Central City School District #133 March 17, 2009

Central City School District #133 Board of Education met in regular session on March 17, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the school library. President Altenbaumer called the meeting to order. The following members were present: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. Rick Starr arrived at 7:25 p.m. No member was absent.

Motion was made by Justin Maas and seconded by Victoria Benjamin to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 17, 2009 as read. On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Arland Speidel and seconded by Justin Maas to approve the Treasurer and Superintendent’s reports and to approve payment of bills and payroll as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.

The following visitors were recognized: Jeff Mashburn, Kristin Rueter, Deb Beckmeyer and Renee Gerdes.

The board discussed installing the new basketball goals on the outside playground and new lunch trays.

Mrs. Gerdes informed the board about the cancellation of the recycling program. She is currently looking for another company to take over the recycling.

Motion was made by Justin Maas and seconded by Julie Miller to allow the Superintendent to prepare an amended budget for the 2008-2009 school year. On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Rick Starr, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Rick Starr and seconded by Victoria Benjamin to approve the amended 2008-2009 school calendar as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Rick Starr, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.

The board discussed the proposed 2009-2010 school calendar.

Motion was made at 7:40 p.m. by Justin Maas and seconded by Rick Starr to go into executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5ILCS 120/(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057 and student disciplinary cases. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(9). On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Rick Starr, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.

Motion was made at 8:10 p.m. by Rick Starr and seconded by Arland Speidel to come out of executive session and resume the regular meeting. On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Rick Starr, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Justin Maas and seconded by Arland Speidel to approve the Seniority lists for Certified Staff and Teacher Aides as presented. On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Rick Starr, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Arland Speidel and seconded by Justin Maas to grant tenure to Mrs. Renee Gerdes. On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Rick Starr, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Justin Maas and seconded by Julie Miller to retain the following untenured teachers: Ms. Debra Schlau, Mrs. Misty Johannes, Mrs. Kristin Rueter and Mr. Mike Dunbar. On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Rick Starr, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Julie Miller and seconded by Justin Maas to honorably dismiss the following Teacher Aides: Becky Weaver, Nelly Sanders, Norveta Wright, Janelle Miller, Penny Brooks, Robyn Morris, Vickie Brown, Shanea McReaken and Sara Runyon. On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Rick Starr, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Victoria Benjamin and seconded by Julie Miller to honorably dismiss Mrs. Patricia Pracht. On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Rick Starr, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.

Mr. Branon reported on the following items:

1.  Title Monies increased.

2.  Illinois Textbook Loan order has been completed.

3.  Image Architects have sent plans regarding the Sidewalk/Water issue.

4.  New bus tires purchased for busses.

5.  Spring Carnival will be held on Saturday, April 4th.

6.  Insurance quotes.

7.  ISAT Testing.

8.  Track team.

9.  Earth Day Clean-up scheduled for April 22nd.

10.  Baseball shed proposal.

Motion was made at 8:45 p.m. by Arland Speidel and seconded by Justin Maas to adjourn the meeting. On a roll call vote the following members voted aye: Tom Altenbaumer, Arland Speidel, Rick Starr, Julie Miller, Victoria Benjamin, Justin Maas and Mike Altenbaumer. No member or members voted nay. Motion carried.


Secretary President

