2015-2016 Word Study Homework

Directions: Choose 5 activities (squares) to complete bi-weekly at home in your Word Study notebook. All of the activities are due on the Thursday before the test. Please do not complete all the activities in one night. The number five (5) square is a MUST do. Print out any activities completed on the computer and glue them into notebook. As always, please try to do your BEST work!

1.) “What’s New?”
Look at your words. Can you add one or two letters to a word and make a new word? Can you take away any letters or substitute any letters to make a new word? Try it. Record new words in your notebook. / 2.) Write your words in pencil neatly and then go over with a crayon or colored pencil to make all of the vowels green and all of the consonants red. / 3.) Using your
word list,
write your words in alphabetical order.
1.  amuse
2.  bruise
3.  choose
4.  flew
4.) Write each of your words with fancy letters or type them on the computer with a different font.
flute / 5.) Using your word list, write your words three times each in your very best handwriting.
·  flute, flute, flute
·  knew, knew, knew
·  ruin, ruin, ruin / 6.) Choose 15 words and write a super sentence with each word and underline the words you used with a colored pencil or marker.
7.) “Searching for Meaning?”
Choose 10 words from your word list. Create four columns in your notebook. Write your words in the first column and work to complete the rest. You will need a dictionary.
Word / What you think it means / Dictionary
Definition / Picture
/ A
M / E
U / F / C
S / L / I
F / E / W / U
8.) Create your own Word Search Puzzle. Don’t forget to take grid paper home with you, or you can use this website:
www.puzzlemaker.com / 9.) Write an original poem using at least 15 words of your choice.

10.) Write a creative story using at least 15 words from your list. Make sure you underline your words. / 11.) “Spelling with Math”
Write each word 2 times. Now give each word a point value by adding 2 points for each vowel and 3 points for each consonant.
great great
3+3+2+2+3= 13 / 12.) Cut out letters from a newspaper/magazine and put them together to spell all of your words. Glue them down in your notebook.