St Columba’s, Knock

Pew News

Sunday 5th July 2015

The Fifth Sunday after Trinity

Almighty and everlasting God,

by whose Spirit the whole body of the Church

is governed and sanctified:

Hear our prayer which we offer for all your faithful people,

that in their vocation and ministry

they may serve you in holiness and truth

to the glory of your name;

through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. AMEN.

Church flowers are the kind gift of Elizabeth Leonard.

Everyone is very welcome to St Columba’s.

If it is your first time to our church please speak to the Clergy or Churchwardens to make yourself known.

Communicant members of other churches are welcome to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

LOOP SYSTEM – The church is equipped with a Loop System to help those with hearing difficulties. Please set your hearing aid to the “T” setting.

8.15am Holy Communion (BCP201 – LP 125)

The Epistle 2 Corinthians 12: 2-10

The Gospel Mark 6: 1-13

The Prayers of the People BCP 237-239 – LP 150-152


10.30am All Age Worship – see separate sheet


7.00pm Compline (BCP154- LP82)

Hymn 509 - Your kingdom come, O God

Introduction BCP 154 – LP 82

Psalm 134 (said) BCP 157 –LP85

New Testament Reading Luke 10: 1-11, 16-20

Short Address - The Rector

Hymn 66 (verses 1,2 and 3a)-Before the ending of this day.

Nunc Dimittis BCP 158 – LP 87

Creed, Lord’s Prayer, Versicles and Responses

Collects and Prayers

Hymn 73 – The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended

July/ August Columban available to collect from the back of church.

Thursday 9th 10.30am Holy Communion

followed by refreshments in the Choir Vestry

Parish Office closed on Friday 10th until Monday 20th July.

Sunday 12th July 2015

The Sixth Sunday after Trinity

8.15 am Holy Communion

10.30am Holy Communion

7.00 pm Late Evening Office

Tuesday 28th 10.30am PAUSE: The Culloden Hotel

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: We pray for the Diocese of Northern Argentina (LINK Diocese), Bishop Nick Drayson and for all who live and work in the parish.

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: We pray for The Anglican Church in Oyo, Ibadan, Nigeria.

Parish Contacts

Rector The Revd John R. Auchmuty 028 90471514

Assistant Priest The Revd Canon Ken Smyth 028 91458706

Rector’s Churchwarden John Macpherson 028 90282076

People’s Churchwarden Jon Allen 028 90653511

Parish Administrator Karen Patterson 028 90656891

Office Hours: Mon – Fri. 9.00am – 1.00pm


Parish Website: