Chairperson: Arvid Spor

members present: Breeanna Bond, Debbie Kyte, Lorena Garcia, Patty Kawashiri,

Julieta Ortiz, Carolee Vakil-Jessop

Recorder: Lucy Nelson

The meeting began at 9:00 am.


  1. The Division Council will meet in SSC 208 starting in December.
  2. New/alternate members were introduced.

Review October 16, 2009 Minutes

Minutes were approved with no changes.


  1. All programs should be working on their 2010-11 plans. The next four years will be fiscally tight with budget cuts. Managers throughout campus are asked to involve staff/faculty in creating and reviewing plans before being submitted. Program plans are prioritized into Division/Unit plans. Division/Unit plans are prioritized into VP area plans, and then brought forward to PBC for recommendation to the President and Board of Trustees.
  2. The Comprehensive Master Plan contains global plans for ECC and CEC. Educational Master Plan includes program summaries, focus on Academic Affairs and effectiveness of programs and space usage, and 2020 growth projection. Still working on revising the College’s Vision Statement. Once done, draft will be sent campus-wide for feedback. Technology plan looks at program technology (hardware/software) needs. The Facilities Master plan addresses building needs based on the Educational Master Plan projection for growth; HMC Architects will complete draft plans for ECC and CEC by January. Chancellor’s office projection of 40,000 students for ECC by 2020 seems excessive. The 2004 Master plan projection for 2015 was 38,000 students. After the document is approved by Board, it is sent to Chancellor’s office. The College needs to do a better job with follow-up, evaluations, updates and use of data to make better-informed decisions.

Drop for Non-Payment Information

  1. Passed out handout with non-payment information for employees, not to be given to students.
  2. All classes will be dropped if a student doesn’t pay by specified deadline dates.
  3. Cut off dates may be revised depending on report data with the number of students who owe fees. Developing guidelines on how to implement the process.
  4. Desire to help students while collecting $7M-$10M back fees owed over the last ten years.
  5. The policy will not affect BOG waiver students. Twenty-seven percent of students don’t pay tuition on time.
  6. A concern was voiced that the responsibility will fall on faculty to tell students who show up for class that they were dropped and what they should do. Staff needs to be well-informed to help these students. Dr. Nishime’s intent is to better inform not only faculty but also Student Services staff on the new policy and process.
  7. The policy will go into effect for Spring 2010 registration, but students who register for Winter 2009 will have to meet deadlines as well.

SCA Area Council (C. Vakil-Jessop)

  1. Cautiously optimistic about the outcome of the latest Accreditation visit. Surprised that the emphasis of visiting team was on SLOs and not on Planning and Budgeting. According to A. Spor, the visiting team was given three-week notice before the visit to ECC. The focus was on SLOs because they thought that was area most important to focus on.
  2. 2010 – 2011 Planning Guidelines direct everyone to plan for a three percent cut in general fund discretionary accounts. Need to find ways to provide the best services we can with the resources we have.
  3. BP 5500 and AP 5520 and 5530 were presented to Board for first reading this past Monday.
  4. High School Principals’ Breakfast was not well-attended maybe because it was held right after a holiday. Need to select better date and time.

Group Reports

Student Development (C. Vakil-Jessop)

  1. Will dedicate December 1st staff meeting to discuss 2010-11 plans.
  2. SLOs are complete for 2008. Completed Fall 2009 assessments but haven’t seen data yet. SLOs: participation in student government will 1) increase knowledge of parliamentary procedures and 2) increase citizenship and community awareness.
  3. Alpha Gamma Sigma processed 140 memberships plus 20 for Cabinet positions. 10 students attended AGS Southern Regional Conference in Pasadena. Club earned $500 at Halloween Car Wash fund raiser to help pay for costs to attend spring state-wide convention. Participated in Homecoming and blood drive and will be involved in Children’s Holiday Party in December.
  4. 34 students enrolled in Student Leadership class on principles of leadership and campus involvement, taught by Jeannine Barba. Class final group presentation: “Ways to Improve El Camino College.” Jeannine also teaches off-campus high school class to 20 students on the Redondo Beach Youth Commission.
  5. Discipline: held two hearing panels and had 34 student discipline cases since 10/16/09.
  6. Activities Center may close after December 18th due to staff vacations. Photo ID service would not be available after December 18th due to lack of funding.

