Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory / N/A / Corrected during inspection / Corrective Action / Reported to supervisor
Fire and Emergency Equipment
Emergency phone numbers are posted on the laboratory door.
All exit ways are free and unobstructed.
Fire extinguishers available and unobstructed.
Fire blanket available
Fire hose cabinets available and unobstructed.
Exit routes are clearly identified and unobstructed.
Is traffic area wide enough to pass through – 80 cm (32”) main hall – 60 cm (24”) inside office
Boxes (combustibles) not within 45 cm of the ceiling.
Are eyewash stations readily available in areas where caustic/corrosive chemicals are used? Is the access to it clear?
Are eyewash stations checked on a weekly basis? Does it have a tag?
Is an emergency shower readily available?
Is the emergency shower checked on an annual basis? Does it have a tag?
Warning signs are posted on doors (No Food/Drink, Radioactive, etc.)
Are emergency instructions located at primary telephone in lab area?
Chemical spill kits are available.
Does lab have access to a metal-boxed first aid kit? (Institutional provided kit)
Physical Facilities
Walls, floor, ceiling and floor covering is in good condition
Safety window in the door is not obstructed.
Aisles are uncluttered - no tripping hazard
Accessibility features are unobstructed and in working order (ramps are clear, push buttons for automatic door openers are operation, etc.)
Ceiling and light panels securely in place
Electrical cords are in good condition.
WHMIS labelling is used.
MSDS are complete, up-to-date/web list posted.
Current inventory of chemicals is available.
All personnel know how to obtain MSDS sheets.
Personal Protective Equipment
Are PPE requirements posted on the door or with the lab?
Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory / N/A / Corrected during inspection / Corrective Action / Reported to supervisor
Are PPE required areas identified from other areas in the lab?
Lab coats are available.
Chemical protective gloves are available.
Safety glasses / goggles are available.
Ear protection worn for sonication.
Closed toe shoes are worn.
Are PPE storage facilities appropriate?
Are there PPE cleaning facilities?
Have you been trained on the SOPs for the tasks you complete?
Electrical equipment, power bars, cords/plugs have no evidence of cuts, fraying or other damage
Extension cords are not being used as a permanent remedy due to a lack of electrical outlets
Power bars are not plugged into other power bars? Extension cords are not plugged into extension cords?
Equipment is marked with a CSA or UL certification.
Are all breakers, emergency disconnects, switches and other electrical fittings labelled?
Centrifuges have interlocks.
Electrophoresis equipment- with interlocks/high voltage sticker.
Piping (tubing), valves and fittings checked for integrity
Fume hood used as designed and in good condition
Fume hoods have current inspection sticker.(Within last 12 months)
Fume hood Vent-Alert is on.
Autoclave - adequate space, staff training, gloves
Liquid nitrogen dewar is in good condition and has PPE readily available
Chemical Storage and Handling
Chemicals are stored according to compatibility.
Chemicals are used in smallest quantities practical, stored correctly, and decanted on a day-to-day basis?
All chemicals and laboratory-sized samples are labelled and capped properly? No leaking containers.
Gas cylinders are properly secured/capped or with a regulator.
Flammable storage cabinet is labelled, vented and has an inspection sticker.
Flammables are kept away from sources of heat, ignition, flames, etc.
Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory / N/A / Corrected during inspection / Corrective Action / Reported to supervisor
Flammable / Combustible liquids do not exceed storage limits. (Maximum permitted in open areas is 50L)
Flammable gases are not present (e.g. propane, acetylene).
Carcinogen storage area(s) is labelled.
Hazardous chemicals in the open are kept to a minimum.
Safety carriers are available and in use when transporting chemicals
Designated Substances assessment has been completed if designated substances are present.
Food and beverage not stored/consumed in lab.
Bench tops and work areas are clean and tidy
Pipetting is performed by mechanical means only (No mouth pipetting)
Are workers familiar the working alone SOP for the space?
Are rules enforced in regard to loose clothing, long hair, dangling jewellery and rings?
Computer monitors are positioned properly
Material stored in cabinets/counters are within best practice reaching range
Individuals have sufficient work space
Material handling techniques are practiced – i.e. using a cart, reducing load when lifting
Step stools are provided for reaching materials on overhead shelves?
Hazardous waste containers are appropriately labelled
Sharps are disposed into labelled, puncture proof containers, needles are not recapped
Biological waste is disposed of in appropriate coloured bag
Radioactive waste is properly contained and appropriately labelled
Broken glass containers are available and in use

A written response to this inspection is required within 30 days.

FHS Safety Office Workplace Inspection – March 2015 Page 3 of 3