If you set your calculator to Automatic mode:
To get the exact answer, just press Enter. To get a decimal answer, press Green Diamond Enter.
ProblemCalculator Syntax Answer
1) 5
Note: The 1 at the end can be any positive number.
Note: The 1 at the end can be any negative number.
4) undef
6) e
7) If
find .Note: If you enter , you would
get the second derivative. A 3 at the end
would give the third derivative, etc.
8) If
find .
Note: The vertical segment means “when.” It is found on the keyboard right above the EE key.
9) Find the derivative of
10) Find the derivative of . Then comDenom(Answer)
11) Find the equation of the tangent line Put into y1 and graph. Then F5 Tangent 1 Enter
to at x = 1 Answer is
12) Find given . Go to F3 and select impDiff.
To evaluate at the point , capture your previous answer from the history area, and use
the “when” key to type in the values: . Your answer should be – 1.
15) Put into y1 and graph. Then F5 7 -1 Enter 3 Enter
Answer is 4
17) Solve: deSolve
Note: You must put a times sign between the x
and y terms.
18) Solve: deSolve
and Note: “and” is in the Catalog. It gives a space, then
“and” followed by another space, which is what
you need.
19) Graph a slope field for Put the calculator in Differential Equations mode. Let.
. Use a Zoom 4 window, and change the fldres to 15.
Note: You must use t instead of x and y1 instead of y.
20) Graph a slope field for Same as directions for 13) but also let t0 = 1 and yi1 =
and . OR leave yi1 blank, graph the slope field, and then press F8. The screen will ask you for t and for y1. Enter 1 for t and
for y1.
21) Use Euler’s method to First graph the slope field with the initial condition, as shown in
estimate , the directions for 13). Then press the green diamond key,
given , followed by the “when” key (vertical segment right above the
and “EE” key) to get to the Format Screen. Go down to Solution
Method and choose Euler. (This sets the calculator to do Euler’s
Method, rather than the Runge-Kutta method.) Then go to y =
and let t0 = 1 and yi1 = . Go to the Window, and let the
tstep = 0.5. Then press green diamond F3, and the solution
curve will be drawn with the given initial condition and
step-size. Press “Trace” to see the solutions given by Euler’s
method. The solutions can also be viewed in the Table if you
go to TblSet and let tblStart = 1 and tbl = 0.5. You should
22) 1.54976…
23) Find a Taylor polynomial TaylorOR Taylor
of degree 4 for ,
centered at 0. Note: By default, the calculator will center the polynomial at 0
unless you enterthe center at the end of the command.