Meeting Notes: from the TOSCA Interop. SC - 2013-07-15

Note: areas in red are new this week, others are carryovers from previous weeks’ calls.

[1] Public Interop. Event at OASIS Symposium / EuroCloud October 15, 16th, 2013 @ Luxembourge

  • See link:
  • This is the agreed upon venue we will work towards for TOSCA Interop.

Attendance 2013-07-15:

  • Chin QinJin, Dale Moberg, Matt Rutkowski, Thomas Spatzier, Derek Palma, Kevin Wilson, Richard Probst, Paul Lipton, Alex McDonald

Action Items / Notes:

  • NOTE: Paul Lipton (CA): Companies would have to agree to pay OASIS a small fee (~$750 US) and notify OASIS staff by mid-August and designate one or more “admins” for the event.
  • Matt: Is this billed to the companies based upon the 20 day list below?
  • ACTION ITEM: Submit list of participating companies 20 days in advance.
  • Paul, OASIS requires final list 20 days before the event of attendees. Still some wiggle room…
  • Matt: wants would like to know if IBM can activate its premium sponsorship and how to do so.
  • ACTION ITEM: Paul will work to get this on approvals on the TC agenda before end of July and confirm with OASIS staff.
  • ACTION ITEM: Participants would have to nominate one or more “admins” for the event; Paul to check if admins. need to be present at the event itself or if they can work with OASIS staff and participants up to and during event (remotely).
  • Paul, related to interop., in the next few weeks, need 1 or 2 people to be interop. (co) leaders and co-leaders. Needed to be done by vote by interop. team.Approval must be done by vote in TC. All significant decisions of the interop team must be done vote, one vote per company, as per OASIS policies.
  • To quote the related policy, “The decision to support an InterOp and the selection of the InterOp Lead must be made by majority vote of the TC; thereafter, specific decisions regarding InterOp staging and coordination will be made by majority vote of the InterOp Participants.” AND… “An InterOp Participant is a Sponsor, Contributor, or Individual OASIS member that is taking part in the InterOp. A Sponsor or Contributor may have more than one representative active in the InterOp, but the organization itself is considered a single InterOp Participant. Once formed, the InterOp Team decides on most demonstration details by majority vote, with each InterOp Participant casting one vote.”
  • Matt, Asks Paul to verify if “leaders” (or co-leaders) must attend actual event even though they can plan/work with OASIS staff up until the event itself.
  • ACTION ITEM: Working with OASIS staff already to see if we can get an FTP site to exchange TOSCA models (i.e. SugarCRM) between companies. Reminds everyone to use the posted CSAR file and follow README instructions on adding the open source software (i.e. SugarCRM app and MySQL DB) themselves (to avoid redistribution concerns).
  • Paul, related to interop. work, action to inquire of OASIS of having an FTP site, feedback was email that request need to be more formal, support ticket open, being evaluated.

[2] Participation / attendance updates

  • CA (Paul Lipton): Would not be able to participate in an interop. demo at this time.
  • No update
  • IBM (Matt Rutkowski, Thomas Spatzier): IBM would like to participate in a TOSCA public interop. of SugarCRM at the October EuroCloud/OASIS event.
  • Thomas would be able to attend this in person; Matt indicates he will put in request, but if Thomas attends it is possible IBM would only send one person.
  • NetApp (Alex McDonald): Will be at CloudPlugFest, will not participate in interop., but would like to be an observer of that status exists.
  • Alex, indicates will attend EuroCloud and still be there as an observer status for TOSCA part of the event.
  • Huawei (Jin Qin (Chin)): Huawei would like to participate at the October event; still needs to work out details if they can attend in person or would need to participate remotely.
  • Have marketing details to discuss, need to decide still if travel in person is possible, but is trying
  • Vnomic (Derek Palma): Vnomic would like to participate. Derek has travel conflicts and likely would need to participate remotely or delegate their part of a demo to someone.
  • Derek: no update, 50/50 right now for travelling in person to conference.
  • Red Hat (Krishna Raman): In the process of putting a team together to work on consuming/deploying TOSCA models on OpenShift. Too early to commit to an interop. event, but not ruling it out. Red Hat is a “maybe” for now.
  • No update
  • HP (Travis Tripp, Kevin Wilson): HP had a product with some support able to run TOSCA SAP models (but now in a version in maint. and not desirable for demo), other products are potentially able to demo, are in a release cycle and cannot get that groups to commit to a demo in October.
  • Travis/Kevin: Asks both SAP and IBM if we could meet with their mgmt. to help them better understand the importance of TOSCA to help them prioritize this event.
  • Kevin, unknown at this point, Prague team candidates, will see
  • Fujitsu (Maarten Wiggers): His team is ramping up in supporting TOSCA models (starting with SAP model?) and would have something to show in October. Not sure if what they have will be impressive, but is saying “yes” to participate.
  • Matt indicated the group would work with them to make sure each companies’ respective capabilities would be show in the most favorable light possible.
  • No update
  • SAP (Richard Probst): SAP would not participate on the public event, but as it has done in past with IBM and Vnomic, would offer up their SAP CRM model for private interop. demos at the same event (as long as a legal agreement was in place between SAP and any companies interested in demoing the SAP model)
  • Richard reminded attendees that Thomas’ experience was that if you have support for SugarCRM, you are 90% of the way to supporting the SAP CRM model.
  • Richard, likely someone from SAP could be there, will try to align business travel to attend.
  • Richard, the SAP CRM model, is available for private demos at the same event if legal agreements are put in place to do this.
  • Richard to make sure OASIS is ok with this approach

[3] IDENTIFY TOSCA Interop. Capabilities using SugarCRM CSAR

During the call we need to identify what capabilities companies would be ready, willing and able to demonstrate at the selected event (see [A]) given the timeframe.

