Celebrating Family and Friends

In Our Community

Introduction: We join together to celebrate the people in our families and neighbourhoods and the signs of friendship we show to these people.

Father: We begin our celebration in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen

Opening Song: ‘We Come Together’

Opening Prayer: Today we think about God, who loves each of us. We think, too, of how we can love our families, friends and neighbours. Thank you, God, that we can love and help others and that they can love and help us. Thank you for all the signs of love we can show. Amen

Prayer: Loving Hearts (based on Mark 12:30-31)


Love the Lord, your God

With all your heart


With all your soul

With all your mind


And with all your strength.

Love your neighbour

As you love yourself.

Celebration Song: ‘God’s Family’

Reading: (Jesus Calls Four Friends based on Mark 1:16-20)

Let us share the story about Jesus. Jesus was walking one day by the lake of Galilee. Jesus saw Simon and Simon’s brother, Andrew. They were fishing. Jesus said, “Come with me. We will tell people about God.”

They left their fishing gear and followed Jesus. A little further on Jesus met James and John. They were mending their fishing nets. Jesus called them too. They left their father in the boat and followed Jesus.

Father: Reflection - Discusses the importance of family, friends and neighbours in our Community

Response to reflection:

The children are now are going to share some ways that they can show love for others.

Speaker 1 P.J Love is sharing special times.

Speaker 2 Tahnee Love is a friendly smile and a happy hello.

Speaker 3 Flynn Love is saying, “come on everyone, let’s play”.

Speaker 4 A.J Love is a big hug and kiss.

Speaker 5 Julia Love is helping others in my family.

Speaker 6 Jaylenne Love is celebrating with all the people in God’s family, the Church.

Father: Final Blessing and Concluding Prayer

Closing Song: ‘God’s Family’