
P.O. Box 735, Westville, IN 46391 · Phone: (219) 785-4936 · Fax (219) 785-0029 · Tax I.D. 31-0902953 · http://www.catsociety.org/

Meeting: ICS Board Meeting

Date: 5-6-13

Location: Purdue North Central
Central Library Room LSF170A

Time: 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Call to Order: Staci Trekles, President, ICS

Present: Absent

Paulette Gonzalez, Joan Hildebrand, Tina Sleppy

Gail Frieden, Judy Dean, Judy Lindmark

Natalie Cebulski ( via phone) Guests: Shonna

Gary Fossey (Allegius Credit Union)


I Welcome new Board members, Volunteers and Public members

II. Consent Agenda:

1 a. Approval of April 1, ICS Board Meeting: approved & accepted as submitted

b. Approval of April 22 closed ICS Board Meeting: approved & accepted as submitted

2. E-mail motions: None

III. Committee Reports: Accepted Tabled Not submitted

1. Treasurer and Finance Committee: Natalie not X

available via the phone. Information presented

by Judy Lindmark, a member of the finance


* $10,000 released to pay for medical bills,

Payroll Taxes, Workman's Comp

* $3,000 left in banking account at this time

To cover payroll.

* Employee, Nicole Mayer Medical bills not

Reflected in any financial records

* Roberta Jocius requested that Funding/

Grant $$ be reflected in future Financial


* $500 monthly deposit into Building Fund

Needs to be reflected in Financial Report(s)

* There is $962.00 in Pay Pal Account

* Mission Fish Program does not facilitate

Withdrawal of $$ from the account.

President Trekles will follow-up on this


Accept Tabled Not Available

* Acceptance tabled until further discussion

With Treasurer Cebulski

2. Public Relations/Communications X

* Judy Dean recommends that Board

Look at the development of a Marketing

Component of ICS

3. Fundraising X

* Godparents Program very successful

* Cate Amador, Diana Foster and Brandy Coleman

Are working on Single names for the


4. Cat Care X

5. Volunteer X

6. Membership X

March & April Reports submitted

Reports Section of Agenda interrupted for the Following Presentation:

Affiliation Summary of Allegius Credit Union and the ICS

Mr. Gary Fossey

VP, Member Development of Allegius Credit Union

·  Affiliation explained

·  ICS members/family members can now join Allegius

·  Credit Union membership has expanded as a result of affiliation with ICS

·  Marketing methods of ICS to 15,000 Allegius Credit Union members to be

Explored. Staci Trekles to work with Union's marketing Dept

·  ICS will include a Allegius Credit Union Newsletter sheet in all Adoption Folders

·  Allegius information and well as complimentary Allegius Coffee Mug

distributed to all members present.

·  The Board graciously thanks Mr. Fossey for sharing the collaborative efforts of the Credit Union with ICS.

Report Section Continued:

Accept Tabled Not Available

7. Foster Care X

* Discussion related to the length of time a

Cat was considered to be a Foster cat…months?


* Suggestion to include into the Foster

Contract a statement related to not having heard

From the Foster Home in years?, the cat would now

Be considered adopted?

Accept Tabled Not Available

* Marti R. to work with Lori Peterson, Human Relations

Chair regarding this issue/contractual agreement.

* Foster Homes are still needed. What is the possibility

Of finding local Barns for the Feral cats ICS has in the


* Judy Dean to contact Reins of Life for their

Interest in having Ferals sent to their


8. Adoption Committee X

16 cats adopted in April

9. Admissions (moved to New Business)

10. TNR X

Report submitted after Mtg was in progress via

Phone. Board unable to review report

Staci Trekles will contact Connie Szawara as to the

Inclusion of her information for the Best Friend's

Application. What is the status of the completion

Of the form?

