/ Notton Parish Newsletter
June 2015
As usual, there is plenty to report with some new events taking place such as the Church Services in the Village Hall. Also, the Gala is imminent with help still being required for certain tasks. Let’s hope the June weather beats the weather we have been subjected to in May and that we get a good day for the Gala.
The next Newsletter will be published inSeptember 2015.
Anne Little – 01226 724075

Notton Parish Council

The elections are over and as well as a new Parliament we have a new Parish Council. Steve Jaggar, John Lumb, and Colin White are welcomed as new Parish Councillors, and I would like to thank the retiring Councillors for their help and support over the years. Contact details for the Councillors and the Clerk are, as usual, on the last page of this Newsletter.

The flashing speed signs on George Lane / Grimpit Hill have now been in operation for 4 months – but are they slowing traffic or are they just an annoying waste of space? Opinions are divided! By the time of the September Newsletter I hope to have the results of the recent speed/classification surveys which will let us compare with last year’s – watch this space.

Building works at the Twist site are under way and on completion we are promised better signing and white lining at Notton Crossroads and two flashing speed signs, mostly funded by the developer. These, with the improved sight line at the crossroads, should improve road safety at this point.

At Woolley Crossroads the District Council has just completed the upgrade of the road signs, but unfortunately found that the money was not available to install street lighting here – rather disappointing.

Extra police patrols in the Parish continue, but are rather dependant on individual officers being willing to work the extra overtime.. Fly-tipping on Keeper Lane has got so bad over the last six months that it has become one of the worst sites in West Yorkshire – not really something that Notton wants to be famous for! The District Council is taking appropriate action. The recent circular letter from WMDC asks us to be vigilant and to report suspicious activity to them on 0345 506 506.

We are continuing to work with the District Council on the possibility of grant funding for a dog-proof fence round the play area off The Oval, and we shall soon be needing letters in support from users of the playground. We are also looking at the possibility of providing grit bins in the Bleakley area for use in the winter – WMDC Highways will not fund any more bins than we have at present on the steeper locations in the Parish.

The times and dates for Council meetings (usually the first Thursday of the month) are in the Notice Boards. If you have any points to raise, or are just interested in what we do, then come along. Members of the public may address the Council before the beginning of the meeting.

Peter Taylor – Chairman (01226 722155)

Village Hall Management Committee

In the last News Letter (March 15th 2015) you were invited to come along and show your support for the Village Hall Management Committee by attending their A.G.M. Only one member of the Village attended and as a Committee we were disappointed by the lack of interest and input by yourselves in the work we carry out on your behalf.

On a brighter note we were more than pleased by the turnout for Notton-Your Village which proved to be a resounding success and we would like to thank Jennie White, Helen Jagger and their team for organizing what proved to be a very enjoyable and informative and well attended event.

The newly refurbished climbing frame in the children’s play area is now in use and we hope to add to this with two more pieces of equipment in the near future.

The Committee are really impressed by the commitment the present Cricket Club Members are showing by trying very hard to improve the ground and facilities. Various fund raising events are planned, the latest being the Car Boot sale held on Sunday 24th June. We ask for your support for any future planned events as any improvements made down on the cricket field will benefit us all.

The cricket season is now in full swing and your support on most Saturday afternoons down on the cricket field would be give the teams a big boost and yourselves an enjoyable afternoon out.

The Gala is upon us once more and we hope that as in years gone by it will be a great success. Janette Smith along with her team have been tireless in their efforts to make this year’s Gala run as smoothly as possible. All we need now is to see the sun shining when we open our curtains on Sunday 14th June.

Events still to come are Open Gardens and Scarecrow Event to be held on Sunday 26th July, further information will be posted on the Post Office notice board. The annual Safari Supper is planned for 8th August; once again a list will be available in the Post Office for you to sign up to.

This will be the last News letter produced and published by Anne Little who for some years has done a sterling job in keeping us all informed about Notton Village life and events. On behalf of the Committee I would like to thank you for all your hard work and a job well done. Our best wishes to you for the future and continued success in all you undertake.

Alan Shand – Management Committee Chairman (01226 724513)

Notton Gala – Sunday 14th June 2015

The gala is almost upon us and as ever, we are hoping for a sunny day to help encourage people to attend. In addition to visitors, we’d love more helpers on the day. So, if you have some time to help, please let me know or turn up at the village green (anytime from 9am)and ask for Janette Smith and I will find a task to suit your skills. We are always looking for people to help set up and toassist with a variety of tasks including refreshments and car parking duties.