Outreach & School Relations (J. Ortiz)

  1. So far, there are six Spring 2010 high school classes scheduled at City Honors, South Torrance, Serra, and St. Mary’s. There is a possibility that Compton Center will teach classes at CAMS, Serra, and Carson.
  2. Scheduling spring testing dates; already testing at Redondo High.
  3. Set up easel outside of CTO office and posted information about MyECC, campus email, and new fee payment policy. Will monitor to see if students stop to read information.
  4. Updating Outreach web page. The new web page will be accessed at new link: services/outreach. Website will cover more Outreach than high school information.
  5. Working on planning for 2010-11 and hoping the ambassador program will continue. A. Spor said it looks like it will.
  6. It is not known if Outreach will have counselors in spring. A. Spor said President Fallo would like to have some counselors at the high schools. Ambassadors are well-received at the high schools.
  7. Printed SLO surveys. We were assessing ECC information sessions only, but now provide pre- and post-tests for students at ECC information tables. Including feedback from high schools for SLO assessment for more diversity.
  8. Working with Joe Holiday and Darrell Thompson from Honors Transfer Program. Since HTP does not have an outreach budget, they are requesting for ambassadors to act as HTP representatives at the high schools.

Assessment/Testing (L. Garcia)

  1. Math competency test update: using new version where counselor decides which test student should take. Option is based on catalog rights; the old version (Math 40) is for continuing students and the new version (Math 70) for new students. Will notify all counselors at both campuses of update through email.
  2. Working with Sheryl Kunisaki from LRC on SLO – helping students to pass Ability to Benefit (ATB) test by reviewing before taking test. ATB will not be changed until Testing receives diagnostic in January – coordinating with LRC.
  3. Students from other schools who want to take tests at ECC are asked to ensure the tests are same tests required by their school.

Financial Aid (D. Kyte)

  1. All SLO posters are posted: two in the hallway display case, entrance and exits. Have not been discussing SLOs in staff meetings; trying to get back to discussing regularly at least once a month. One SLO assessment was due Spring 2009. Have not seen results yet – will find out if completed. Second SLO focuses on SAP policies. SAP letters and brochures have been mailed to 9,000 students. SAP brochures were created to help educate students on the SAP policies. According to A. Spor, Hortense Cooper is working to revise the minimum 1.75 GPA minimum to 2.0 which might reduce the number of SAP letters. Another SLO relates to financial aid online orientation and the different ways and number of times students collect information using online resources. Will collect online assessment surveys.
  2. November 12th was the loan deadline. Accepting a few late applications.
  3. Seen an increase in BOG applications for winter session – students coming from other colleges.
  4. Next week, students will be able to apply online for the Sallie Mae Debit Master Card to use for Spring 2010. Flyers announcing the debit cards were distributed to faculty and posted around campus to notify students.

Career Placement (P. Kawashiri)

  1. Career Placement is happy to be back with Enrollment Services. C. Lee is advocate for the department’s needs.
  2. Veteran’s Day job fair was cancelled due to poor employer and faculty representation and timing with the holiday. Upcoming planned fairs include the Green Job and Technology Fair, Career Expo and Majors Fair. Business Career and Majors Fair is rescheduled to May 2010.
  3. John Weitzel conducted two workshops (Internships and Job Skills, Search, Resumes and Interviews) for EOPS last October. Tech Go Green workshop enlightened students on Green opportunities. John attended the Career Placement Association conference. Forty-four employers were present at the Annual Job and Internship Fair. Industry & Technology held a fair on November 18th represented by eleven employers.
  4. October data: 317computer job searches; 17 resume assistance; 6 fax service; 124 new job postings; 22 new employer contacts; 2 students hired; 198 staff phone calls and emails.
  5. Attended OMNI training to update web site.
  6. Foster Care will move to an office in Career Placement. Foster Care’s old office will become a computer lab for Financial Aid students.

ASO/ICC (B. Bond)

  1. Five ICC and five ASO members attended the CCCSAA Student Leadership Conference on October 16th-18th in Sacramento. Assemblyman Ted Lieu’s office arranged for a guided tour of State Capitol building.
  2. 297 units of blood were collected from the ICC Blood Drive on October 13th, 14th, & 15th. The South Pacific Islander Club had the most donors with 97 units of blood.
  3. Homecoming events: Pep rally was held on November 3rd. There were 11 entries in the club banner contest. There were 11 candidates for king and queen - both winners were from the Tailor Made club.
  4. SSCCC Student Senate for Community Colleges held a general assembly on November 6-8th. Voting on various resolutions supported by ASO, including amending FAFSA to allow students under age 24 to prove independent status with documentation.
  5. ASO co-sponsored distribution of 100 doses of H1N1 vaccines on November 16th – 77 of the 100 doses were given to students in high risk categories. Expecting more doses – supposed to receive 2,300 doses.
  6. ASO passed the Student Health Services resolution to have the Health Center open in the summer. Joshua Casper will bring forward the resolution to College Council. Students support the resolution, but the Health Center needs to provide costs involved. Will need to know how much is funded by student fees and how much is provided by state funds.
  7. No date yet set for ASO fundraiser at CPK.
  8. ASO Director of Finance position (appointed) and Trustee position (special election on December 8th and 9th) are open due to removal and resignation. If necessary, a runoff for the special election would be on December 12th, 13th, and 14th.

Meeting ended at: 956 a.m.