11. Human Resources: (moved to New Business)

12. Technology X

13. Sponsor a Cat X

14. Grants: X

* Chair, Robert Jocius related that Bissell Corp had

Accepted our Grant Proposal

* ICS to be told at a later date at to which portion(s)

Of the Grant $ will be used for which of the three

Components submitted to Bissell: Plumbing/

Wiring for additional Washer/Dryer;

Deeper sink in the Bathroom to accommodate Pails;

And Sink & Faucet

* Roberta J. also presented a potential reduced cost

Offered by Hill's Science Foods for the Shelter

Residents. The Overview and criteria of the

Program was distributed to all Board members.

The specifics of the Program are to be reviewed

by Board members with any questions

regarding any component of the Program be

submitted to Roberta no later than Friday May 1, 2013.

There is a 14 day window in which ICS is able to

Respond to the agreement.

14. For Information:

a. Cat Shelter Report:

* there are 230 cats in the Shelter as of February 2013. This number does not include those

Cats who are in Foster Care

b. Cat Intake/Outtake Report: A slight discrepancy in # of cats in the shelter & Foster Care

IV Announcement and items for Information: None

V: Action Agenda:

1. Old Business

a. Shelter Emergency Mgmnt Plan Update

* Author is attempting to meet with County Officials in order to complete the ICS Emergency/

Disaster proposed Plan

b. Workmen's Compensation Plan

* ICS now has this in place

c. Board members D & O Insurance

* Proposed Policy submitted to Board for Review.

* Board members to review and respond to President Trekles within the next 10 days

d. Televised Promotions for ICS

* Judy Dean contacted Mike Dempsey, Director of Operations for Access La Porte County

To determine if ICS met the criteria to be televised and presented on their Video On Demand

site - PEG Central ( Public, Education and Government) program (219) 861-0940

* Two options are available to ICS

1. The TV Station personnel will video tape one hour of information at the ICS location for a

cost of $400.00

2. ICS may contact the Director of the La Porte County Visitor's Bureau in Michigan City

To submit the request to be a Speaker on the Saturday Morning Live (TV) presentations

For zero (-0-) cost.

3. Board members were open to the 2nd Option. President Staci Trekles to

contact the Convention Bureau to submit the ICS request.

e. Focus Group (Survey Monkey) Survey

* Staci Trekles will send out 4 - 5 question Survey to all ICS members to determine interest in

Focus Group participation regarding various issues which may be of interest to the members.

* Survey to elicit best day/time of the week, overall interest in the program and the choice of

Various concerns as well as open choice options.

f. Speaker's Bureau

* Judy Dean continues to work on components of this program.

* Suggestion of the development of a Power Point Program to supplement the presentation

By any Speaker. Staci and Judy to work on this Potential Development

* Joan Hildebrand and Judy Dean commented that a community member was at the Shelter to

Sponsor Linus for a Year and questioned as to whether ICS could provide a Speaker for their

Churches Pet Day to be held either on June 1st or June 8th in Portage, IN. Individual left her name

& contact information with Joan. This person was requested to send her info to ICS giving more

information. Her request for ICS to bring a cat to the presentation was ill advised. It was

suggested that one of the children from the Churches' Children's Group bring their cat(s )to the


* Cate Amador was suggested Speaker.

* Joan placed info in Gail Friedan's mailbox

G. Revision of By-Laws

* Board directed to continue to evaluate current By-laws by reviewing all potential submissions

for addition, corrections and/or deletions.

H. ICS Organizational Plan

* Judy Dean will re-submit the revised ICS Organizational Plan with recommended additions within the next 2 weeks

VI New Business:

1. Admissions: Discussion of Fees

* Discussion and Decision Tabled

2. Updating Shelter Security - Cameras and Locks

*Lori Peterson suggested a Change of Locks due to potential theft/damage to the property - either

Keyless entry with a code or actual change of locks resulting from the numbers of Shelter Keys

which have not been returned. Brandy’s Lock and Key has been a friend of the shelter for years. Need to check out costs before a decision can be made

