Duke Energy Corporation

Electronic Procurement Program

Business Rules for Electronic Invoicing

Electronic invoicing is Duke Energy’s preferred method of doing business with its vendors. The following are the business rules you must follow to be part of our electronic invoicing program.

  1. Duke Energy Purchase Order Must Be Issued
    In most cases, do not accept an order without a purchase order number. You can only send an electronic invoice for materials or services ordered with a purchase order. In addition, your electronic invoice must contain a nine digit PO number. You must submit a paper invoice to Duke Energy’s Accounts Payable Department if a purchase order was not issued to you.
  1. You Must Receive an Electronic PO to Invoice Electronically

Hosted Order Management (HOM) vendors: if a PO is sent to you outside of HOM (fax, email, or US mail) you cannot invoice the PO from HOM. Paper copies of invoices should be sent to the Duke Energy Accounts Payable Department for processing. It should only be necessary for you to receive a PO outside of HOM when attachments are required.

Integrated vendors: if you receive a PO by a means that requires you to manually enter it in your order management system it is recommended that you do not attempt to invoice electronically. This usually means you received a PO via fax, email, or US mail. It should only be necessary for you to receive a PO this way when there are attachments that cannot be sent electronically. Paper copies of these invoices should be sent to the Duke Energy Accounts Payable Department for processing.

  1. Prices can not Exceed Three Decimal Places
    All line item, tax, freight, and miscellaneous charges can not be more than three decimal places.
  2. Quantities can not Exceed Two Decimal Places
    Quantities invoiced for each PO line item can not be more than two decimal places.
  3. A Subcontractor Cannot Invoice Duke Energy Directly
    If it is necessary for you to have another company fill an Duke Energy purchase order the electronic invoice must still be submitted by your company; not the company who filled the order.
  4. Standalone Charges Cannot be Invoiced Separately
    Miscellaneous charges such as taxes and freight must be billed on the same invoice as the applicable materials or services.
  5. Description of Miscellaneous Charges Must Be Provided
    Duke Energy’s electronic invoicing process allows you be bill miscellaneous charges as necessary. A description of these charges must be included as part of the electronic invoice.
  6. Invoice Numbers Larger than 10 Characters
    Duke Energy’saccounts payable system cannot accommodate more than 10 characters in the invoice number field. If your invoice number exceeds 10 characters you must make your Duke Energy electronic procurement representative aware of this before implementation.
  7. Unit-of-Measure Must Match Duke Energy’s Purchase Order
    Your company is required to invoice in the same unit-of-measure in which Duke Energy’s orders materials or services. In addition, the unit-of-measure code must be identical (FOT for foot; not FT).

Duke Energy Corporation

Electronic Procurement Program

Business Rules for Electronic Invoicing

  1. Orders Paid by Credit Card
    If you receive a purchase order for materials or services paid by credit card do not send any XML documents to Duke Energy (PO acknowledgement, credit card acknowledgement, invoice, etc.)
  2. Paper Invoices

A paper invoice should not be mailed for any invoice that has been or will be sent electronically.

  1. Customary Terms and Conditions
    All customary Duke Energy terms and conditions apply to each electronic procurement transaction. Contact Duke Energy’s Supply Chain Department to obtain a copy of our terms and conditions.
  1. How to handle taxes?

Operating companies do not pay taxes (DE-Ohio 010; DE- KY 070; DE-IN 100). Those companies that do get taxes, put taxes in tax field (maps to special charges back to Passport).

  1. How to handle Special Charges?

Ex. Demurrage, restock , fuel surcharge, expediting, advance payment for catalog items, HAZMAT, steel surcharge. Contact the Buyer first so change can be added to the PO.

  1. How to handle Freight?

Freight should be on PO (handled thru Duke Energy Logistics). If freight is added to an invoice but not on PO, please contact the Buyer to add freight to PO.

  1. How to handle revisions to Invoices and PO’s?

Invoice - Supplier can change the units, price, etc. and/or call Buyer to change the PO to match the Invoice.

PO - request the Buyer to change the PO.

  1. How to handle credits (line item canceled , shipped wrongparts, etc.)?

Contracts will be paper credit, everything else will be system credit.

Duke Energy

Accounts Payable Department1 of 210/21/2018