Player Selection Policy
Inter Regional Championships 2011-12

1. Objective

To employ an open and fair selection process that gives all eligible athletes a chance to challenge for the Regional Representative Squadsto compete at the annual Inter Regional Championships (IRC).

2. General

The IRCis the culminating event for Regional Talent Development which trains from September through until May.

For all competing teams; all competitors MUST be under the stated age for that specific Competition on the 1st September at the start of that competitive season.

e.g. to compete in the 2011-12 IRC Girls Under 16 competition, all players must be 15 or under on the 1st September 2011 or born after 31/08/1996.

With Volleyball being a team sport acknowledgement is made that in selecting for a team sport, combinations of athletes, the balance of a squad and the ability of athletes to play in more than one position are also considered alongside individual skill level by the selecting coaches.

3. Regional Specific


To be eligible for selection for the Volleyball England Regional Squads an athlete must:

  • be affiliated to Volleyball England through a club, school or other association.
  • live within the boundaries of the relative Volleyball England region as per the Sport England boundaries.

Selection Process

Regional Head Coaches are primarily responsible for the selection/de-selection of playing personnel and may consult with other coaches as they see fit.

It is recognised that the development of talent is an ongoing process and that players may move in and out of Regional Programmes over time. The opportunity for players to be identified and remain in the Regional programmes (including IRC) will normally follow on from:

  1. Performance in national club/school programmes and competitions and/or nomination by club/school coaches to the Regional programme.
  2. Performance in previous age groups of the Regional Talent Development Programmes and competitions, including the IRC.

Notwithstanding the above Regional Head Coaches reserve the right to assess talent through any other route as they see fit.

4. Selection/De-selection Process

The Head Coach is predominantly responsible for establishing the strategic selection criteria for their individual squad and team.

The Regional Association has final sign-off on competing athletes.

Athletes will be notified of their selection or non-selection as soon as possible with an agreed method of communication.

5. Withdrawal Process

As a result of serious injury or a change in medical conditions of an athlete, replacements may be brought in up until the arrival at the competition venue at the start of the Inter Regional Championships.