*Cameras suggested for the inside of the Main Shelter. Discussion centered around the concern of

being video taped as a personal invasion of privacy. Discussion also centered on having the

camera programmed from the time the Head Medicator left until the next morning. It was also

suggested as a way to determine if anyone in the Cat rooms was abusing the animals. Also, the

tapes would only be previewed if there was a concern regarding any circumstance. Decision


3. Corresponding Secretary Position:

* Mary Rooney's Letter of Resignation Accepted

* Two candidates have announced their interest in the Board Position

1. Shanna Burbank: Ms Burbank is newly located to the Midwest from Hollywood CA, has a

background in finances and teaching and is now changing career paths. Shanna shared

her strengths she would bring to the Board and the ICS.

2. Carol Albrecht - unable to attend the Meeting. Same questions asked of Ms Burbank to be

posed to Ms Albrecht via e-mail communication with Board voting via e-mail following

Carol's response

4. Dispensing prescription medications by ICS and use of ICS Retail license

* Judy Dean presented copies of the Indiana Administrative Codes for both the Board of

Pharmacy and Vet Medicine. ( See attached). According the the Administrative codes only

licensed Pharmacists may fill requests for medications from a written Physician/Veterinarian

Physician. Therefore, ICS does not have any of those licensed individuals on staff. In addition,

the Veterinarian Administrative code specifically states that the Vet has to have an established

relationship with the animal - having seen them before- in order to write a script.

Judy also interviewed several area Pharmacists and Vet Clinics, no kill shelter in Indy regarding

the filling of scripts as well as the use of IV fluids. The no -kill Shelter Director said she does not

administer meds as this is just too questionable and does not wish to be sanctioned by State


Both the Pharmacists and the VETS said that fluids are considered medication also and they all

recommended that Vets be called prior to any administration of prescription medications to any

of the cats…..if only for a heads up on what is happening with the cat(s)It was mentioned that

this should considered be a standard operating procedure.

The question of volunteers requesting prescription Food for their own cats was discussed. A

note from the Vet stating that the cat needs prescription food is to be kept on record at ICS.

Judy will follow up with the major ICS participating vets in order to make this process of

prescription meds easier for the Cat Care Staff.

The IN administrative codes were also sent to Jackie G for her knowledge.

Judy did remind the Board that ICS or the medicators could be reported to the State

If found to be acting in the capacity of a Pharmacist or Vet

5. Human Resource Report:

Employees Handbook -

* Lori Peterson, Chair of Human Resources Committee reviewed the plan of action identified for

the expansion of the current Employee handbook. Theses items included the following

a. Acceptance of submitted ICS Organizational Plan

b. Job Description developed by both the employee and the Supervisor to determine

similarities and difference which would then be refined into specific Job Descriptions

c. Development of pertinent policies/guidelines pertaining to Shelter Key Procurement;

Reporting in self illness; Dress Code(s); Line of communication ;

Policy on who should receive keys vs those who do not needs to be developed

d. the intended completion date is December 3e1, 2013

e. Due to limited time, further additional items were not presented at this time and will br

presented at the next Board meeting

Locked Employee Files: Lori explained the need for two separate locked files for employees.

One for Medical Records and the other for employment records

Shelter Board Attorney:

* Guidance was given as to how to procure a Lawyer for the Shelter. Several names were

presented as to possible choices: Bob Harper, Barb Young, Joann Lohmeyer

* Web search should be for a Volunteer Organizational Lawyer. Start in the local area and

expand if needed. Lori Peterson & Staci Trekles will work on this

Annual Meeting Event: Tabled until next scheduled meeting

Event for Annual Membership Meeting: Tabled until next scheduled meeting

Parking lot and Tree Removal: Tabled until next scheduled meeting

Meeting Adjourned: 10 pm

Next Meeting: June 3, 2013. PNC Library - Cafeteria Mtg Room A 170 (tentative date,, time and location)

Time: 6 - 8 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Dean

Recording Secretary