Pirate Ship

When I was one I had some fun

On the day I went to sea.

I jumped aboard a pirate ship

And the captain said to me.

“Oh you go this way,

That way, forward, backward,

Over the deep, blue sea!”

Rain Drops

If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops,

Oh, what a world this would be!

I’d stand outside with my mouth open wide,

Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah.

If all the show flakes were candy bars and milk shakes,

Oh, what a world this would be!

I’d stand outside with my mouth open wide,

Ah-ah, ah-ah…………

Went to the Zoo

I went to the zoo and what did I see?

I saw a lion looking at me.

And the lion said (roar) all day long.

(do different animals)

Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

One for the master, 0ne for the dame,

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.

Tiny Tim, the Turtle

I have a little turtle; his name is Tiny Tim,

I put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim.

He drank up all the water; he ate up all the soap,

Now he’s sick in bed with bubbles in his throat.

Bubble, bubbles, bubbles. Bubbles, bubbles, bubble,

Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles, and bubbles, bubbles pop!

( you can substitute the last two sentences with:

Mama called the doctor, the doctor called the nurse,

The nurse called the lady with the alligator purse).

The Fire Truck

Hurry, hurry drive the fire truck (3 times)

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Hurry, hurry turn the corner (3 times)

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Hurry, hurry find the fire (3 times)

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Hurry, hurry squirt the water (3 times)

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

Let’s go rest back at the station (3 times)

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

The Birdie Song

Way up in the sky (put arms up)

The little birds fly (flap arms)

Way down in the nest (cup hands)

The little birds rest.

With a wing in the left (make wing on left)

And a wing on the right (make wing on right)

The little birds sleep

All through the night. (pretend to sleep)

The bright sun comes up (hold arms up like sun)

The dew goes away (make little rain falling)

“Good morning, good morning!” The little birds say.

I’m a Little Teapot

I’m a little teapot, short and stout.

Here is my handle, here is my spout.

When I get all teamed up, hear me shout.

“Tip me over and pour me out.”


Here’s a cup, and here’s a cup,

And here’s a pot of tea.

Pour a cup, and pour a cup,

And have a drink with me.

Ms. Polly Had a Dolly

Ms. Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick,

So she called for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick.

The doctor came with his hat and his bag,

And he knocked on the door with a rat-tat-tat-tat.

He looked at the dolly and he shook his head,

And he said, “Ms. Polly, put her straight to the bed!

I’ll write a prescription for a pill, pill, pill,

I’ll be back in the morning for my bill, bill, bill.”


Friends, friends one, two, three

All my friends are here with me.

You’re my friend (4 times)

Friends, friends one, two, three

All my friends are here with me.

(in Spanish)

Amigos, amigos uno, dos, tres

Todos mis amigos estan con migo.

Tuedes mi amigo(a) (4 times)

Amigos, amigos uno, dos, tres

Todos mis amigos estan con migo.

Little Turtle

I had a little turtle that lived in the box, (make a square with hands)

He swam in the water and climbed on the rocks. (make swimming and climbing motions with hands)

He snapped at a mosquito, he snapped at a flea,

He snapped at a minnow and he snapped at me. (snap w/hands)

He caught the mosquito, he caught the flea,

He caught the minnow,(snap w/hands) but he didn’t catch me.

Fish Song

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so.

(hold on to your pointer and scream aay. You can do variations with sound small, medium and big).

Dinosaur Song

Here it comes from a far away,

The big, big daddy dinosaur.

The ground shakes, the trees shake,

Listen to the sound it makes

(Make a loud sound “urrh” and ask children to join you. You can replace “mommy/baby dinosaurs. Lower the pitch of sound to medium for mom and tiny for baby).

Wash Your Hands

Wash, wash, wash your hands,

(rubbing hands together)

Play your handy game,

(hands palms out, fingers up)

Rub, and scrub and scrub and rub,

(rub hands in washing motion)

Germs go down the drain.

(hands palms out, fingers up, wiggle fingers lowering arms)

Mr. Alligator

Five little monkeys sitting in a tree,

Teasing Mr. Alligator,

“Can’t catch me, can’t catch me,”

Then along came Mr. Alligator,

Quiet as can be,

And snap at the monkey right off the tree.

(then do four, three, two, one, and no more monkey)

Transitional songs:

Alex, Alex jump up and down,

Alex, Alex turn around,

Go wash your hands (go line up, go outside, go find an activity, ect.)

Two Little Hands

Two little hands go clap, clap, clap,

Two little feet go tap, tap, tap,

One little body turns around,

One little body sits quietly down.

Transitional song for group time

Everybody come and sit on the carpet

Sit on the carpet, sit on the carpet

Everybody come and sit on the carpet

For our group time (story time, music time, ect.)

Transitional song to get children’s attention

Clap, clap,clap your hands (3 times) so early in the morning

Stomp------your feet ------

Nod ---- your head------

Wiggle your fingers so on

Transitional song to a story time I

Touch your head,

Touch your ears,

Touch your nose,

Bend down and touch your toes.

Wiggle your fingers,

Clap your hands, one, two, three,

Let me see how quiet you can be.

Transitional chant to a story time II

One, two, three

Eyes on me.

Flannel board activities

Ice cream cones

Five ice cream cones in the ice cream shop,

Along comes Alex with his money one day,

And he buys one ice cream,

And walks away (then continue four, three…)

Ginger bread cookies

Five ginger bread cookies in the bakery shop,

Along comes Alex with his money one day,

And he buys one cookie and walks away (continue four, three….)

Cars in the auto shop

Five little cars in the auto shop,

Five little cars with their engine stopped.

Along comes Alex with his key one day,

And he takes one car,

And drives away (continue four, three….)

Five Little Fishes and the Big Bad Shark

Five little fishes swimming in the sea

Teasing Mr. Shark you can’t catch me, you can’t catch me

Along came Mr. Shark as quiet as can be

And snapped that fish right of the sea.

(During the song you take away a fish by fish until there aren’t any left. The at the end of the song, you end it with “Miss me, miss me, now you have to kiss me,” and at the same time you throw kisses with your hands to the children

My Family (social studies activity)

Activity song: with my family (sing to the muffin man tune)

Tell me what you like to do,

Like to do, like to do,

Tell me what you like to do with your family..

Child’s name….likes to activity (cook, go to the movies, ect.) with her/his family