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Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name [First Name]:

I am a board member of the ______Chapter of Association of Corporate Counsel and as a fellow in-house counsel, I would like to personally invite you to join ACC, the premier association for in-house counsel with more than 35,000 members. I have found ACC to be an invaluable resource for gaining knowledge, networking, and enhancing my skills as I serve my client. ACC’s membership recognizes that ACC is the only worldwide professional organization that speaks exclusively on those issues that affect our daily in-house practice. I don’t have a lot of free time to spend attending meetings, but I use ACC resources and attend meetings when I’m able to because the return on my investment of time is extraordinarily high. I never leave one of ACC’s meetings without at least one good idea that I can use to improve the way that I, and my department, serve my client or to improve the way that I approach my job.

No matter how many people you have in our legal department, whether it’s a large staff or you are a solo practitioner, we face the same challenges — limited resources, increased workload, and the need to stay on top of business, legal, and technological issues. Nonetheless, we need to manage priorities and, most importantly, our client’s expectations. The resources that ACC provides allow its members to perform at the highest levels, while adding value to our clients, our colleagues, and our communities.

Here is how ACC can help you:

  • Timely Delivery of Critical Information. The Virtual Library of practice resources is an outstanding value. Whether your are looking for substantive practice information about managing your department (and outside counsel), we have it for you easily accessible and online 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And access is free with your ACC membership! (
  • Networking with other In-house Counsel. Our local chapter provides access to a group of in-house counsel who share their successes and challenges, a sounding board for ideas, and offers a source for seeking solutions. We organize these meetings to allow in-house counsel to discuss key issues and fulfill their CLE requirements through substantive educational programs. (insert chapter homepage url)
  • Practicing in the In-house Setting. The ACC Docket, our award-winning journal, is the only periodical written by in-house counsel, so you won’t get the theoretical postulations on a subject. What you will receive is practical, succinct, and specific information and guidance on the actions that you can take to improve your legal operations.


  • Member to Member. The World's Largest Virtual community of In-house Counsel. Log in to ACC's Member-to-Member site to interact with thousands of your in-house peers.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at ______. To join, simply go to or call 202.293.4103 ext. 360 to request an application or if you have additional questions about ACC membership.

______(Individual’s name), I hope you will join us. I can guarantee that the return on your personal investment of your most scarce resource — time — will be worth it.



Chapter President/Membership Chair

(Chapter Name)