We’d also likedonations of cakes on the day taken to the village hall as well as books, plants andbric a brac.

For those people that are helping out at the gala, we will be having a Gala Supper at 7pm in the Village Hall. If you are helping,want to attend and haven't already done so, please dropan envelope in to Joyce Taylor - 17 Ingswell Drive, with names, numbers and £7.50 per person.

Keeping everything crossed for a fine day…

Janette Smith - Gala Chairman 2014 (01226 700155

Church Service in Notton Village Hall

In June, the church finds itself in 'ordinary time'. It doesn't sound very promising. We prefer the extraordinary. If anything, however, ordinary time is when Christians focus on how extraordinary ordinariness is. After Lent's long preparations for Holy Week, we follow Jesus through his suffering and death. At Easter we celebrate his rising from the dead. It's a new beginning. A new start. Jesus gathers his fearful disciples and gives them his peace. Now they know forgiveness. They have seen the power of death defeated. They are to live his peace, his love, his life in this world. At the Ascension, Jesus returns to the Father. Our humanness is assured of its heavenly destiny. And at Pentecost the promised Spirit is given to the disciples to empower them and encourage them in their life in the world. And then comes the 'ordinary' time - the time when we have to decide whether to follow or not. Will we let the wind of the Spirit open our sails and take us into God's future? It's a risk of faith. But it's also the promise of seeing our everyday lives in the light of God's extraordinary plans for us, his beloved children, and for his beloved world.

Join us at Notton Village Hall for our services on Tuesday's at 10am:



16th June,

21 July

25th August


13th October,

17th November

15th December



The Revd Dr Matt Bullimore

Vicar of Royston, Priest-in-Charge of Felkirk

01226 722410

Notton Village Shop & Post Office
Your help is needed! Do you have any photographs of Notton – past or present, scenic or village life? We are producing a “Notton” calendar for 2016 and I would be grateful for any photographs you have which you think may be suitable by the end of July.
David Tranter – Shop Manager

200 CLUB Winners



Winners of the 200 Club draw made on 20.5.15



February £50 43 G. Smith

£15 77 P. Hudson

£15 76 J. Parker

March £50 185 M. Broadbent

£15 195 C. Pilkington

£15 9 M. Smith





April £50 No. 143 K Williamson

£15 No 13 A Wagstaff

£15 No. 6 Jenny Ward

May£50 No.191 S.Newport

£15 No.179 J.& M. Winter

£15 No. 54 P.Tweddle



Barbara Gale (01226 727730)

Social Events

1Notton Your Village held March 29th was a lively lunch time event with thanks due to all who set up a table with information about their particular club/interest held in our village. There was a good attendance and it was amazing to all of us just how proactive our wonderful village is.

Notton Dining Club – April 10th - Diners enjoyed a 2 course meal and hope that the Curly K Company will continue with this event in the future.

Race Night – April 25th - A thoroughly enjoyable evening was spent backing the horses and losing a lot of money!! Testament to this is the magnificent profit of around £800. Well done to all who organised it and who attended.

Forthcoming events :


1. Open Gardens and Scarecrows – Sunday, July 26th

Hopefully the Chelsea Flower Show has inspired you all to show your gardening talents. Don’t forget to make your scarecrows as a favourite children’s character. Watch the notice board for further details.

2. Safari Party – Saturday, August 8th

The meat this year will be beef and a list will be up in the shop soon after the Gala

3. Xmas Ball Saturday December 5th 2015

Owing to popular demand for the Xmas Ball a notice will be placed in the village shop during September. This list is to enable us to try and accommodate any village newcomers who would like to attend this functions

Please sign this form together with you telephone number if you wish to attend.

This list is for village newcomers only.

The monthly coffee morning is regularly held on the first Monday of each month at 10.30am.

The social games evening continues on the last Friday of the month

Hopefully there are events of interest to suit most tastes, and we look forward to your support at some, or all of the above.

Jenny Ward (01226 725761)

Notton Village Golf Day 2015

Advance Notice

We are pleased to advise that this year’s Notton Village Golf Day has been booked for Monday 14th September 2015 at Woolley Park Golf Club.

All golfing villagers welcome, and if you would like to play, please contact Chris Boyce on 07595 379226. Format will be as previous years, including a meal in the evening which partners are welcome to attend. Further details and costs will follow in the next newsletter and be displayed in the village shop.

