Occasionally Peeved in the Parking Lot? Here Are Some

Windshield Words of Wisdom…

Today’s Topic: Parent Pick-Up

If you routinely drive and pick up your students from school each afternoon, I want to thank you for your patience and your constructive feedback about how our line of cars moves (or doesn’t) in the afternoons. Here are a few clarifications so everyone knows the same set of expectations…

Who Is Allowed In The Parking Lot First Each Afternoon? The Buses Or Parent Drivers?

Our school buses are on a very tight schedule from school to school, so they MUST be allowed in our parking lot when they arrive. This may mean that cars with the unfortunate timing of blocking the entrance to the parking lot will have to move elsewhere—maybe consider parking at the top of Masa Lane and walking down the stairs. Too frequently, either a bus driver or I need to direct traffic on Masa Lane’s hill. Bottom line, buses have the priority to enter our parking lot first. After all six buses are in, cars can start entering the parking lot. HOWEVER…

If I’m Going To Park My Car Anyway, Can I Park In The Staff (front) Parking Lot? Better Yet, Can I Just Cut Through?

Unfortunately, NO. The staff parking lot up front is for either staff members or district personnel who are often visiting our school for after-school meetings. THE STAFF PARKING LOT IS ALSO NOT A SHORTCUT INTO THE MAIN PARKING LOT. We have had several parents show no consideration for the long line of cars patiently waiting and try to drive right through the staff lot. This is not only inconsiderate, but is not fair to the parents following the rules. You will be asked to turn around, go to the end of the line, and return to the parking lot when it is your turn. THE STAFF PARKING LOT ALSO SERVES AS OUR SCHOOL BUS EXIT. Remember, buses are on a tight schedule. That driveway cannot be blocked by cars backing out or driving in the wrong direction. Speaking of the wrong direction…

Why Is There Only One Line Of Traffic In And Out?

Again, I apologize for our parking lot design. Neither our staff nor I designed it. However…just like in any other lane of traffic…please only drive on the right side and approach our roundabout from the right. We have had several near head-on collisions because of impatient drivers swerving out and driving in the wrong lane.

Can Local Law Enforcement Officials Write Tickets For Unsafe Parking Lot Behavior?

That answer is yes, and please don’t be alarmed to see police officers more frequently in our parking lot. As I have informed them, there are often drivers ignoring students holding up STOP signs, using cell phones, and utilizing inappropriate voice levels or gestures with our students and staff members. Our main objection…above anything else…is to keep our Spring Mountain students and families safe in our tricky parking lot.

As a parent of elementary school children myself, I understand the many challenges we all face trying to beat that tardy bell each morning and getting them to after-school activities each afternoon on time! Thank you so much for your patience and understanding by following the signals of our students and staff. As parents, please remember that you are the role model of courtesy and respect in these situations.


Curtis Long
