North Laurel Middle School

Site Base Meeting Minutes

Thursday,September 3, 2015 @ 5:00pm in the NLMS Library

1. Opening Business

a. Agenda Approval

Motion: Danielle Boggs made a motion to approve the September 3, 2015 agenda with the addition of the approval of the July 20, 2015, meeting minutes.

Second: Tamara Woods

All in favor

b. Approve August 4, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Motion: Kathy Vaughn made a motion to approve the August 4, 2015, meeting minutes.

Second: Jarad Hicks

All in favor

c. Approve July 20, 2015, Meeting Minutes

Motion: Kathy Vaughn made a motion to approve the July 20, 2015, meeting minutes.

Second: Danielle Boggs

All in favor

d. Public Comment

There is no public comment at this time.

2. Student Achievement-

a. DEA

The fall DEA test has been administered and should be returned to the school sometime next week.

b. KPREP scores release update

KPREP scores should be released in September/October.

3. School Improvement Planning

a. Monthly Review- Focus Plan

This year’s focus plan was discussed. It has been modified to include the Kagan Structures.

b. Emergency Plan

The teachers have been trained, and the SBDM has reviewed the Emergency Plan. The NLMS Crisis Plan is ready to be submitted to the district.

4. Budget Report

Motion: Jarad Hicks made a motion to approve the budgets.

Second: Tamara Woods

All in favor

5. Standing/Program Review/Ad Hoc Committee Reports

All committees will be meeting in the next two weeks.

6. Bylaw or Policy Review/Readings/Adoption

Sixteen policies will be reviewed by the SBDM during the October meeting.

Motion: Kathy Vaughn made a motion to review and revise the Site Based Policies that are required by the state.

Second: Jarad Hicks

All in favor

7. Old Business

There is no old business at this time.

8. New Business

a. Agenda approval rules

The agenda approval rules were reviewed by the SBDM.

b. Minutes rules

The minute rules were reviewed by the SBDM.

c. 8th grade Spring Formal

The 8th grade Spring Formal was discussed.

d. 8th grade awards- graduation

The 8th grade awards were discussed.

e.Raise Cap Sizes

Motion: Danielle Boggs made a motion to raise the cap sizes at NLMS. The 6th grade cap will be 30 students, 7th grade cap will be 36 students and the 8th grade cap will be 36 students.

Second: Kathy Vaughn

All in favor

9. On-Going Learning

The SBDM reviewed on-going learning.

10. Upcoming Deadlines/Next Meeting Date and Preliminary Agenda

a. Upcoming Deadlines were reviewed

11. Adjournment

Motion: Kathy Vaughn made a motion to adjourn.

Second: Danielle Boggs

All in favor