March 2013 Mothers Meeting

Meeting Minutes

Jack and Jill of America, Incorporated

Raleigh-Wake Chapter

Mother’s Chapter Meeting

May 19, 2013

William Peace University, Raleigh, NC

3:00 p.m.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Pamela Taylor at 3:04 p.m., followed by the Jack and Jill Hymn.


The inspiration was given by Pamela Taylor in honor of Inge Edwards – remembering her many contributions to the chapter including her “Getting to Know You” and “Random Acts of Kindness” activities during her tenure as Chaplain. The President asked members to use one word to describe the past programming year and what they will commit to improving in the upcoming programming year. The following represented a cross section of the words noted:

·  Rocky / ·  Connecting
·  Bonding / ·  Motivated
·  Better / ·  United
·  Progress / ·  Faith
·  Moving in the right direction / ·  Survived
·  Varied / ·  Determined
·  Evolving / ·  Observing
·  Whirlwind / ·  Transitional
·  Enjoyable / ·  Forward
·  Challenging / ·  Progressive
·  Busy / ·  Efficient
·  Elevated / ·  Hairstyle
·  Rewarding / ·  Healing
·  Re-engaged / ·  Absorb
·  Steadfast / ·  Balance
·  Distinguish / ·  Attitude
·  Encouraged

Adoption of the Agenda

Motion: Carolyn Garrett-Piggott moved to adopt the agenda. The motion carried.

Meeting Minutes

Motion: Susan Taylor moved to accept the April meeting minutes as written. The motion carried.

Officers’ Reports

President – Report given by Pamela Taylor

The following was highlighted:

·  Mothers’ Conference – Registration is now open for the Mother’s Regional Conference. This will also start the first cycle of the 1 in 4 meeting attendance requirement. Members were reminded to register via the documentation that was sent via email as well as through the MIS in order for it to be properly counted. It was noted that attendance at the Children’s Cluster does not count toward the 1 in 4 meeting requirement.

·  Installation of Teen Officers – The teen group installed the following officers:

o  President – Ayanna Coard

o  Vice President – Destiny Henderson

o  Secretary – Cora Evans

o  Treasurer – Sterling Diaz

o  Chaplain – Byron Horton

o  Sergeant at Arms – Arianna Ogle

·  Kudos/Thank Yous – A special thank you to all committee chairs was given, and the following programs/kudos were given as the chapter closed out the year:

o  Black Family Day – Held yesterday and incorporated the moving up ceremony. The current teen officers welcomed the new teens to the group.

o  Jill Dates, M and M Program, Associates’ Tea, Jack and Jill Ran Up the Hill

o  Handbook Committee – Received a superior rating of 106 out of 100

o  Hospitality Committee – Welcomed members into the chapter and made all members feel welcome

o  Grant Proposal – Wrote and submitted a grant on time

o  Education Committee – Looking forward to bigger initiatives that the committee is planning

o  Fundraising – Inspired

Members were reminded of the Third Annual Jack and Jill Up the Hill event on Saturday, September 14.

Vice President – Report given by Stephanie Coard

The following programming efforts were highlighted:

·  Aging Out Ceremony – The following mothers and their years of affiliation and service to Jack and Jill were noted:

o  Frieda Artis – 6 years

o  Jackie Mims – 11 years

o  Cassandra Johnson – 12 years

o  Sherlee Johnson – 12 years

o  Monica Yates – 12 years

o  Inge Edwards – 13 years

o  Darlene Gore Brooks – 21 years

·  Membership Attendance – The Membership Committee will be reviewing the membership attendance requirements – ensuring that all members are adhering to the requirements. Members currently in violation of the policy should have received correspondence and have been asked to respond to the Vice President of Membership regarding their standing. The chapter was assured that the distribution of the letters comes from a place of wanting everyone engaged and working together for Raleigh-Wake.

·  Moving Up Ceremony – Certificates were presented to children that moved up in age groups. Senior members were presented with a $50 check, a Bible and a certificate. Graduating seniors and their colleges were noted as follows:

o  Jonae Mims – NC A&T

o  Nikki Johnson – Hampton University majoring in Biology

o  Shane Moore – Towson University majoring in Marketing

o  Jessica Yates – East Carolina University majoring in Elementary Education

o  Brian Brooks – Yale University majoring in Biomedical Engineering

o  Dianna Morgan Diaz – UNC-Greensboro

o  Madie Edwards – East Carolina University majoring in Graphic Design

o  Nia Coard – Spellman College majoring in Political Science

o  Sidnee Ford – NC State University majoring Biological Science

o  Allison Jones – Hampton University

o  Jordan Artis – Wake Tech majoring in Business Administration

·  Jill Amazing Race – Payment for the event is due today. The event will take place on June 2 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Lunch will be served at 1:00 p.m.

Members were encouraged to be in support of our fellow mothers. It was noted that there is a lot going on with individuals both personally and professionally, and we need to find ways to support one another.

