Mr. Rodriguez

English II

Benchmark Study Guide

Know the definition to these Literary Terms:

·  Theme

·  Inference

·  Exposition

·  Genre

·  Monologue

·  Tragedy

·  Plot

·  Drama

·  Stanza

·  Metaphors

·  Allegory

·  Soliloquy

·  Central Ideas

·  Structure

·  Sonnet

Know the definition to these Vocabulary Words:

·  Discern

·  Insight

·  Objective

·  Bias

·  Subjective

·  Context

·  Motive

·  Discourse

·  Resolve

·  Distortion

Know the definition to these Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes:

·  Latin root “-temp-”

·  Latin prefix “en-”

·  Latin suffix “-ary”

·  Latin root “-sum-”

·  Greek suffix “-ic”

Know the following information from Lord of the Flies:

·  Use your notes on Thomas Hobbes and John Locke and explain the differences in their philosophies

·  Know who write the novel and the setting (time period) the novel takes place

·  Know the action that was taken which led to the boys creating a society

·  Know the object that is used for power and all the things that you can do with it. (Use your notes from PowerPoint presentations

·  Know what happens the first time Jack tries to hunt a pig

·  Know what makes Roger’s action at the end of the novel so different from what other boys have done

·  Know the important thing that Simon says about the beastie

·  Know the “biguns” that make up Ralph’s group

·  Know the primary job of Jack’s group vs. Ralph’s group

·  Know why Henry does not have stones hit him

·  Know what The Lord of the Flies “thing” actually is

·  Know what the twins tell Ralph about Jack and Roger’s plans for him

·  Know when Jack comes to steal Piggy’s glasses who ends beating up each other

·  Know the reason for Ralph’s tears at the end of the novel

Know the following information from “Julius Caesar”:

(much of this information is found on the Julius Caesar Study guide for the test)

·  Know what Caesar does to Marulles and Flavius and why

·  Know why Brutus I conflicted about the conspiracy

·  Know the details of Calpurnia’s dream

·  Know what Caesar says to Brutus as he is stabbed an why he said it

·  Know what Caesar leaves in his will

·  Know what Antony does when he arrives at Caesar’s body for the first time

·  Know who stabs Caesar first

·  Know the conditions that Brutus is allowed to speak at Caesar’s funeral

·  Know how Portia dies and what happens to Cassius’ body

·  Know Portia’s background/family and why Caesar doesn’t listen to the warnings from his wife and the Soothsayer

·  Know why Cinna the Poet is killed

·  Know what Brutus decided to do with Cassius’ body

Short Stories:

·  In “The Monkey’s Paw”, know why Seargent Major Morris doesn’t want to discuss the monkey’s paw, know what a “fakir” is, and what Mrs. White expects to find at the door

·  In “Occupation: Conductorette”, know why the author's mother does not try to prevent her from leaving school and getting a job

·  Know what the receptionist says when Maya first asks about the job

·  Know why the narrator is determined to get a job and why she reacts to her difficult work shifts on the streetcar

·  In “There Will Come Soft Rains” know what happened to a the humans

·  Know what the last thing the family did before the event and what started the fire in the house

·  In “Masque of the Red Death”, know what the following things symbolize: Prince Prospero, Masked figure, 7 apartments, and the Clock of ebony


·  In “The Guitar”, know what the guitar is compared to

·  In "Danny Deever," know how the questions the Files-on-Parade asks reveal something about him

·  In Sonnet 18, know the literary terms represented and what the first line of the poem can mean

·  Know the difference between a couplet, rhyme scheme, stress pattern, and repetition

·  Know the characteristics of a Tanka and who the adversary is for the speaker and “The Brother” in "Conscientious Objector"

·  "In Flanders Fields", know where the speakers are speaking from

·  In "Jazz Fantasia", know what the speaker is doing

·  Know how "Jazz Fantasia" creates its impression and how the steamboat relates to the tempo

MLA Formatting:

·  Know the correct order for an MLA heading

·  Know all the things an introduction should include

·  Know the three main parts of an essay

·  Know how to write the title of a novel vs. short story, play, and poem

·  Know what needs to be used to catch the reader's attention in the beginning of an essay

·  Know the correct MLA format for a date

·  Know the correct MLA format for an in-text citation

·  Know the correct order for the Jane Schaffer two chunk format

·  Know the general ratio of CD to CM in a Jane Schaffer paragraph

·  Know the minimum amount of sentences required in a Jane Schaffer Two-Chunk Paragraph

·  Know the how a concrete detail is different than a commentary

·  Know informal “no-no” words that are not allowed/appropriate in a formal essay

Other Advice:

·  This test counts and will replace your lowest test grade in the class, so it is extremely important that you do well on this test.

·  This test is long and has information from the whole year…there is no way you will pass this test without studying!

·  Do not stay up till 2AM studying the night before the Benchmark Exam—get sleep!

·  Study, study, study!