Notton Cricket Club

The 2015 season commenced on 18th April and with the season 6 games old the first XI sit in 8th position of division 3 winning 3 and losing 3, the second XI sit in 5th position of division 8 also winning and losing 3 games. With players now returning from football and university commitments we hope to see an improvement in results.
Works to make improvements down at the ground continue with all the work on the square seeing it look and playing in fantastic condition, new timber sight screens are currently under construction and are just receiving their final coats of paint, the outfield will be receiving a treatment to remove all weeds and clover. We have also been fortunate to receive some much appreciated advice and financial assistance from a Notton resident who has very kindly purchased a new practice net for the club.
The cricket club held their first car boot sale on Sunday 25th May, despite the slightly drizzly weather 50 cars selling only top quality merchandise turned out with many more punters turning up searching for a bargain and some quality bacon sandwiches and home-made cakes. The club will be holding another car boot on Sunday 5th July so we look forward to seeing you bright eyed and bushy tailed bagging bargains galore!
Anyone wishing to join in the fun our practice night is Wednesday 5.30-7.30pm and all are welcome.
Anyone wishing to watch some quality entertainment please come down and watch a home match, these commence at 1.30pm and we would love to see you and share a drink or two.
For those lucky enough to have tickets for the Kiki Dee show we have organised in November we look forward to seeing you there, for those who unfortunately missed out don’t worry we will hopefully be bringing some more celebrity acts to the village soon.
Any queries please contact us.
Secretary - Chris Tunningley 07949 023328
Treasurer - Mike Pretorius 07806 722507
Chairman - Rhys Whitehead 07875 969262

Regular Activities in Notton Village Hall

Coffee Morning1st Monday of the month 10.30am – 12.00noon

Contact Elaine Blain01226 725251

Tea DancesMondays 1.30 – 3.30 pm

Contact Steven Clarke 01977 278515 or 07894 312677

Dog Training every Monday 6.45 – 9.00pm

Contact Mrs Kolkowski 01924 252107

Kid’s Kung Fu Club

Contact Steve on 07756 402835every Tuesday 5.45 - 6.45pm

Pilates classevery Tuesday 7.00 – 8.00pm

Contact Simone on 0770 100 2912

Table tennisWednesdays 11.00 - 12.00am

Contact David Fothergill 01226 726110

Self-help Embroideryterm-timeWednesday 1.30 – 3.30pm

Contact June Clark 01226 722346

Whist Drive2nd Thursday each month from October to March 7.00pm

Contact Margaret Shand 01226 724513

Flower Arranging every Thursday 1.30 – 3pm

Contact Kal Tunningley 01226 722123

Parish Council Meeting 1st Thursday of the month 7.30pm

Contact Julia Talbot (Clerk) 01226 724652

Wine Club Last Thursday of the month 7.30pm

Contact Bob Stevenson 01226 722385

Self-Help Art Class every Friday 10.00am – 12.00noon

Contact June Clark 01226 722346

Yogaevery Friday (from 25th April) 10.00 to 11.00am

Contact Tina Parkinson 07577679787

At other times the hall is vacant for hire, and an alcohol licence is available.

Please contactJune Clark 01226 722346 or Jean Duncan 01226 722229.

Hire rates:For residents of Notton Parish:For other hirers:

Small Hall£6.00 per hour£10.00

Large Hall£12.00£20.00

The whole building£15.00£25.00

Parish Council Contact Details

Clerk to the Council:Cllr Peter Taylor (Chair)

Mrs Julia Talbot1 High Ash Close

51 Bleakley LaneNotton


Wakefield WF4 2NUWF4 2PF

Tel:01226 724652Tel:01226 722155

Cllr Maureen Eames Cllr John Lumb (Vice-Chair)

9 Midland Cottages9 Ingswell Avenue

Navvy LaneNotton

Old RoystonWakefield

BarnsleyWF4 2NG

S71 4EE01226 724075

Tel: 01226 722963

Cllr Stephen JaggarCllrColin White

Lavenham, Grimpit Hill33 George Lane


Wakefield Wakefield


Tel: 01226 72590401226 891690

District Councillors Contact Details

Cllr Maureen Cummings(Lab)Cllr Albert Manifield (Lab)

Tel: 01924 363165 Tel: 01226 726219

E-mail: -mail:

Cllr. Faith Heptinstall (Lab) Email:

Police Contact Details:

Non-emergencies 101

01924 250809 email

To report fly-tipping use the District Council’s Helpline – 0845 8 506 506 - and ask for the Environmental Enforcement Team.