Unit Plan


Physical Education


4-5 Weeks

Morgan Barnes


Over the course of the next four to five weeks I plan to include many instructional and educational lessons about the game of football and how it is played. We will start by covering the basics of how to carry the football while running with it, we will then move into how to hand off the ball, and how to receive the ball from a hand off. That will all be covered at the beginning of the lessons so that when we get into throwing, kicking, and punting we will still be able to be practicing the skill of going to get the football and run back to their group with the ball tucked and hand off and receive correctly. This allows for maximum repetitions while also including new things. After that, we will get into throwing using the T, Step & Turn, and Throw approach. This really breaks it down and makes sense for the younger ones while still reminding the older student’s correct form. Next we will spend one day each on punting and one on kicking off a tee. The following week will include reviewing everything we have done thus far.

Not only will the students have structured time to learn these skills we will have “game time” where the students will be expected to show us what they know and have learned. One game that will be played is “clean the back yard” and this is a 100% throwing and catching game, where they will always be moving and throwing with correct form. That is only one game they will be introduced to. During explanations and talking I also plan on covering little things like what the laces on the football are, and what a fumble is. So, not only will they learn how to play the game, the beginnings of terminology will also be introduced and used.


My current unit plan will help prepare all of my students for the future in many of different ways. First and for most it will teach my students that hard work and determination will pay off, and the harder you work the more successful you will be. At this age it also prepares them for the real world by learning to work with others and take turns. All of which are things they will be doing in my class throughout the year in all of my units, not just this one. Those are just a few of the things they will encounter and gain within just this unit that will help them to succeed and be ready for their future.

When students approach me with the ever so famous question of “Why do I have to do this?” I have a very simple and honest response for them. There is really a lesson within a lesson because by learning to do different sports, run, and stretch you are actually making yourself a healthy person. By, making a better and healthier you there is a much greater chance you will be successful and healthy doing it. No, you may not like football but you’re learning other things within that sport. Like, teamwork (for a job), hard work (later in school), football skills (used in other hand eye sports), there are a number of things that you are benefiting from just learning this one sport.

If I had a employer ask me about one of my students I had in class during this unit, I would be able to give them so much useful information that would be valuable in the work place. In this football unit I will be able to tell the work ethic of a student, dedication, showing up on time, accountability. If a student shows up to school and works hard in my physical education class I would put money on the fact that they would be a good, hard worker. You can tell a lot by just watching a student participate. If I am constantly after a student for not running or following directions I may not recommend this student for a job.

This would be very easy for me to show the district curriculum supervisor. All I would have to do is show them my lesson plans and it has all the objectives and standards I plan on covering in that lesson that day. With reading my lessons and then watching them to actually sure I cover each objective they would be able to tell if I am doing a good job with that.

I would explain to my professor, for this age group I want them to learn the basic from the start. This way as they develop they will already have some of the skills and we can continue to build. So, it may seem basic but making sure every student is on the right track with their skill set is very important. And then in the future it will connect with higher levels of maybe playing the sports competitively or even for fun, at least they will have the skills.

Map of Assessment

Standards Addressed in Unit / Achievement Targets for Student Learning/Objectives/Learning Goals / Formative Assessment
I.E. Observation, Playing a game / Summative Assessment I.E. Projects, written or oral exams
M.MC.00.06 demonstrate selected elements of effort movement concepts for time (e.g., fast/slow) in isolated settings. / LWBBAT: Jog their laps in the beginning of class following direction as to go fast, slow or medium. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.
M.MC.00.10 demonstrate selected elements of relationship movement concepts of objects and/or people (e.g., over/under, on/off, and in front/behind) in isolated settings. / LWBBAT: Understand direction when we ask the students to sit behind of; in front of, or besides another student. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.
M.MS.00.01demonstrate selected elements of non-locomotor skills of balancing, bending, rocking, rolling, swinging, jumping, and landing in isolated settings. / LWBBAT: Develop these skills during stretching, they are done daily. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.
M.MS.00.03demonstrate selected elements of mature form of manipulative skills of roll and underhand throw in isolated settings. / LWBBAT: Toss underhand to their partners with a football or round soft ball. And understand that it needs to be a “soft” toss. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.
K.MS.00.02 identify selected critical elements of the following locomotor skills: walk and jump. / LWBBAT: During stretching and jogging/walking time they will be able to do as we ask and understand the differences. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.
A.PE.00.01participate, at a moderate intensity level, in limited physical activities that focus on skill building rather than on formal game structure, including a variety of locomotor and developmentally appropriate manipulative skills. / LWBBAT: Do the smaller skills of football to build up to playing games later in their schooling. At this age we spend a week on each skill or task to make sure they master the skill and keep parts. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.
M.MC.01.02demonstrate selected elements of space awareness movement concepts for directions (i.e., up/down, forward/backward, right/left, and clockwise/counterclockwise) in isolated settings. / LWBBAT: Do stretches without seeing it being done, they will be able to do them after I ask verbally only. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.
M.MC.01.11demonstrate selected elements of relationship movement concepts with people (i.e., leading/following, mirroring/matching, unison/contrast, solo, alone in mass, partners, groups, and between groups) in isolated settings. / LWBBAT: Following the leader better and pay attention to exact lines I walk on, in one straight, quiet, line. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.
M.MS.01.02demonstrate selected elements of mature form of locomotor skills of walk, run, leap, slide, gallop, hop, and skip in isolated settings. / LWBBAT: Do the skills listed. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.
M.MS.01.04demonstrate selected elements of the manipulative skills of two-handed catch and kick (stationary) in isolated settings. / LWBBAT: Use correct form in catching and in kicking a ball. They will be better able to use their hand/eye or hand foot coordination. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.
K.PA.01.01identify safety rules and procedures for selected physical activities. / LWBBAT: Repeat all the gym rules to me. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.
B.PS.01.01exhibit selected behaviors which exemplify some of the personal/social character traits of responsibility, best effort, and cooperation in isolated settings. / LWBBAT: To work in groups no matter who may be in the group and communicate among them. / Observation / Oral Exam, Show me.


