Hello Gophers!!!

We are moving into the exciting time of year with the holidays. Many of our teachers are doing Thanksgiving celebrations such as the 2nd Grade Stone Soup and 1st Grade with their feast. When the winter holiday season comes around it brings us concerts. During the final 3 weeks before vacation we have 5 concerts. They are scheduled for:

  • 2nd Grade November29th @ 6:30
  • 1st Grade December 4th @6:30
  • Kindergarten December 6th at 6:30
  • Orchestra December 10th with Anthem and Magma Ranch @6:30 in the Gymnasium
  • Band/Choir Concert December 13th at 6:30 in the Cafeteria

We are very proud of our kids and hope to see you at these happy events.

During early November we had the school do a Mock Election. This gave the kids an actual experience of the voting process from pre- election campaigning to going through the physical process of voting. Students were given their results in which many teachers talked about trends and used the data for math problems. Keeping on the political track, the Student Council funded an assembly for the kids called “Rock the Presidents”. This was a very talented group from Mesa that went through musically all the different presidents for our country.

There were other interesting happenings at FK-8 such as GIS Day through the Pinal County IToffice, which showed our 3rd and 4th graders how GIS systems work. Our game truck was here from the fall fundraiser for all the high sellers, which took 20 minutes out of their day to have fun. The PTO sponsored Bingo which was a very big hit.

We are very proud of our Choir, as they took a field trip to perform for a nursing home in Apache Junction to sing songs and bring cheer. In addition, we have developed a Glee Club which performs every Monday after school, singing and dancing.

We will have the PTO Gifts Galore for the final 2 weeks prior to winter break. Students will be able to purchase inexpensive gifts for their parents and siblings.

On a disappointing note, the district override vote did not pass. Therefore over the next few months we will be analyzing our funding and making decisions for the next school year. It will be the school Board’s decision on how we move forward from here. You can be rest assured that we will explore all avenues with the students’ best interest in mind.

Have a great holiday season and Go Gophers!