UDRS Meeting Minutes

September 30, 2009


-  Everything is going very well

-  Please get flu shot because Public Safety is paying for it

o  We have first priority for H1N1 vaccine

-  Family Weekend Picnic was a success

o  Thank you to Rosie for organizing it

o  I really enjoyed meeting and talking to parents

-  Received an e-mail about a squad member who helped a person in need while off shift

o  Anna Henry great job

-  Stay safe and take care of ambulance because we don’t have money to replace it


-  Class members

o  2 quit

o  Overall Mike Czajka is doing a great job and thank you to everyone for helping him

-  Garage trash cans

o  Don’t put food in ambulance garage garbage cans because it is supposed to be used for medical things

-  Promotions

o  Congratulations Tim Michael for getting promoted to Crew Chief

-  Commendations

o  Liz Markus for run report of the month

o  Tim Michael for the great job he has done with softball

o  Liz Markus and Paul Adams for helping Mike with the class


-  TB Tests

o  Will be contacting people who still need to get it done so please make an appointment if you haven’t already

-  New Drivers Licenses

o  If you just turned 21 or got a new license please make a copy and put in Molly’s mailbox


-  Run reports

o  looking really good recently so keep up the good work

-  Passed inspection

-  Pt Confidentiality

o  please be careful as inspector checked all run reports

-  Sanitization

o  new sheet in binder for non-scheduled sanitizations (Ex: major bleeding)


-  Updates on availability

o  Please let me know if your schedule has changed

-  OOS for fall break

o  Out of Service from October 7th at 4:30pm to Sunday October 11th overnight (10pm)

-  Let me know if you haven’t had an overnight

o  Trying to even these out so everyone has a chance

-  Online Scheduling System

o  The original one isn’t going to work so I am trying a new one

o  I will send e-mail updates


-  Skill of the week

o  CC initial sheet in binder

o  Please do this especially with new class members

-  Training calls coming

o  Scheduled to take place the weekend after fall break

o  Sign-ups in squad house


-  Use red washer on 02 tanks

o  Red washer stays on or it leaks

-  Watch for oil on garage floor

o  We are checking oil level every week

o  If you notice large amounts leaking please let Ryan or James know


-  Working on discount card

o  Doesn’t look like it’s going to work as companies will not respond

o  Any ideas for fundraising let Scott know


-  Oct 16th Haunted House at Kings Island

o  $21.99 for the night from 7pm-1am (We are going to try to get there right at 7pm)

o  Sign-up sheet at house

o  We are purchasing all the tickets at same time

o  Oct. 12th is the deadline to turn in money in an envelope in Rosie’s mailbox

-  Oct 31st Halloween Celebration

o  Take place during the day through the early evening

o  Mentor-mentee focus but everyone is invited

o  Wear your costume!

o  We will be having a chili cook-off with prizes and play games

o  Potluckà sign-ups to bring food in the squad house


-  Meet with your Mentee

-  Ride Alongs/Clinicals

o  talk to mentee to see if they need a ride

o  Get on them about getting this scheduled so they can take the National Registry earlier

-  Lab Review 27th/28th

o  8 class members each night

o  please sign up in squad house

-  Art street review Nov 6th @ 6pm

o  Please sign up to help as we have the room from 6pm-midnight

o  We will order pizza


-  CPR classes

o  Thank you to Sunday crews for remembering to check AEDs

o  Please spread the word about signing up for CPR classes