Financial Secretary – Report given by Rayna Barnes

The following current and year to date receipts were reported:

Current Receipts
Jazz Brunch / $2,450
T-shirts / $875
Founders Day / $25
Lifetime Membership Dues / $675
Jill Amazing Race / $79.88
Teen Conference / $375

Financial Secretary (continued)

The following items were also noted:

·  Mothers’ Regional Conference registration is now open. Checks should be mailed to the chapter and ensure that all applicable forms are included with the registration.

·  The chapter has moved away from accepting cash as there is not a means for making change. The chapter will continue to receive payments in the form of money orders, drafts or personal check.

Treasurer – Report given by Cynthia Johnson

Balances in the various accounts were highlighted and reviewed.

Corresponding Secretary – Report given by Susan Taylor

·  Shirley Kelly – Thank you card during the brief illness and passing of her mother

·  Capital City Chapter – Sympathy card noting the passing of Inge Edwards

·  Isaac Horton – Thank your card during the illness and passing of his father

·  Pamela Bright, Kija Lee and Stellyne Curtis – Thank you note from the Associates

Program – Thea Horton

The following items were highlighted:

·  Age Group Reports – Please send age group activity reports directly to the programming email address.

·  Activity Cancelations – Any age group activity that has been canceled will need to be rescheduled and completed by May. It was requested that the program chairs be copied on any rescheduled activities.

·  RSVP – Members were reminded of the importance of the RSVP for events. If members RSVP as a “maybe,” it must be counted as a “no.”

Members were reminded of the upcoming chapter retreat on August 24 at the Advocates for Justice Building.

Committee Reports

Fundraising – Report given by Colethia Evans

The following fundraising amounts were shared:

·  Foundation Grant – Still awaiting on status

·  SAKS 5% month – Passive fundraiser netting $1,314

·  Chapter Shirts - $325

·  Jazzing It Up Brunch – Net $10,778.92; Less 30% - $3,593; Total donation - $7,195. Pictures from the event will posted when ready.

Age Group Activities

The following age group activities were reported:

·  Pre-School – Nature and Black Family day

·  Lower Elementary – ?

·  Upper El – Activity reported in April

·  Jr. Teens – Health – Pullen Park

·  Teens – ?

Unfinished Business

Children’s Cluster – Report given by Susan Taylor

Susan Taylor provided a brief recap of the activities from Children’s Cluster.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:36 p.m.

Submitted by:

Recording Secretary: ______

President: ______

Date: ______

Attendance Roster

þ / Allen-Steele, Nicholle
þ / Artis, Frieda
þ / Ballard-Smith, Nikki
Barker, Karen
Barnes, Rayna
þ / Berry-James, RaJade
Briggs, Melvania
Briggs-Fisher, Marvirstine – LOA
þ / Brooks, Darlene Gore
þ / Brown, Deirdre
Brown, Dominique
Coard, Stephanie Irby
Coleman, Janine
Corbitt, Aubria
þ / Crosby, Tijuana
Davis, Dana Bessard
Davis, Dana Bonas
þ / Davis, Teneisha
þ / Diaz, Donna
Dixon, Dawn
Edwards, Inge
þ / Edwards, Tiffany
þ / Evans, Colethia
þ / Fisher, Trina
þ / Fogg, Twana
þ / Garrett-Piggott, Carolyn
þ / Gaston-Gayles, Joy
Geiger, Trina
þ / Gibson-Robinson, Joi
Gillespie-Coleman, Shontera
þ / Glover, Vera
þ / Goodson, Renee
þ / Henderson, Tamika
þ / Holly, Judith
þ / Holt, Gina
þ / Horton, Thea
Hughes-Oliver, Jacqueline – LOA
Ivy, Julie
þ / James, Virginia
Jeffreys, Dana
Jenkins, Tracey
Johnson, Cassandra
Johnson, Cynthia
Johnson, IdeIla
Johnson, Sherlee
þ / Keaton-Jackson, Karen
þ / Kelly, Shirley
Lewis, Theresa – LOA
Lumpkin, Adrienne
þ / Martin, Nicole
þ / McAlpine-Duren, Joelle
Mims, Jacqueline
þ / Mitchell, Olivia
þ / Mitchell-Parks, Ife
Moore, Marcia
Moore, Jacquelyn
Moragne, Gwendolen
þ / Morgan, Beverly
þ / Morris-Shepard, Fenita
þ / Norwood-Clark, Vanessa
Ogle, Michelle
Paige, Dawn
Pigues, Monica
þ / Reid-Jones, Tara
þ / Riggins, Charmaine
Scotton, Tiffany
þ / Shuler, Daphne
Starling-Lyons, Kelly
þ / Stephens, Regina
þ / Stewart, Erika
Sutton, Cheryl
þ / Taylor, Pamela
þ / Taylor, Susan
þ / Telfaire, Courtney
þ / Thompson, Doris
Tinsley-Little, Tania
Turner-Blake, Jayne – LOA
Umstead, Kim
þ / Watson, Shelly
White, Marion
þ / Willingham-Hinton, Shelley
þ / Wilson, Bridgette
þ / Woodward, Averi
þ / Woodyard, Pamela
þ / Yates, Monica

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