The only way I used technology in this unit was to look up information to help me get different ideas. Technology in the physical education classroom can be used, but at time you are limited to what your school can provide for you. Where I am at right now, there is no technology for use in the gym. There is a projector, so I could have used that to display a football skill, but with just 45 min classes I feel as though that would almost be wasting time. The students are already excited to start playing so I defiantly have their interest.

I have and will use technology when I go to enter all the students’ scores for fitness testing, but we do not have the program up and running for that yet. L

Professional Resource List

Shelly Bever, Verona Elementary, K-5 Physical Education

Lesson Plan Sketch

Lesson Number / Lesson Focus / Topic
1 / Tossing and Catching / Football
1 / Tossing and Catching / Football
2 / Running with a football and receiving a hand off / Football
2 / Review of running with a football and receiving a football / Football
3 / Throwing and review of running with a football and handing off / Football
3 / Throwing and review of running with a football and handing off / Football
4 / Punting / Football
4 / Kicking off a tee / Football
5 / Review of all skills/Game / Football
5 / Review of all skills /Game / Football

Instructor: Morgan Barnes

Title of the lesson: / Football (Lesson 1)
Grade : / K-1st
I. Preliminary Planning
Objective(s) of the lesson: / LWBBAT . . . . Understand the steps to correctly to running with and carrying the football
LWBBAT……. Correctly run and hand off the football.
LWBBAT……. Hold their “Sandwich hands” to receive a hand off.
GLCE/HSCE best served:
(no more than 2 or 3) / M.MC.01.06 demonstrate selected elements of effort movement concepts for time (i.e., fast/slow and sudden/sustained) in isolated settings.
M.MS.01.01demonstrate selected elements of non-locomotor skills of balancing, bending, rocking, rolling, curling, twisting, turning, pushing, pulling, swinging, swaying, jumping, and landing in isolated settings.
K.MS.01.03identify selected elements of the following manipulative skills: roll and overhand throw.
Focus question: / Do you understand how to run with the football tucked in your arm?
Key vocabulary/concepts:
Time required: / 2 45 min. classes (2 days)
Materials needed: / Nerf footballs (15), Hard footballs (15)
II. The Lesson Itself*
Lesson launch (aka the hook or accessing prior knowledge): / Have students come up and explain how to hold the ball and run with it. Also show how they will correctly hand off the football.
How the lesson’s objec-tive(s) will be shared with the students: / Verbally.
Learning activities (step-by-step): / 1.  Students are invited into the gym one they are in a quiet, straight line.
2.  Sit quietly in stretching spots, giving me 5.
3.  I will explain what the plan is for the day.
4.  Stretching then takes place…..Stand up letter T- Slow twisting, Reach up then to your tip toes, Jumping over a line front to back (20 count), Bend over and touch your toes. Balancing- Lean over as far as you can and put one foot back at a time, then switch feet, Butterflies, Spread your legs out wide and touch your toes, Legs straight in front and touch your toes, Sits up (10), Pushups (5), (for sit ups and pushups when you say up they go up and when you say the number they should be back in starting position, 2 minute timed run.
5.  Invite all students onto the black line in the middle of the gym.
6.  Now its time to learn how to carry the football.
7.  Put one arm out.
8.  Lay the ball long ways on your forearm.
9.  Cover the end of the ball with the palm of your hand. (Wrap it around the ball)
10. Then fold your arm so the other end is in your armpit.
11. Hold on tight.
12. Then I will explain how we receive the ball on a hand off.
13. This will be called sandwich hands.
14. Take one arm and put it across your chest, palming facing down.
15. Take your other arm and put it about waist high, palm facing up. (So you could clap your hands together if need be.)
16. Now we are ready to practice.
17. Divide students into groups 2 or 3 per group pending on how many students there are.
18. Walk down the line on the side of the gym they are standing on and give the first person in line a ball.
19. Have the first person show you how to tuck it and the second should show you sandwich hands. As you hand them the footballs.
20. Once everyone has their football, explain they are to run down to the other side of the gym touch the wall and run back and SET the ball in their partner’s sandwich hands. Remind them to put the ball nicely in the sandwich hands.
21. Then the other person goes. And keep switching.
22. With about 5-10 minutes left collect the equipment and then they have game time.
23. This time they will play snakes in the grass.
24. Ask for 4 snakes, there job is to tag all other classmates, but they have to stay on their hands and knees, or they may roll like a big log. If a snake tags someone they then become a snake.
25. 2 min left blow the whistle and have them go to their stretching spots.
26. Call lines or individuals that are sitting quietly to line up.
Checking for understanding:
(formative assessment) / Watching and run and use sandwich hands.
Guided practice/extension: / Review throughout the lesson.
At the end of the lesson, how will what was learned be summarized for the class? / Asking questions if time allows.
Post-lesson reflections and ideas for next steps: / None.

Link to GLCE (K-8 expectations):