Year 2 Curriculum Overview

Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
English / Fiction Writing - Fantasy story writing focussing on the story Barry the fish with fingers and the hairy scary Monster / Non-fiction books
Structured in different ways
We will write non chronological reports and fact files / Instructional writing
Story work based on Aliens in underpants save the world
Report writing on planets / Newspaper reports writing based on the story of Traction man
Postcards / Non-fiction books structured in different ways
Creating our own non-fiction books about nocturnal animals / Patterned story writing based on We’re going on a Lion Hunt.
Maths /
  • Place value
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication and division
  • Fractions
  • Measure - length
  • Time
  • Shapes
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Fractions
  • Money
  • Shape
  • Statistics (graphs)
  • Place value through addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Fractions
  • Measure - Mass
  • Time
  • Statistics (graphs)
  • Place value through addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Fractions
  • Money
  • Shapes
  • Place value through addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Fractions
  • Measure and temperature
  • Shapes
  • Place value through addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Fractions
  • Time
  • Money
  • Statistics (graphs)

Science / Living things and Habitats / Materials and everyday uses / Basic needs of animals / Habitats / Plants
History and Geography / Under the sea
We will look at animals that live in the sea, naming and finding oceans around the world and food chains / Tudors
We will explore what life was like in Tudor times. Compare houses and schools then with now. We will explore the Tudor royal family with a focus on Elizabeth 1st. / Space
We will explore planets in the solar system and Neil Armstrong and his achievements / Heroes
We will be exploring real life heroes from around the local area including Robert Peel, firefighters and police / Nocturnal Animals
We will focus on animals that come out at night and facts about them including food chains. / Africa
We will explore South Africa and there will be a strong focus on comparisons with where we live.
Art and DT / Construction / Textiles / Great Artists - Van Gogh
Computing /
  • Staying safe online.
  • Using sites suitable for age
  • Writing stories
  • Keyboard skills
  • Navigating.
  • Following the digital trail. (Digital footprints)
  • Say that again.
  • Screen out the mean. (Introduction to cyber bullying)
  • Recording and Editing - Use a digital video camera to record and make simple edits.
  • Using keywords.(Efficient searching).
  • Multimedia Presentations - ICT in the World around You - Illustrate information with pictures using presentation software.
  • Sites I like. (Rating websites).
  • Questions and answers.
  • Staying safe online.
  • Using sites suitable for age
  • Writing stories
  • Keyboard skills
  • Navigating.

RE / Explore stories from religious traditions and find out about attitudes to the natural world. / Engage with religious beliefs and ideas expressed through story, symbol and other visual forms of expression. / Identify symbolic actions, gestures and rituals and talk about how they are used as part of worship and ceremonies. / Identify the importance for some people of belonging to a religion and recognise the difference this makes to their lives. / Explore a range of stories and extracts from sacred writings and talk about meaning they have for believers. / Listen and respond to stories highlighting the morals and values of believers in practice.
British Values and
Respect time / Everybody matters / Safety / Relationships / Community / Equality and Tolerance
PE / Large ball skills / Dance / Gymnastics / Small ball skills / Athletics / Athletics/ Group games
Music / Sing songs
Play tuned and untuned instruments musically
Listen and understand live and recorded music
Make and combine sounds musically