Sewing Factory Schedule- 70 min. classes

Introduce the sewing factory and discuss the 4 P’s: (2 block days)

Product: Candy Bags. Have class decide on fabrics, drawstring color, and candy.

Can use a majority vote, consensus, survey, or manager’s choice

Make extras for visiting teachers and/or mess ups.

Price: Price for bags and candy goes up or down depending on supply and demand. Candy bags: 2-4 tickets, 1 ticket on discount;

Decorations― 2 eyes: 1 ticket; nose: 1 ticket

Candy: 2-4 tickets

Place: Sewing Room

Promotion: Candy Bag Advertisement Contest

Sewing Factory Jobs: (1 block day)

Discuss how to fill out a job application. Describe jobs and skills needed. Pick jobs.

Job Training: (1/2 block day)

This goes very slow—have a worksheet for students to do while waiting. Sales and Service can take orders at this time.

Sewing Factory: (2-3 block days)Workers can earn up to 3 tickets a day,7-9 tickets total. Workers who don’t work full time can do worksheets during free time to earn extra tickets.

Go over rules: stay in assigned area, do worksheet if not working, call in ahead of timeif going to be absent so don’t lose pay/points for the day.

Discuss Business Concepts: (10 minutes)

supply vs. demand, cost vs. variety, hiring employees, customer is always right, taking orders vs. make & then sell, advertising—announce winners and give prizes

Sales & Distribution: (1 block day)

Pay workers. Deliver bags and take payment. Call students up one at a time to buy candy, eyes, nose. Hire students to help. Students fill out an evaluation. Invite teachers to come down and choose a bag.

6-7 block days total


Fabric Design: / Serge Color: / SewThread Color:
Pink Polka-Dot

Clean-Up Crew—Sign up for jobs

Unthread sewing machines
Put supplies in totes. Collect totes.
Sweep the counter.
Sweep the floor.
Turn off the sewing machines

Order Form—Candy Bags

Fabric Design Choices: Zebra, Black & White Check, Black Circles, Pink & Orange Stripe

Chili Peppers, Navy Blue and Tan check

Drawstring Ribbon Choices: Black OR White

Name / Design/Ribbon Color / Cost / Inspected by / Delivered / Paid


Cutting Table

Fabric & Ribbon Choices

Black / Red / Navy / Cream
Pink Polka-Dot
Fabric Design: / Ribbon Color: Black / Fabric Design: / Ribbon Color: White
Zebra / Zebra
Black & White check / Black & White check
Black circles / Black circles
Chili Peppers / Chili Peppers
Navy & Tan check / Navy & Tan check

Type up or photocopy orders for the ribbon cutting table.

Payroll—Sewing Factory

Worker: / Day 1
Attendance / Hours worked / Day 2
Attendance / Hours Worked / Total Pay


Name ______Period ______

Job______Date ______

20 minutes worked:

Job Tr.______Day 1______Day 2______Day 3______


Worksheets—number of items completed:




Name ______Period ______

Job______Date ______

20 minutes worked:

Job Tr.______Day 1______Day 2______Day 3______


Worksheets—number of items completed:



Sewing Factory Evaluation

What did you like most about the sewing factory?

What did you dislike most about the sewing factory?

What did you like or not like about your job?

What would you change the next time?

What would you keep the same?

How was this activity like real life?

Would you ever want to start your own business?