Please refer to the attached list of public services and list down which ones are connected to this life event: / 1. Application for permit to act as a Boat Dealer
2. Application by an Authorised Boat Dealer for the suspension of the re-registration of a small ship registered in his/her name.
Describe the life event showing an overview of the process, any requirements or interactions with other entities and in case of more than one service how these services connect together: / What does it entail for an Authorised Boat Dealer requesting the suspension of payment of the re-registration fees, whilst small ship is in his/her possession, awaiting re-sale?
Application forms are to be filled in and signed by applicant. These may be collected from the Small Ships Office, Ports & Yachting Directorate Transport Malta, Marsa.
The following documents are to submitted together with the forms:
  1. A copy of the Trading Licence;
  1. A copy of the Memorandum of Association;
  1. A power of attorney affirming the signatory;
  1. This permit is renewable yearly by presenting to the Small Ships Registry, a renewal of the trading licence together with a good standing certificate in the case of a company.
A boat dealer may wish to apply for the suspension of the re-registration of his/her craft for the duration that it will remain under his/her possession until its re-sale.
During this period, the small ship cannot be used for any reason whatsoever and when it is sold, boat dealer must affect the necessary transfer onto the new owner immediately.
An application form/declaration is to be filled in and signed by applicant. This can be collected from the Small Ships Office, Ports & Yachting Directorate Transport Malta, Marsa.
List any content relevant to this life event which was attached to this form:
  • Brochures;
  • Publications;
  • Posters;
  • Images;
  • Videos;
  • etc.
/ N/A