It is your responsibility to purchase the music and email it to the music teacher, bring it on CD or thumb drive, or provide a device to play it.

If you have any questions, feel free email me at . Thank you for all of your support and I’m looking forward to the performances!

Emily Drabyn, Music

2017 Talent Show Permission Slip

**This permission slip MUST be signed and returned on or before the student’s classroom audition in order to be considered for the all-school talent show!**


Names and grades of additional students participating in performance (if applicable):



*PARENT EMAIL (please print clearly!) ______



___PLAYING AN INSTRUMENT: My instrument is ______

___DOING A ROUTINE TO MUSIC: Type of routine ______




*My/My child’s talent show act has been well thought-through and practiced. I have observed the student(s) practicing and their act follows all of the talent show rules.


Parent SignatureStudent Signature


Performance Rubric

To be completed by the teacher during the audition

4 – Excellent / 3 – Good: / 2 – Fair: / 1 – Poor
Preparation / Preparation is obvious - definite practice has gone into the performance / Some preparation has taken place. Performers know most of performance / Parts of the act were forgotten. Performance not practiced much. / There was no practice or preparation
Delivery / Performer is confident and serious and has a talent to share / Performer has moments of confidence, is serious, and has potential / Performer has moments of confidence. Parts are tentative / Performer does not show confidence in their performance
Creativity / Performance is creative and unique / Performance is creative / There are some creative aspects / Performance has been done before and is not very creative
Enthusiasm / Performance is energized and exciting / Performance is mostly energized and exciting / Performance shows some potential / Performance lacks enthusiasm and excitement
Overall / Performance is AMAZING / Performance is Good / Some aspects of the performance are good / Performance needs more work