ACS Peer Counseling Contract

Congratulations on being selected for Academy Charter School’s Peer Counseling Program!

I understand that with the honor of being a peer counselor comes many responsibilities. Most people will expect for me to be a positive influence and a good role model for my peers in all situations and at all times. This will require me to think before I speak and act, and to show acceptance and respect for all people.

While helping my peers, I understand that some situations must be reported to my advisor, Ms. Krautz. I will inform my advisor of any student that I counsel in a peer counseling capacity by keeping a counseling log. For any student who is in danger of harming him or herself or any other person, I will report this information to my advisor immediately. If she is not available, I will report to another adult or one of the deans. I understand that I will be working with both my advisor and Douglas County High School peer counseling students on these issues and I am advised to ask questions when I’m not sure what to do in a situation.

All peer counseling classes will include necessary information that is essential for me to know how to be an effective peer counselor.When I am absent, it is my responsibility to find out all the information that was covered. I understand that I may get pulled from various classes through out the year, but will only be allowed to miss up to 20 minutes at a time during a peer counseling session. It will be my responsibility to find out what work I missed in those classes and make it up accordingly.

I understand that I must maintain good grades as a peer counselor and that failing grades will not be acceptable, and as a result I will lose my spot as a peer counselor. I also understand that with these responsibilities come some pressure and stress. When I am feeling stressed, I will talk with my advisor, the peer counseling group, and/or my parents. I know that it is extremely important for me to communicate my feelings and concerns.

Peer Counselor’s Signature ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date: ______

ACS Peer Counseling

Congratulations! You have been selected for the 2010/2011ACS Peer Counseling program! We are excited to have you on our team and think that you will be an excellent addition to our program. You and your parents need to sign the attached contract for peer counseling and have it ready to turn in by our first meeting date, which will be next Wednesday, September 23rd during lunch. Pizza will be provided for this meeting and you will have the chance to meet the other students that were selected for peer counseling. We look forward to a fun and successful year!

Ms. Krautz