Some companies may have the capability of deploying/running and logging into SugarCRM CSAR (to demonstrate runtime interop.), however, as described above, some companies may attend the call may only have tooling capabilities (e.g. alter,convert or display a TOSCA model).


Any Interop would be built around (or derived from) the SugarCRM CSAR file that was uploaded to OASIS TOSCA Interop SC page:

2013-07-15: The following participant capabilities were identified for the EuroCloud TOSCA interop. event:

  • IBM (Matt Rutkowski, Thomas Spatzier):
  • Runtime cap. (from IBM’s IWD Tooling cap. Which shows/deploys the model)
  • Huawei (Jin Qin (Chin)):
  • Runtime cap. only (for now) with CSAR packages, would show deployment and “login” to SugarCRM application once deployed
  • Vnomic (Derek Palma):
  • (Service Designer) Tooling interop. and runtime deployment (to diff. clouds) would show AWS for target deployment environment (beyond what was shown at Pulse)
  • Red Hat (Krishna Raman):
  • TBD, Not in attendance
  • HP (Travis Tripp, Kevin Wilson):
  • If HP can enlist their cloud team to work on TOSCA (Prague) the hop would be to show both, certainly the tooling side.
  • Fujitsu (Maarten Wiggers):
  • TBD, Not in attendance

[4] Define End-to-End Interop. Scenario

  • Matt proposes extending the scenario that Vnomic/SAP and IBM used:
  • Scenario start: Vomic tooling will compose the 2-Tier SugarCRM model from pre-established templates; one each for SugarCRM App Tier and MySQL Tier and show “connecting” (i.e. “connectsTo” relationshipType) them together and exporting as a CSAR file (within a .ZIP file).
  • Matt notes this “ZIP” would contain the same (identical) service templates, metadata, scripts as the one checked into OASIS Interop SC document area (see above link).
  • Derek indicates would like to use the same video for this already created
  • NOTE: Actual interop. on SugarCRM would be done in advance of the event separately by each company using the SugarCRM model posted at the OASIS Interop. SC.
  • Chin indicates he and his developers have questions they will submit to email list around SugarCRM.
  • At the actual EuroCloud event, participating companies would produce videos that feature their tooling/deployment of the SugarCRM Model
  • Matt asks for each video to be 3 minutes maximum (and less if possible), to provide equal time to all participants.
  • condense the interop scenario for showing to press and analysts, but have demos available at the event to show their capabilities “live” if possible to allow press to ask further questions and allow companies to see more detailed capabilities.
  • Matt suggests that a good public/press demo of the condensed interop. would need to be less than 3 minutes and less if possible, but also needs to provide equal time to all participants.
  • IBM (Matt Rutkowski, Thomas Spatzier):
  • Would produce a video similar to the one shown at Pulse; would also have a VM ready to show IWD deployment on request.
  • Huawei (Jin Qin (Chin)):
  • Would be able to produce a video. Actual deployment availability is still TBD.
  • Vnomic (Derek Palma):
  • Again, would use same video for “publish” as at Pulse, but would produce a new video showing deployment to AWS.
  • HP (Travis Tripp, Kevin Wilson):
  • Would be able to produce a video of tooling (perhaps deployment) depending on success of getting product/development support.
  • Fujitsu (Maarten Wiggers):
  • Not in attendance

[5] Demo Timeline / Milestones

Matt suggests the following milestone / deadlines in order to properly prepare and review materials for the EuroCloud conference (additional deadlines TBD). Note that actual testing of the actual SugarCRM CSAR file is done by each company and should any company be asked at the event to prove their capabilities (by press or analysts) that each participating company should be prepared to do so either at the event or shortly thereafter.

  1. Friday, September 13th : Deadline for company (participants) printed material for inclusion in storyboard presentation (format TBD)
  2. Matt will compile and prepare a storyboard / slide deck with materials provided from all participants and have ready for review/approval (in its final draft form) within a few days following this deadline
  3. Interop. SC will review overall storyboard presentation as well to assure flow and messaging is consistent.
  4. Friday, September 27th: Deadline to for companies (participants) to upload their 3 minute video demo.
  5. Note: video would assume to start with the ZIP file containing the SugarCRM CSAR file / format.
  6. Video format TBD (Generally assume MPEG-4), Matt has used use Camtasia to record videos and will likely use for final compilation; if this product can be used, it is encouraged for lossless video merging if need.
  7. Hosting of videos TBD: working with OASIS staff.


  • Companies should understand that if they participate in an interop event/demo, they are not declaring support for all possible templates/models, but would be claiming support for only the approved test cases (against TOSCA v1.0) as published by OASIS TOSCA TC/SC with the understanding that (over time) the TC and SC will develop and publish more normative use cases for further testing/demos/events.
  • TOSCA Interop SC. Meeting adjourned at 10:48AM US Central time.