Case Study Template

Project code: / 3021
Project Name: / Wolaita zone eye care project
Patient Name: / Amane Tolare
Gender (male / female): / Female
Pediatric / Adult: / Pediatric
Age: / 13
Marital status: / No
Nationality: / Ethiopian
State / Province: / SNNPR
Job: / No
$ Income:
Eye condition: / Trachomatus trichiasis on both eyes
Years blind / Low vision: / 2 years
Referred by: (Rural Health Care, Worker, Teacher, Doctor, Women’s Group, Media, Word of Mouth) / HEW
Accompanied by: / Her Father
Names: / Tolare Chinasho
How did they hear about ORBIS: / From the HDA mobilization
Mode of transport taken for treatment: / On foot
Distance traveled for treatment (km): / 8 km
Time take for treatment: / 30 min
$ Cost to travel for treatment: / 10 birr
Local doctor name: / Abera Dergaso
Volunteer faculty names: / Areka H/c
Date of treatment: / 20/2/2014
Province/State population: / 132,444
Adults: / 76,817
Children: / 55,627
Pediatric eye care available (Yes/No): / No
Case study narrative – TO BE WRITTEN IN FULL: / Amane Tolare is a 13 years old girl who lives with her parents in Damotpulasa Woreda, Lera Kebele, Wolaita Zone, SNNPR State. Amane has four siblings and she is the last child for her parents.
Amane’s family lives in extreme poverty with very low income. Amane’s father, Mr. Tolare Chinasho, makes their living out of melting and sharpening knifes. This profession is considered by the majority of the society as something a low social class would do as a carrier.
Amane has never been to school in her entire life. This is because by the time she was ready to attend school, she was infected with Trachomatious Trichiasis. She suffered from continuous itching, tearing, and fear of light for more than two years. Amane was not presentable outside her house because of the whitish wastage coming out from both of her eyes. Indeed, this has kept Amane from attending school while all her siblings and peers going to school every day.
Through a Health Extension Worker tipping the information to Mr. Tolare about the free service given at Areka Health Centre, Amane’s father decided to take his daughter to seek a medical treatment to give the last resolution to his daughter’s every day pain. He has tried all the traditional medication before with no better outcome.
Amane accompanied by her father travelled 8 kilometers on foot. On their arrival, Abera Dergaso the Health Center IECW, saw Amane and rushed to give her the possible treatment and surgery to make Amane free of trachomatious trichiasis. In just 30 minutes, the surgery was over with a successful outcome.
After Amane’s successful surgery, it was time for her to start schooling and life what trachomatious triachasis took away from her.
Patient quotes: / “Now it’s time for me start school like my siblings and friends that I have dreamt of doing for a long time”
Family quotes: / “My daughter felt better because ORBIS is given a free service for poor families like us…thank you ORBIS, God bless all the professionals who helped my daughter”
Local doctor quotes: / “ORBIS is giving back people their life…am just happy to be part of ORBIS’ mission”
Eye condition image reference: /
Amane with her father at the health center

Amane before surgery

Amane getting ready for surgery